The Missing Link to It All.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
To man, there exists 2 components, 2 pieces that comprise the whole. One without the other will make life incredibly difficult. But with both, amplified to their maximum potential, there isn't stopping what you can do.

The greatest of the greats understand and maximize these 2 parts of their being.

Tiger Woods.
Bill Gates.
Brad Pitt.
Tom Brady.
Donald Trump.
Hugh Hefner.
Tommy Lee.
Will Smith.
Bill Clinton.
Rudolph Guliani.

I could on, but anyone you know of who produces noteworthy results, has these 2 essential pieces understood, and consequently MAXIMIZED.

The first piece is TESTOSTERONE. MAN HOOD.

Understand that, by virtue of having testosterone and the male genital organs that constantly produce testosterone, YOU ARE A MAN.

There's not levels of man, nor are there any type of gradations of man. One man is not alpha, while one man is beta. YOU ARE A MAN, under God, under government, under society, under your friends, family, and even by women. YOU ARE A MAN. Stop all analysis right there. Don't try to detect HOW much Testosterone you have, don't try to imitate your pitbull.

Understand, believe, and know, I am man, I complete woman.

Utilize that piece of thinking, and just stop. Don't grade yourself against other men, don't try to rank yourself and find a woman who fits that specific breakdown. YOU ARE A MAN. YOU carry BALLS around, now use them. YOU GIVE and RECEIVE PLEASURE.

Other factors inherent with TESTOSTERONE AND BEING A MAN ARE

You see, Testosterone and Estrogen DEFINE what we are, but NOT who we are. That piece I will deliver in a moment. An analogy to this would be...Testosterone and Estrogen decide what direction you go in, this SECOND piece define WHERE YOU GO. Up or down. Left or right. North or South. Success or Failure.

The second pice is Self-Image.
HOW we SEE ourselves.

You see, the greatest of the greats, SEE themselves as great, unique, capable, and all possess personal power. They realize THEY have power, but what is that power?

For instance, many people say...

I can't do that.
I can't afford that.
I can't go there.
She won't like me.
I can't sell that.

Such statements GIVE away power. They put the Power in someone else's hands or something else's lap. It's not...

You can't afford it, you WON'T afford it because you don't want to THINK about how you might find a way to do so. If you want a new large screen TV, and it's right now out of your budget consider the following...
-Getting a job @ Best Buy for the discount.
-Find a friend who has a discount.
-Selling your useless junk on ebay.
-Cutting expenses.
-Increasing your income, through a raise.
-Getting a part-time job, or home-based business.
-Bartering for goods.
-Asking an electronic retailer if they have floor models for sale.
-Going online to buy it @ discount.

In reality, when you end your thinking, you end your possibilities. Truly.

Your self-image is HOW you see yourself. And ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, you try to learn that is NOT in accordance with that will fail. Why do you think Motivational tapes, books, and speaking are so hot?

You NEED to motivate a person to accept something that is not in concert with they truly are. Why is that? Because our self-image, which is in fact our CORE personality system of beliefs, images, fears, experiences, and strengths has been hypnotized and programmed into believing a certain way. Until you CHANGE THAT, nothing new will get through.

Here's an example...Let's say you've been programmed ALL your years into being a typical AFC. Respect women. They're princesses. Fragile babies. They don't like sex. Give them gifts. Standing up for yourself or acting sexual is rude. (Insert any non-male action or feeling here.)

Then, one day, you venture to this site and see all the WONDERULF postings. YEAH! I am going to be male! I am going to Succeed and Lay women! I am going to be AGGRESSIVE, and ALPHA, and DOMINANT! I am going to get HUGE, and learn MARTIAL ARTS, and RIDE BIKES, and get TATTOOS! Women will get WET on first SIGHT! Look out ladies.

Then, you get out there...and CRASH AND BURN. You're told, DO MORE, it will get easier. And it will, TO ACCEPT REJECTION, but you have YET to change the result, which is getting MORE WOMEN. You've put off all other duties. Now, you spend crazy money on clothes, cologne, pheromones, hair cuts, rims, belts, shoes, CD's, metrosexual books, jackets, tanning, waxing. The list is endless, but you want to be a GOD armed with the most LETHAL information available.

