To man, there exists 2 components, 2 pieces that comprise the whole. One without the other will make life incredibly difficult. But with both, amplified to their maximum potential, there isn't stopping what you can do.
The greatest of the greats understand and maximize these 2 parts of their being.
Tiger Woods.
Bill Gates.
Brad Pitt.
Tom Brady.
Donald Trump.
Hugh Hefner.
Tommy Lee.
Will Smith.
Bill Clinton.
Rudolph Guliani.
I could on, but anyone you know of who produces noteworthy results, has these 2 essential pieces understood, and consequently MAXIMIZED.
The first piece is TESTOSTERONE. MAN HOOD.
Understand that, by virtue of having testosterone and the male genital organs that constantly produce testosterone, YOU ARE A MAN.
There's not levels of man, nor are there any type of gradations of man. One man is not alpha, while one man is beta. YOU ARE A MAN, under God, under government, under society, under your friends, family, and even by women. YOU ARE A MAN. Stop all analysis right there. Don't try to detect HOW much Testosterone you have, don't try to imitate your pitbull.
Understand, believe, and know, I am man, I complete woman.
Utilize that piece of thinking, and just stop. Don't grade yourself against other men, don't try to rank yourself and find a woman who fits that specific breakdown. YOU ARE A MAN. YOU carry BALLS around, now use them. YOU GIVE and RECEIVE PLEASURE.
Other factors inherent with TESTOSTERONE AND BEING A MAN ARE
You see, Testosterone and Estrogen DEFINE what we are, but NOT who we are. That piece I will deliver in a moment. An analogy to this would be...Testosterone and Estrogen decide what direction you go in, this SECOND piece define WHERE YOU GO. Up or down. Left or right. North or South. Success or Failure.
The second pice is Self-Image.
HOW we SEE ourselves.
You see, the greatest of the greats, SEE themselves as great, unique, capable, and all possess personal power. They realize THEY have power, but what is that power?
For instance, many people say...
I can't do that.
I can't afford that.
I can't go there.
She won't like me.
I can't sell that.
Such statements GIVE away power. They put the Power in someone else's hands or something else's lap. It's not...
You can't afford it, you WON'T afford it because you don't want to THINK about how you might find a way to do so. If you want a new large screen TV, and it's right now out of your budget consider the following...
-Getting a job @ Best Buy for the discount.
-Find a friend who has a discount.
-Selling your useless junk on ebay.
-Cutting expenses.
-Increasing your income, through a raise.
-Getting a part-time job, or home-based business.
-Bartering for goods.
-Asking an electronic retailer if they have floor models for sale.
-Going online to buy it @ discount.
In reality, when you end your thinking, you end your possibilities. Truly.
Your self-image is HOW you see yourself. And ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, you try to learn that is NOT in accordance with that will fail. Why do you think Motivational tapes, books, and speaking are so hot?
You NEED to motivate a person to accept something that is not in concert with they truly are. Why is that? Because our self-image, which is in fact our CORE personality system of beliefs, images, fears, experiences, and strengths has been hypnotized and programmed into believing a certain way. Until you CHANGE THAT, nothing new will get through.
Here's an example...Let's say you've been programmed ALL your years into being a typical AFC. Respect women. They're princesses. Fragile babies. They don't like sex. Give them gifts. Standing up for yourself or acting sexual is rude. (Insert any non-male action or feeling here.)
Then, one day, you venture to this site and see all the WONDERULF postings. YEAH! I am going to be male! I am going to Succeed and Lay women! I am going to be AGGRESSIVE, and ALPHA, and DOMINANT! I am going to get HUGE, and learn MARTIAL ARTS, and RIDE BIKES, and get TATTOOS! Women will get WET on first SIGHT! Look out ladies.
Then, you get out there...and CRASH AND BURN. You're told, DO MORE, it will get easier. And it will, TO ACCEPT REJECTION, but you have YET to change the result, which is getting MORE WOMEN. You've put off all other duties. Now, you spend crazy money on clothes, cologne, pheromones, hair cuts, rims, belts, shoes, CD's, metrosexual books, jackets, tanning, waxing. The list is endless, but you want to be a GOD armed with the most LETHAL information available.
