The makings of a man

NIR Mondego

New Member
Apr 5, 2008
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Confident people are also less likely to fight.
For example if someone disrespects your GF by grabbing her ass or her boob than you punch his lights out and I don't give a fvck how big he is.
Way to contrdict yourself. I guess punching the dude's lights out doesn't make you very confident, does it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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There's been plenty of these lists around and you could add to them all day. What really makes a man is not any of these things, these are just side effects.

A real man has a balance of education and real experiance.
A real man has a balance of confidence and well being.
A real man has a balance of ethics and intuation.

It's all about balance. Most of these things you listen just come under 'maturity'. After watching the Blueprint I realize that being a real man basically comes down to have a strong 'reality'. Strong beliefs, experiances, morals and most of all - self-belief.

In my opinion being a real man is all in the mind, it has nothing to do with external factors although these usually come with that mindset, and therefore only serve as signposts to the real man within.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Sorry bro gotta agree with t!ttyman.

Spot on as usual.

Some stuff on the list is good but I especially disagree about the raising the kids part of it especially if the b!tch tricked you into getting her pregnant.

My real man list would say that if some chick did that to you do whatever you can to frustrate the legal process of forcing you to pay until she backs off.

Get a job at Mcdonald's so she only gets to steal those wages from you or leave town but basically do whatever you can to avoid paying for that unwanted kid.

If a woman chooses to go through with her pregnancy it should be her responsibility to raise that child that she wanted by herself.

She has options we men don't surrounding this such as getting an abortion or putting the child up for adoption.

If she does not choose one of them and wants to keep the kid anyway it should be her responsibility alone to raise it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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KontrollerX, just wanted to point something out. Sure if she wants to keep the kid, you could say its her problem, but the poor kid isn't the one who had a choice. Punishing the kid for its mother's mistakes, well, don't you think that's a little selfish?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Its selfish for the mother to tell the would be father that she's on the pill or lie in some other way to get pregnant.

Its selfish for the mother to go ahead and not take any steps to prevent pregnancy even after the guy has told her look I don't want any kids.

Its selfish for the mother to raise the child alone when it would be better for the child to have two parents which it could get if she puts it up for adoption but she won't do that because she wants the attention of having a child around, the idea of someone ie a child loving her unconditionally because she is too weak willed to love herself and a convenient and potent excuse to rob a man blind fully supported by the courts and our sick feminized society or maybe she foolishly believes it will play on the man's guilt and make him stay with her raising the child as well taking care of her. She can guilt trip and fool an AFC into this trap but never a real man ie a DJ.

Sorry man it works both ways so your point is moot.