And what happens...?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

You created the image of a Don Juan, PUA, or other stud, but once she, or you approach, it's all fake. It doesn't work does it? You tried...

Speed Seduction
Neg Hits
Being Natural/Accepting Yourself
Being Smooth
(Fill in theories, approaches, etc)

BUT, and this is big, because on a deeper level you have not REPROGRAMMED yourself, no new information can stick. Your self-image, self-confidence is SO LOW, you don't believe, no matter what it is, in your ability to do ANYTHING.

Here is where I am coming from when I, and many others suggest, GETTING YOURSELF RIGHT. Very few, if any guru who wants you to pay them at least $19.95 and up to $3,000 for their seminar will tell you this.

You see, of your whole self-image, women only comprise one module, or one zone of your life. You can't be successful with women, but be unsuccessful elsewhere. You CAN choose to be a bum in life with loads of potential and not use it, and lay tons of girls, but it's entirely impossible to be super needy, lacking in your self confidence, and downright unresourceful, and THEN go try to meet a girl.

ALL my friends who have INFORMATION VIRUSES programmed into their brains create results that demonstrate in all avenues of life, they are hurting.

Until I got this in a backward sort of way, I didn't GET IT. I went out, sometime when I was in college, after a long relationship and said..."I am going to meet girls whenever I want. I'll date whoever I want, whenever I want. Forget this relationship stuff, forget it all. I'll devote myself to creating the skills needed to grow into a PUA." I went balls to the wall, too. I read, ate, breathed, and digested all INFORMATION pertaining to women, approaching, sex, etc.

Then...I'd go use it. Jammed up and excited, I'd have luck in a few minutes, get a decent number or she'd approach, but then what? What of my college degree? What of my interests? What do I do when any girl is not there? Where do I take her on dates if I am broke? What about a future with an incredible woman? If a girl can have any man, then being a total jerk, as well as a total loser, is not a win/win. How do I fix this?

I went to work on my life, myself, my friends, my relationships, my work, my interests, and all I could. I started, and still work, on the inside going out. I looked at WHO I wanted to be in total and worked backwards, and still do so, each and everyday.

Self-image is comprised of what we think, or believe in ourselves. Let's say you believe you aren't good with girls, would ANYTHING I say change that. NO!

But what if you possess the following...
-A flare for style.
-A sense of great humor, as demonstrated by your friends.
-Captivating looks.
-People skills.
-Activity ability, i.e. sports.

Well, you HAVE the ability, now you must DEMONSTRATE the choice to utilize that. You see, just because YOU believe you are one way, you're not necessarily THAT way. Only, over the years, experiences, situations, people, peers, and outcomes have LEAD you to believe that way. The results have been compounded, and hypnotized you into that belief. You built your self-image on shaky columns, and now, we can rebuild it.

This is why negative programming, such as TV, news, media, books, magazines, peers, co-workers, friends, family, society can wreak havoc on a person. When you give up your power to choose, you give into their POWER. You give into their beliefs. You give into their system and cease to live your own life.

In summary a few things.
By virtue of having testosterone, you are a male.
Self-image is the other piece to this 2 part puzzle. Unless you correct that, and go to work on yourself in a positive dimension, nothing said will stick. the next part, we can begin covering some ways you can work on your self-image in a logical manner so that you can start making progress.




Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
nice post, but where is the next part?


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Making the most of MY life
Great post
So basically work on improving yourself and you will have success with women ?
And can you explain this testostorone thing, is it basically proving we are all men?
Do you have AIM?


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by jiza101
Great post
So basically work on improving yourself and you will have success with women ?
And can you explain this testostorone thing, is it basically proving we are all men?
Do you have AIM?
we need to get off this motivation topic and start discussing some specific stratagems

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Very much looking forward to the next part


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
I have used this forum for almost three years now and I am very thankful for it, but the one thing I hate the most is how much recycling of knowledge there is. My motto on posting is: "If it ain't fresh, don't post it." Nice try though, now get out into the world and use that stuff.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Part II

Working from the Core, not the Circumference.

