The Loner Image


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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Mjazz said:
Loner is a bad image, unless your actually being productive.
I think the image gets a bad rap because it's often associated with the outcast or misfit,hovering in the corner dispising everyone in sight and contriving some sort of plan for world domination while greedily rubbing his hands together :nervous:

That image is the image of a loser..he may be a loner but only because he's such a freakshow. He may be a loner but at his core desperatly seeks attention and approval.True loners don't care about that stuff.

A true loner is merely someone that enjoys their solitude and doing their own thing.Not always an introvert but I'd assume more likely then not.They are more inner directed and off in their own worlds dreaming or dismantling far off ideas or concepts.Their activities are often solo events and dosen't require a group or another person.I grew up a loner but I knew tons of people and was that guy that always had a girlfriend,though it would sometimes stump people why I would rather stay in and play Nintendo on the weekends or go to the movies alone..they were cool with it and it didn't really bother them.

I believe most loners are also takers and naturaly attract giver types...but that's another story..


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
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Every aspiring DJ should set aside time for himself. Solitude is good to really discover many aspects of oneself and genuinely learn to appreciate being with oneself. Day in day out we are surrounded by people from different areas of our lives. We see and hear many things from our daily interactions with others. Many are useless information but a handful would lead to some new insight or answers to the questions that had been swirling in our minds. And the only way to filter this information is during the time of solitude.

I totally agree with the assertion of others in this thread that ‘a loner’ is misunderstood or to a certain degree is mislabeled. This misunderstanding usually comes from individuals who think that one’s life and happiness is dependent upon the approval of others or the inclusion in a certain group or acceptance by the opposite gender. These people are so afraid to be alone because they do not like themselves. These people are so afraid to be excluded and are always seeking approval and validation from others. Their world revolves around others.

A true DJ does need anyone to make him happy or validate his existence. He is comfortable in his own skin and adaptable in any situation he finds himself. He is the master of his own world.

"There are two questions a man must ask himself: The first is 'Where am I going?' and the second is 'Who will go with me?' If you ever get these questions in the wrong order you are in trouble." From FIRE IN THE BELLY by SAM KEEN


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Anyone can change from looser to a guy who is more control of his destiny.

For example; here is a very simple things to do to remove the looser mentality thinking.

Think of 3 things you can do to self improve, just three!

My last Three last year where:

Work out and get into better shape:
(50% achieved i am pritty much in alot better shape, girls compliment me, the last girl i had (21 y-old, blonde) told me i had a great body)

Learning to drive:
This is not easy for me, failed my test twice now but i am determined to get this sorted.

Learning a new skill:
Studied a part time course in business studies, completed.

Three things i approached for self development.

if you can do even this simple thing! You will see growth in your life, you will be setting goals and achieving them.

Some can take the three things and make them great accomplishments, or some can make them three things they are ment to do but simply keep putting them off.

Some examples:
cut down computer games
Improve relations with other people.
Read and develope, download or buy populer self help book.
Learn something new.
Work out and develope your physical appearance.
Stop smoking.
Limit drinking, drug taking.
Be more sociable.
Talk to more women.
Try to make x amount of friends.

You can simply reach most goals you define for yourself, the biggest part about achieving them is simply motivation.

Motivate yourself and tell yourself your going to reach those goals and i guarantee once you do you will be far happier for it, as you are now achieving things in your life and shaping it better.

Loosers dont do the above, they simply stagnate.


Time is pritty much easy to come by.

For example if your a computer game junkie e.t.c think of all the time wasted, when it could have been used to make yourself one sexy mother. Games are fine but realize they should be 'balanced' and the main motiavtion is about developing self in the real world.

Work too much? Study at work, i did, look at options to review company training courses, take one, take two, maximise your learning.



Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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crackers444 said:
I am a loner and don't really hang out with people that often. I find it hard to get over my shyness and be more confidant.
The only way that is ever going to change is for you to make it change. Your shyness is probably tied to low self esteem. You need a different take on your life, don't think that other people are better than you. That's the first step in getting over your shyness. Then you'll have to talk to people. Just start with saying hello to strangers, smile at them and say hi. Don't worry about the rejection, if they look at you funny it's because they don't feel good enough about themselves to accept a friendly greeting, you know? When you come to the realization that people are people-some good and some bad- you'll see that they are not better than you are and your shyness will be less and less of a problem.