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The legend of how schmucks at work made fun of me for studying SoSuave...


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Well, this all started by me suggesting one of MY BEST friends, whom I work with, to check out this site. We will call him Friend 1. I told him he would learn a wealth of knowledge and self improve himself with women. Of course, thinking that HE himself is the don juan thinks its a joke.

Call it coincidence, call it fate, the NEXT day, 4 guys that I work with are all in relationship struggles. All this dumping happened 1 month ago.

One month ago, Friend 2 dumps his girlfriend, who gave him HERPES. She continues to call and insist that they still be friends, all the while shes rubbing the fact that shes screwing someone else right in his face. He is so stupid he continues to call her and visit her, etc. The dumbass even proposed to her after 3 months of dating. Bought a $1500 ring. Retard.

Today: He has a new girlfriend now, but she only is staying with him because he spent well over $1000 on her in the first month for repairs to her car.

One month ago, Friend 3 gets dumped by his girlfriend out of the blue. She says that she just wants to take a break and that she doesnt want to get tied up quite yet, even though they were 3 years and running. He refuses to accept the fact that she just lost interest in him, and tries to call her and talk about it, etc.

Today: It turns out that she is ****ing some guy who was in jail for 5 years for beating his ex wife. But she just wanted to take a break!?

Friend 4: One month ago, Realizes that he is in debt up to his ass and his wife is still charging the credit card like a ****ing rabbit. Their first kid is going into school this fall so its time for her to get a job and help contribute to the family income.

Today: Somehow is pregnant again, keeps racking up the credit cards, and now cant get a job because she is pregnant. Doubles the debt, doesnt contribute whatsoever, you get the idea.

Now after hearing all of these stories a month ago, Friend 1 says to me, maybe you can help them all out, after all your the one who reads all that **** on sosuave or whatever! haha!

OUTBURSTS of laughs come out of all of these idiots. They actually have the nerve to make fun of ME, for learning how to play the game. They cant even solve their own problems, and still cannot, and theyre making fun of me.

And lets not forget about the PIMP Friend 1. hes dating a girl, who from hes getting no ass, and he hangs out with her every single day and every single minute. I will jump to the celing once he gets dumped in one month.

Well guess whos the one whos laughing last!


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
People are often too blind to see their shortcomings and only if they consicously decide someday by themselves to open their eyes and see how messed up their lives are, then they will start seeking for help.

The reason they are laughing at you is because they don't want to admit that their love life stink. As well getting advice from an internet forum run by guys who make up rules foreign to what they have been doing their whole life, does not make sense to them.

The sad part about is that for most guys scoring with a girl is the ultimate goal. It don't really matter to them that they are shelling lots of money for those ho's who are cheating and manipulating them, as long as they still think they have a shot at nailing someone they will follow that mantra blindly into the abyss.

To be honest it took time for me to see the light. When I was seeing this chick, I did everything wrong and I was reading doc love articles at the time. I was thinking Doc love hates women or something because everything I was doing looked good in my eyes and was leading me somewhere. When everything fell apart in the end, I went back to read Doc Love articles and I realised how right he was!! and thanks to him and searching his articles it led me to this site and eventually this forum. I know that if not for this forum, I wouldn't have been able to get out of the depressed state I was in and become a better man.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
As always, dont offer help unless asked for.

People often will think you're trying to be better than they are if you do try to force advice/help on them. I'd rather let them run their lives into hell than have them resenting me.
Need i explain more why they are cracking on you?

Sure when the time comes, and they decide they want help, they will seek for it. Until then, mind your own business.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
First rule of FIGHTCLUB...Don't talk about FIGHTCLUB



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by ScrewIt
As always, dont offer help unless asked for.
Wise words. Also, get some new friends. Those guys are all chumps from what you've told us.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Or they don't get what's going on!

my friend is a good example. He's good at picking the chicks up, but bad at the relationship aspect. He's not an AFC or anything, but he doens't really respect his gf or listen to her. He's pretty self-centered. When it comes to women and relationships, I feel I have a better handle on that. It's the approach that I have problems with.

Now of COURSE you're going to run into idiots who want to go "man that's the stupidest crap i've ever heard" but screw them. it'll be your turn to smirk when they're the ones losing their minds over these *****es.