Many of the techniques, motivational tools, tapes, sexual tactics, and programs seek to work on the outside, not the inside. However, without an inward approach, you're merely piece-mealing the entire system.

From a person perspective...I believe there are principles that work, but I also believe each and every situation requires our unique ability. As stated before, you can assume any tip you want anytiime, and Lord knows there's plenty of them, but I have always had the most fun and best experiences using my own personality, my creative interests, and my own style when fiinding girls I like and getting things to a sexual point. That's what we're dialing in on, how do we become that person.


This is perhaps one of the most important methods when starting anew. Visualization enables you to PREhearse any situation you can conjure up.

For instance, in selling situations, top salesmen will mentally rehearse their presentation, their speech, rejections, acceptances, and many other facets. I personally try this all the time, rehearsing what, who, where, why, when, how. I don't do this in place of ACTUALLY doing it, BUT you have infinitely MORE confidence when you play out in mental form the possibilities arising from any situation.

Ask any athlete what they do prior to any shot, any swing, any hit. Studies have conclusively proven, that you can garner as MUCH success from DOING something as you can from IMAGING and PREhearsing a situation.

In addition, this is DeHypnotizing you from the years of Hynpotizing you have undergone from trolls, TV, negative experiences, poor teaching, and bad advice. We are using the greatest tool in YOUR FAVOR.

So once a day, take 30 minutes to PREhearse situations in your mind, such as a party, or a test, or meeting a girl while walking to class, or different situations. In all honesty, nearly every situation I can think of, I have played out, and this has given me the mental tools, the ON the JOB tools, necessary to succeed in a given situation.

You see, we are INSTALLING mentally the traits you need to make plans. Instead of asking the question posed on the board, set to work on your mind to conceive of the answer. Lie down in a quiet location with dim lighting, possibly soothing music where you will be focused on something of personal concern. Now, don't fall asleep. Actually try to visualize what it is that you desire to do. I do this quite often, and when I focus, I don't pass out. If you're not focusing, you'll pass out.

Learning new words, new concepts, and a new language.

No, not a foreign language, but that would help, too. We need to learn a new source of programming for the mind. You see, those people kept at poverty level only have been kept that way because they only UNDERSTAND one line of thinking. Thinking is what holds a person back. Thinking, and thinking alone, will determine how far you go.

Not just any thinking. We need to reprogram mental thoughts. I don't particularly care where you begin this leg, David Deangelo talks about it in his program when he covers "limiting beliefs." He also references a book I own called Mind Lines.

If you have a brain and care about growing personally, professionally, and emotionally, you'll do yourself a favor and LEARN about how questions and answers actually deconstruct your line of thinking.

This, in essence, will not only help you with women, their bullshyt, and relationships, but also with your family, friends, and professionally. In addition, it works immensely well in selling situations, business, and anywhere you have human contact. On the first case, it enables you to erase the beliefs holding you back. And in the second case, you learn to build some pretty powerful persuasion and conversational skills.

To really reconstruct a New Self-Image, we must install a new one and erase old beliefs. We have thus far cover 2 VERY important and Powerful skills, useful NOW, and in the FUTURE.

This is Part II. Work on those and we'll add more, either as other DJ's hop on board, or as I can post more useful pieces to this.

The next layer you could consider is


This is the third layer and also gets deeper into who we are. It has several benefits:

1. You build a new self-image at the deepest layers of the subconscious being.
2. You learn how to speak in a fashion that is VERY powerful in conveying ideas.
3. You learn to recognize hypnotic activities in life and break them down, preventing your own submission to them.

Enough time under ANY situation that lulls you in someway to a predetermined goal is consider hypnosis. Constantly watching images on TV of people fighting on Jerry Springer, parents fighting, friends arguing in a relationship, and even our own poor relationships can lead you to believe:

*Relationships suck and they don't work.
*The world is a miserable place.
*Why bother.

I would say, there's many resources for the above steps:
-Your local library.
-Anthony Robbins.
-Bandler & Grinder.
-David Deangelo.

What has to be said is...if you're not surrounded by the type of people/person you want to be, go recruit them by researching them, contacting such people online, forming mastermind groups, purchasing books, and the like.

