The Myth of Rejection

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
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I know the boat a lot of you are in. You get shut down for one reason or another, and you think "What did I do wrong?" or "Why am I not good enough?" Macho keyboard jockeying aside, I think we can all admit to being there at one point.

I'm coaching a buddy of mine. He used to be a total AFC, just like I was. He's doing much better now. However, one thing he needs to improve is that every step along the way, he is analyzing what he does. On one hand, this is great. Honest self-analysis the only way you're going to learn from the past. But on the other hand, it can really hinder your ability to move on after a ho says "no."

First of all, as mentioned in several other threads, you have no idea what is going on in her life right now. Her parents could have just died in a car accident, she may have a great man, or a million other scenarios could exist where she will brush you off - and these scenarios have nothing to do with your quality as a man.

Also, she may have just shown you that she is a shi**y catch. My attitude is, "Oh? You're a b*tch? Thanks for letting me know so I didn't waste any more time with you. I can move on to other friendlier women." The same thing applies to flakey women, dishonest women, etc.

Lastly, she has shown she is not good at judging character. This has nothing to do with you. A fool can throw away a diamond, thinking it to be a useless stone. That doesn't make the diamond any less of a diamond. She has just shown you that she is a fool. Move on.

It doesn't matter how much of a pimp you are - you will get shot down plenty. Thank them for not wasting any more of your time and move on. :up:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Agreed. But only to a point.

If you react to every girl who rejects you with "she must be a lesbian" then you are being delusional and narcissistic.

If a guy gets rejected 20 times out of 20 approaches, it's him not the girl.
Brad Pitt would not get rejected thi many times no matter what the girls were going through.

You can either 1) lower your standards or 2) get plastic surgery and work out. There are tons of AFCs out there who are just unattractive to women. They can either change or keep jerking off. The way they are now won't pull chicks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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If Brad Pitt wasn't rich and famous and had no game and was a BETA I can see him getting rejected 20 out of 20 time, He is not that good looking, No homo


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I wouldn't focus too much on the "She might be having a bad day" reason or something like that. Sure that happens, but I think it's a small percentage of the rejections.

Assuming she is single, most rejections are due to looks, age, height, race, perceived lack of money, lack of status, etc. with the looks being the single most common reason.

But I do completely agree with the diamond analogy paragraph. The guy might still be a catch with great character, but she is either a poor judge of character or more likely, as is with most women, character is near the bottom of her list lol.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Mike32ct said:
Assuming she is single, most rejections are due to looks, age, height, race, perceived lack of money, lack of status, etc. with the looks being the single most common reason.

But I do completely agree with the diamond analogy paragraph. The guy might still be a catch with great character, but she is either a poor judge of character or more likely, as is with most women, character is near the bottom of her list lol.
When men start pursuing women without regard to "looks, age, height, race, perceived lack of money, lack of status, etc." this argument will mean something.

We do the same thing.

Own it.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
Yup f*ck a smart loving woman I want a hb10 round ass Latina that gives mind blowing heads idc bout the rest.:crazy:


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
I would have to agree. If they don't like you, so be it, it's not worth any further analysis, just move on. The entitlement of women today is through the roof. They want what they want, you as well want want you want. That's cool, you can't please em all.

Analyze when your car's engine is not working, or your rocket doesn't make it to space, but not when a woman rejects you. That shıt is futile.