Welcome to my first post. I discovered this site only a few weeks ago and it has helped me focus and improve TREMENDOUSLY in that time. I am looking forward to becoming a Master ;-}
I thought since this thread was on the subject of "Women's lines and what they REALLY mean", that I would interject with the motivational incident that caused me to seek out this site. What was it you ask? Some things "she" said to me that I just didn't understand. The worst part is she was quite blunt, direct, and CORRECT about them.
Here's how it started:
"I need space"
(pushing me away a bit)
"I have so much going on in my life"
(a bit more)
"I wasn't myself"
(What the fukk was I thinking????)
"You're too nice"
(You're a fukking *****)
"It seems like the only thing you have going on in your life is me"
(You're a complete fukking *****. Back away from me, you give me the heebie-jeebies)
To make a long story short, however, while trying to understand and grasp why she would say such things about me, and whining in my Nice-Guy way about how cruel the world and the women in it were, I came across this site. Specifically the bible.
After reading a couple posts by Pook (Kill That Desperation and Be A Man), I realized that she was RIGHT! All along! I had been whining the Nice-Guy whines and doing all the Nice-Guy things and generally being unsuccessful with women. The only reason I managed to get in THAT particular 7's pants in the first place was because we had been chatting online through another community for some time, and a traumatic event brought us together, and blah blah blah. On my own, I'd have never gotten her.
No more.
Thanks, guys. After some goal building and some self-focus, not to mention a couple weeks of "I don't give a fukk" attitude, I have now had more first dates in the last month than in my entire life before this point. I have had no second dates, and I don't want any for a while. And it seems to drive them crazy ;-}
But, to summ up: I am a very green newbie to this. I hope to post more often as I gain experience, some anecdotes, and success stories. In the meantime, keep it up. This is hands-down THE most valuable internet resource for ME that I have come across yet.