What underlies the most successful athletes is not their athletic ability, because THERE exist far more gifted people, either stronger, faster, quicker, tougher. BUT, at such a young age, they were granted the belief they are special, AND THEREFORE, sought to use what they had in a focused way.

Tiger Woods, whom I watched, and stood but 2 feet from this weekend started golf at 2 years old. Yes, he started young, but even more important was not Nature, but Nurture. There were golfers bigger, stronger, taller, and those who could putt better, but for those who know hi, or even Vijay Singh, what are they BEST known for?

Their mental toughness.
Their dedication to perfecting themselves.
Constant practice.

I, and no other person on this site can do that for you. I can outlay the strategies for doing that, but I can't make you do them, or believe them. That comes from realizing that, if you're NOT getting the results you want, shouldn't you go after results that probably DO work?

I'll tell ya point blank, underneath all the muck and mug that has been built up from bad programming exists the lay-machine you desire to be. Find it. Dig for it. And work on it. If you go to work on yourself and your life, you'll get there.




Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Part III.

When you solve the "inner game", the outer game isn't there. Why? Because it's all inner game. It's all mental mastery. It's all about how frame things and handle people and word phrases. As I once a confident, self-controlled person, you can SAY anything to a girl and not sound AFC, it's HOW you say it that matters. Consequently, give a weak, timid person, who still is held back by previous fears, or a previous life, even armed with the best in the game, and he won't deliver it right, or at the right time ecetera.

Get some style.

I can't put the clothes on you. But I can tell you "What" helps.
Don't miss this point. Never understood, but this makes ALL the difference. It sets the "theme" for your outfit. You can make something as classy or as casual as you want based on WHAT you wear.
Spend some money here. If you're used to paying $25, go to $60. If you pay $60, go to $100. Sounds ridiculous, but we're trying to win the game before its even played. I've had many girls tell me they liked me and I set an impression on them BEFORE even talking to them, and I'd wait weeks before even bothering to chat. By then, the deal was sealed, all that had to happen was a date.
Same goes with above. Spend MORE $$. Not only personally, but professionally. Image DOES help. In business, would you deal with the guy who wears Armani suits, or Sears? Same with clothing. Here, you wear what fits YOUR body style and overall style. Buy magazines, watch stars, use your creativity on yourself. If you've got it, flaunt it.
*Colognes and Body sprays.
It pays to have a few of them. Personal colognes work well, but I vary the scents, because women respond to different smells. Moreover, I get bored, and 4-5 last longer than just 1. By using certain ones, you can get a feel for which ones a particular girl reacts to.
*Facial washes & Hair Shampoos.
Find a girl, or gay guy, that will give you the in's. Oil of Olay facial wash helps best here. No oil and works wonder overnight. Very cheap, and even useful when shaving. For shampoo, take the time to make a regular hairstylist wherever you are. I did this, and pays dividends. Not only do you get a cute girl to practice with, but she'll become your person "confidante". If something is amiss, she'll let you know what to do.
*Personal Grooming.
Get those eyebrows done regularly. A girl that takes care of herself will notice that quite easily and won't appreciate it. So nip it in the bud before it occurs. Also, shaving. Nobody said you can't have a gottee, or some scruff for a few days, but don't look like you've just returned from the Wildnerness after a 1 year hiatus. I buy the New Mach 3's and stick with whatever shaving cream works for that moment. Just consider your face and ask around for what works. Experiment here.

Always go with the concept of trying to win the game before it's played. And since most of it is mental, practice that regularly. It takes alot failures to get success, but for those that have succeeded incredibly, you NEVER hear about their failures, but they have.

*Babe Ruth struck out as much as anyone, but also hit the most home-runs.
*Tiger Woods has lost many tournaments as he has won, because he's THAT good.
*Abraham Lincoln lost in almost everything UNTIL his Presidency, that includes business and politics.




Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by eniktin
we need to get off this motivation topic and start discussing some specific stratagems
Once you get motivated to actually talk to women, you realize (very quickly, I might add) that you don't need 'stratagems' in order to succeed. This isn't chess. This isn't football. This is what human beings have been doing for eons. This is what 95% of the male population knows how to do instinctively, and what is only impossible for those who lack the confidence to try it, and those who have over-analyzed their instincts away.

