:crackup:Desdinova said:Okay people, what are the things you own or do that show you are a MAN? You know, the things that say "I'm a powerful, strong male being", and the things that smell of testosterone and draw women from a 100 mile radius.
For me, it's working on my 4x4, my house, using my chainsaw and power tools.
1. I work out everyday. I look good, really good.
2. I keep my mind fed with good ideas and concepts.
3. I have fun, I love having fun. I am very active.
4. I have every tool known to man and know how to use them.
5. I also know how to use technology.
6. I am a Man of Principle.
7. I know martial arts and can kick your ass if the need arises that I must defend myself.
8. I have served my country and proud of it, regarless of the current political ideology.
9. I can cook and have taken care of my siblings.
10. I respect myself and others.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture.