AFAIC, all women have hidden agendas. :woo:
A woman can have a man whenever she wants. She can get sex whenever she wants. She ALWAYS chooses her love and sex life. Men somewhat have this luxury. And they don't care about hurting your feelings. :box:
If you think your princess is in another castle, she usually is.
AFAIC Women don't genuinely fall in love, men do. An exciting romance in a man's mind is business as usual in a woman's mind.
Women want that all-in-one package. Has a slim to none existence. But she Here's a partial breakdown.
1. The Handsome hunk to f**k her brains out and be her arm candy.
2. The rich man to provide for her child when #1 knocks her up.
3. The personal trainer from LA Fitness to get her body right.
4. The geek who can fix her broken iphone.
5. The thug who can protect her (by totin' Uzi's)
6. The mechanic who can fix her car when it breaks down.
7. The nice guys who spend money on her while she doesn't put out for them.
8. The guy who can up her status because he has lots of it.
It's obvious that the price of love, sex, and companionship is high as hell, and even women in their 50's have lots of choosing power. Far more than what they did in the 90's.
Women are far more shallow than men, especially these days. Entitlement issues are at an all time high. :kick:
It's what I've been seeing lately.