Originally posted by raven_82
I have used this forum for almost three years now and I am very thankful for it, but the one thing I hate the most is how much recycling of knowledge there is. My motto on posting is: "If it ain't fresh, don't post it." Nice try though, now get out into the world and use that stuff.
This may surprise some (and definitely anger many), but I want to point out something very important: there is a finite amount of knowledge that's useful on this topic. Most of what is useful has already been posted here, so an original post would be nothing more than useless conjecture.

A-Unit's post is over-analysis, but most of it is also valid. If you read it, and take the advice in it, you'll experience more success with women. Period.

That's why posts like this make me laugh. Traffic on this forum won't go down one iota. The nerds at this site will still be begging for help on their inner game, unwilling to do the actual work needed to improve themselves. They'll also still be begging for help on techniques and tricks, despite the fact that it really matters less what you say, and more how you say it. Despite its validity, despite its potential usefulness, in the end it's a completely worthless article, not because of its own merits, but because of what readers (won't) do with it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Right on.

Yes, Frankie, I do tend to overanalyze some things. But for me, it was how I broke the game into pieces to reassemble myself. I had to "learn" that it wasn't tactics, or techniques, or even strategies that worked, it was the ability to see opportunity and take it. Only a highly trained warrior (or DJ) can see that.

I try to piecemeal even my own friends, but the more I dig deeper, the more I realize it's a subterranean problem, and not just the pick up line, approach, or handling of the situation.

In truth, also, I know that any advice is valuable if you can garner just one nugget from it. If it helps ALL other stuff click, then it was a valid bit of advice. If not, so be it.

Because life is fluid, and so full of motion, HAVING to think when you're on the spot is deadly with women. You can't be analytical with a girl, especially if we're talking sex here. You have to stack the odds in your favor with control of your inner game and person, and then just learn WHAT sort of traits work and WHAT don't.

I personally find it almost laughable when I post something about a 'specific girl' because by the time an answer is made valid, it's too late. The issue has passed. Furthermore, I am a person who likes be armed with the ability to handle anything, so I reject most things from other people. Sure, I review alot of the guru's stuff and then adapt it to my game, but I always found that when I took something somewhere else, I had to rehearse it to perfection to be my own. I had to visualize it in action and work through it. To me, KNOWING the answer wasn't fun.

So I go at all this with the attitude of...
*It's life, you're not getting out alive.
*If it don't kill you, then you're all the stronger.
*Women love men who put themselves in those positions to test themselves.
*Enjoy YOUR moments and screw what people say.

I can't give a specific tactic, but I have studied NLP, Hypnosis, Visualization, Motivational Speaking, PU, Lay Guides, C&F, and even passed through college to know it's way more fun to WORK on me, become who I want, and enjoy EVERY situation in the way I want. And I know, if I become who I wanted, then women will accept me or reject me. End of story. But it's way more fun when you're trained, than when you ask for answers.

Thanks for the Post up, Frankie. I wasn't digging, just explaining my position on where I hail from.




Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Your cursed.

Go home.

Oh and good post overall

I mean it's no groundbreaking platinum selling Pook or Gunwitch thread. However, for all intents and purposes, this serves as great information for new DJs.

Also I recommend reading up on the board to look for posts itching on your fingertips, but already posted. lmao

good job man


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2001
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Originally posted by Frankie
Despite its validity, despite its potential usefulness, in the end it's a completely worthless article, not because of its own merits, but because of what readers (won't) do with it.
I am not saying that this isn't any useful info on the forum, I am just saying that it is just that, all info. While I have learned have learned an immense amount of skills in this area from experience, the site and many posts, mostly older posts, keep me in true reality not just my experience and interpretation.

So day I will stop coming back to this site every time a gf dumps me, and I will have to live life on my own. I won't have any articles by pook or life lessons in a bottle, I'll just have me.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
More inert analysis than a MENSA retirement home.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I guess our strong suit wasn't quip phrases left after a post that failed, eh?