And what happens...?
The greatest of the greats understand and maximize these 2 parts of their being.
Tiger Woods.
Bill Gates.
Brad Pitt.
Tom Brady.
Donald Trump.
Hugh Hefner.
Tommy Lee.
Will Smith.
Bill Clinton.
Rudolph Guliani.
I could on, but anyone you know of who produces noteworthy results, has these 2 essential pieces understood, and consequently MAXIMIZED.
The first piece is TESTOSTERONE. MAN HOOD.
Understand that, by virtue of having testosterone and the male genital organs that constantly produce testosterone, YOU ARE A MAN.
There's not levels of man, nor are there any type of gradations of man. One man is not alpha, while one man is beta. YOU ARE A MAN, under God, under government, under society, under your friends, family, and even by women. YOU ARE A MAN. Stop all analysis right there. Don't try to detect HOW much Testosterone you have, don't try to imitate your pitbull.
Understand, believe, and know, I am man, I complete woman.
Utilize that piece of thinking, and just stop. Don't grade yourself against other men, don't try to rank yourself and find a woman who fits that specific breakdown. YOU ARE A MAN. YOU carry BALLS around, now use them. YOU GIVE and RECEIVE PLEASURE.
Other factors inherent with TESTOSTERONE AND BEING A MAN ARE
You see, Testosterone and Estrogen DEFINE what we are, but NOT who we are. That piece I will deliver in a moment. An analogy to this would be...Testosterone and Estrogen decide what direction you go in, this SECOND piece define WHERE YOU GO. Up or down. Left or right. North or South. Success or Failure.
The second pice is Self-Image.
HOW we SEE ourselves.
You see, the greatest of the greats, SEE themselves as great, unique, capable, and all possess personal power. They realize THEY have power, but what is that power?
For instance, many people say...
I can't do that.
I can't afford that.
I can't go there.
She won't like me.
I can't sell that.
Such statements GIVE away power. They put the Power in someone else's hands or something else's lap. It's not...
You can't afford it, you WON'T afford it because you don't want to THINK about how you might find a way to do so. If you want a new large screen TV, and it's right now out of your budget consider the following...
-Getting a job @ Best Buy for the discount.
-Find a friend who has a discount.
-Selling your useless junk on ebay.
-Cutting expenses.
-Increasing your income, through a raise.
-Getting a part-time job, or home-based business.
-Bartering for goods.
-Asking an electronic retailer if they have floor models for sale.
-Going online to buy it @ discount.
In reality, when you end your thinking, you end your possibilities. Truly.
Your self-image is HOW you see yourself. And ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, you try to learn that is NOT in accordance with that will fail. Why do you think Motivational tapes, books, and speaking are so hot?
You NEED to motivate a person to accept something that is not in concert with they truly are. Why is that? Because our self-image, which is in fact our CORE personality system of beliefs, images, fears, experiences, and strengths has been hypnotized and programmed into believing a certain way. Until you CHANGE THAT, nothing new will get through.
Here's an example...Let's say you've been programmed ALL your years into being a typical AFC. Respect women. They're princesses. Fragile babies. They don't like sex. Give them gifts. Standing up for yourself or acting sexual is rude. (Insert any non-male action or feeling here.)
Then, one day, you venture to this site and see all the WONDERULF postings. YEAH! I am going to be male! I am going to Succeed and Lay women! I am going to be AGGRESSIVE, and ALPHA, and DOMINANT! I am going to get HUGE, and learn MARTIAL ARTS, and RIDE BIKES, and get TATTOOS! Women will get WET on first SIGHT! Look out ladies.
Then, you get out there...and CRASH AND BURN. You're told, DO MORE, it will get easier. And it will, TO ACCEPT REJECTION, but you have YET to change the result, which is getting MORE WOMEN. You've put off all other duties. Now, you spend crazy money on clothes, cologne, pheromones, hair cuts, rims, belts, shoes, CD's, metrosexual books, jackets, tanning, waxing. The list is endless, but you want to be a GOD armed with the most LETHAL information available.
And what happens...?