People are often times too self-rightous to think they are wrong. Thinking they don't have any problems when it comes to life.

The more I hear stories from my friends and hear them talk about women and see them in relationships. The more I feel THEY REALLY DON'T have a friggin clue what they're talking about and that I am going about it the right way.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
Well guess whos the one whos laughing last!
I would have to say them. Have you consider the posibility that they will tell more people, including women. What if the entire office finds out? What if your boss finds out? Do you think they are gonna praise you or give you more hardships? How do you think that will affect your love life?

Also, you are a newbie and I will assume that your skills are not highly developed yet. If an AFC, that is very bad with women, comes up to me and tell me about SoSuave.com. My first reaction would be to laugh because there is something humorous about a "loser" telling me how to be good with women.

I am guessing that when you discovered this site, you became so excited about knowing all these secrets about women most guys don't know about that you couldn't keep your mouth shut and told your friend#1. I think you told him because you needed to have someone know that you are a "stud" just because you found out this site. If you had taken the time to think about the whole think, you would've realized that telling people about SoSuave.com is a bad idea.


I think real-life examples like this need to be put in the Bible to discourage newbie from telling people about SoSuave.com. If the moderator won't put it in the Bible, I'll put it in the Testaments.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
My housemate has been fooling around with some chick - and they are NOT even exclusive - for only 2 friggin' weeks.

This monkey gets out of bed at 2 am to just take her and her sister home from the club (then returns to his own bed like a good dog :rolleyes: ), bought her $300 of birthday presents :rolleyes:, and worst of all: she sent him a message from the club saying "every guy in here is hitting on me" - and he replied "thats cos your gorgeous!" :eek:

I couldnt let that one slide. I politely explained to him: why, oh god WHY, would you compliment a girl who's out in the club WITHOUT YOU, who is already getting hit on by every guy in there? WHY? ARE YOU TOTALLY BRAINDEAD? I gave him what he needed to say: "is it blind association's annual night out?" and this loser went "oh... yeah, that wouldve been good. Dang" and then continued on his merry path to hell.

Good one, retard. :rolleyes:

This chump is 25. TWENTY-FIVE.

Im 22 and its been the hardest thing in the world to learn to keep my mouth shut, but clearly at a quarter of a century, he's simply beyond help. Worst of all, this guy is not the exception - he's the goddamn rule. :eek:



Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
actually that happened with my FB recently

i told her it's because she has nice t.its, and she's cute

then i also added "well i hope they're at least cute"

she responded "blah blah blah some are gorgeous"

i did get slightly jealous, but i didn't let it get to me - she knows i have other girls, i've been honest with her

i also complimented the guys, saying "wow, a lot of guys don't have the balls to hit on girls, so that's a good thing. finally, some men in the world again."

guess what? she basically calls me later and tells me that even with all that, she still likes me the most, and can't get me out of her head... and that only ONE guy compared to me

and guess what? that's nice, but it really doesn't matter - i'm not f.ucking her to compete with other guys or to make myself feel better

i'm f.ucking her because she's a cute girl who needs a good f.ucking, and i'm a man who wants to f.uck a cute girl.

doesn't matter what you say
it matters from where you say it from


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Really keep this to yourself.

For one you put pressure on yourself once everyone knows that you've been trying to understand the game. If your friends know that you're trying to learn from this site, they will put pressure you to hit on any girl because if you learned the material you should be able to pick up any right?

Don't share this site with them because they don't think they need it. Only when they have major problems and the come to you, that's when you should tell them. Let them open their mind first before you introduce something new.

P.S. I've had many arguments with a roomate of mine about how to treat girls and he's probably the nicest guy I have ever met, but I'm the one that got the girl he likes to have a crush on me. Hard to speak against results.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by -HPNOTIQ-
First rule of FIGHTCLUB...Don't talk about FIGHTCLUB

I gotta say I agree. This site has valuable information, but don't go giving it to every schmuck out there.

My absolutely NIGHTMARE is that the Fox network will run some reality show called "pick up artists!", and it will divulge all the secrets on this site.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
yeah, its best not to talk about this site..

i tell my best mate the same advice that i give at this site.. and he's down with it now... at first he'd listen, but often disagree.. until he saw some results.. but i'd never actually give him the web address and tell him to read up.. A) he'd have alot of ammunition to bust on me with.. B) he could learn more then he needs to, and pass the site on to others, giving me more competition.

there was a girl he liked alot from his class, and he was kind of after her for a good 6 months before i was involved.. (he always had others in the picture, but wanted her..) she txt'd him one day, something along the lines of "blah blah blah... i hope your mum liked me... blah blah blah" i stole his phone from him, and wrote some ****y/funny **** back, i don't remember exactly, but part of it was that "my mum thinks your a *****" she didn't reply for well over an hour, and he was sitting there mad at me, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? UR A F*CKING *SS!" when she finally did txt back, she more or less invited herself to his house for dinner to prove to her mum that she wasn't a slut..

he managed to get her into bed that night, and almost instantly got over his one-itus.. since then, he hasn't looked back and i've been moulding him into the perfect wingman.. works a treat..

note: i'm not claiming that my txt message got this girl into bed.. but the **** that he would have written "no my mum thinks your really nice" wouldn't have had her coming around to his house.. not as soon anyway..


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I really don't agree, the more who know the better. The fact is, if you're told being stabbed for a knife is bad for you, it doesn't stop the knife being dangerous if it's used properly.

Everyone knew what Michael Jordan was going to do, could they stop it? No.

Mystery has had articles about him in Elle and the LA Times, check his site. Ross Jeffries has a similar amount of articles about him as well in just as famous organs. haha, I just said organ.

Anyway, the only problem you will have is getting people to believe it's true. My friends don't get it or believe even when they see it. There was a really good article about the difference between an alpha male and a wussy in the Daily Mail (a UK national paper) by a guy who wasn't in the community. But he had a freind who was a stud, and a friend who wasn't. He said the stud was trying to get the wuss to learn how he did it and said "Point to the girl you want most?" He did, then the guy went over to her, and a few minutes later her brought her to their table. Then later took her home. The wuss goes, "How did you do that?" "Oh, I stould on her shoes."

On friday I was in a club and said "I usually get the girls to buy me a drink." he goes "Yeah right, do it then." so I turned round, walked to the bar, looked at a girl, she looked at me and I said "WHat drink are you buying me?" She said "I'm alright thanks." I said "No, I wasn't offering. What drink are you buying me?" she said "I know what you said, but I can't afford it. Who are you?" Then after a bit more conversation, her freind turned round and looked at me and I said to her "Will you get me a drink?" "Okay." "Grolsch please." Then I went back to the friend and he looks at my drink and goes "WHy did you get another drink?" "I didn't, she did." He didn't believe me even though the girl confirmed it, he goes "Well, you probably knew her!"

In the end, who cares. Always be prepared to help some guy out, just don't try to make them do something, make them want to do it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Heh...don't volunteer advice unless it's asked for. People are very sensitive about their romance lives. Which is one reason they try to protect their egos by laughing at someone else's dating advice.

But if they start attacking YOU instead of just rejecting advice, all you have to say is...

"Let's see...YOU got herpes because you're girl's a slut, YOU got the old "need space" line from your girl and are still smothering her, and YOU are getting raped financially by your woman. The important thing isn't where I get my advice, it's that I'm not doing what you guys are doing. Have a good day. :) "


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I have told 2 or 3 people about this site in my years. Most of them liked it. Not sure how many read it, because I never told them my name on here.

That is the only thing I'd fear is some girl would read all my posts. I try to be a bit vague on details but sometimes I'm not.

On a kind of related note, I can't believe people do blogs. Talk about spelling your personal life out in a diary for the world to see.

I would like to keep a diary of thoughts, ideas, etc. But I will password protect it if its on the computer. People are bound to want to snoop.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
These are tales of the weak men in the 21st century!!! When the men are the feminie acting ones and the women are the masculine ones you know that your society is crumbling!! And the USA is trying to make every woman in the world as the hors at home - their society will be destroyed as ours is!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Good point Peurto!

When GB became feminized, that's when the empire crumbled. In other words, when they started looking all pretty wearing Red coats, and firing in pretty formations, they got ripped a new ass.

Our society is not only going downhill from feminizing, but also political correctness, and becoming fond of sex ect. Immoral.