The last Bachelor left !!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Well wow where to start from, I am now the only single guy left out of a group of 5 old best highschool friends, we are all around 22-24 years of age and all of them have hooked up with some girl and are married or are getting married. The last guy just went total afc and is getting hitched with some bit(h from the net (more later).

But really out of the 4 friends that I have only one is what I would call a close to being a dj, more of a jerk then dj actually, cheats on his wife, beats her yadda yadda. I just learnt the game from him thats all not his weird views on what girls are, his veiws are against what mine are and he plain treats girls like sh!t. So he's the jerk that gets all the girls ......... well used to till I pushed my game further then his married lame a$$.

The other 2 are total afc's with their wifes, listen to everything and preety much are just idiots that do everything for their wifes and still get yelled at for not doing things the right way. Both are gutless losers, who's wifes have tried to get with other guys including me. I tried explaining to them that their precious honeys arnt all that good, and got the whole your just jelous that they got married to such nice girls.

The last guy would have to take the cake for being the most afc loser ever, I though I could make him my wingman iin the future but dudes plain lost it. I took him out a few times to do a few approach's on girls but dude would always whimp out or take a bad approach in a negative way. He never learned much and I think it got to him. I managed to hook him up with a nice girl from work (when I should have hooked up with the girl myself bah stupid of me). He got put in the friends zone with her and wrecked it so bad that now I cant even make a move on girl from work (man gayness right there).

So dude goes all weird for a month, then comes back saying he's met some girl over the net and has fallen in love with her, I mean wtf 1 month over the net and your in love ??? Ok so she lives a 6 hour flight away, dude talks it over with his folks and sh!t and flys over there to "see if shes cool". I told the him to go there without any expectations and play it cool, spends 2 weeks there and comes back engaged, shows me a pic bit(h looks ugly as hell like some old granny thats had too much plastic and has too much makeup and melting. She was a about a 5.5, and from what he told me she was meant to be this super hot girl, I flicked out a pic of my ex girl and said bro she dont compare and he labels my girls *****s, wow someone has issues with hot girls.

Like really what is wrong with these guys man, they are all normal fun guys but when it comes to girls they are screwed over, ones a jerk, two are pvssywhipped losers and last is full internet afc. All 4 are varsity grads, people I looked up to when I was failing papers and had trouble in life, but now it seems they are messd up worse then me.

So let me cut to the chase ... they are now starting to bag me out as the outcast who "hasnt found a good girl yet", I try to explain to them why I dont want or need a wife and they are like "yeah your too busy banging *****s from clubs and not chasing after good girls". I tried to explain that not all girls at clubs are *****s some are bored who want to hang out with a fun dude but they arn't that bored to go out with any loser they want someone fun and exciting, someone like me. I still get bagged for the "stop trying to be a player" sh!t. Apparently living the way I do, where my needs come first and me trying to achieve something by going back to uni and being more fun and outgoing is a crime and that I should just plain settle down with some chick.

I've already parted ways ways with 5 other best highschool friends because of their crap, these 4 seem to be next in line. Why do people think like this, I dont want to be 24 married and having to work to pay for a family let me live a little first god damn, they are starting to bore me with their "my wifes crap" talks we sometimes get into, they all look at me as if I'm an outcast when they start talking about that crap. All I can do is either sit and listen or go and get a drink.

So should I keep hanging around these guys and learn from their mistakes or totally cut them out aswell ???


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Oh and one of them must have fleas at his place cause whenever I visit I leave with insect bites and get all itchy LOL

future dj

Don Juan
Aug 1, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
well as far as the guy who beats his wife...he's an ******* and definetly not a dj as for your other friends people change....once your friends get married the whole dynamic changes and everyone starts doing their own thing.....i know....a lot of my friends got married lately and while we used to talk a bit before there is not much for us to talk about now.....there are topics that can no longer be discussed (hot chicks etc) and all they talk about is their wives and'll find that you will stop contacting them as often because it's just really boring to talk to contact with these guys has been delegated to the holidays.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
you sound immature, but your friends sound judgemental, your both in the wrong lol =P


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Stick with your friends!! In like 5-10 years its going to be impossible to make 'real friends' all you do is start losing old ones.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2003
Reaction score
i can relate...i'm 25 and all my friends are either engaged or married...i'm not having the best of luck with females at the momment (last 5 girls LJBF me) yeah..when the slumps over & i'm getting some lovin..then i'll say i have it better then them


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I say try not to get angry. Withdraw contact for a while. You have to remember that couples love to take self-affirming pot-shots at people who are not sharing their coocoon of lovey dovey bliss. You have total freedom, man. Relish it, and then when you catch up with those friends again, regale them with your lone wolf adventures. I guarantee that the males at least will be jealous as hell.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
The thing is though I have a gut feeling they already are a bit jelous, if I start a conversation up about my last date or girl or whatever concerning me being single and trying to get with girls I get the evils.

Worst thing is the last few times we've done the whole "lets go out as a huge group with our wifes/fiancee's" thing I've come along with different girls and each time I got the "they hate me" feeling. I mean they are meant to be friends and not be hating on me for dating.

But blah I'll cut them out for a while see what happens.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score

I would say keep your friends and if you can, avoid talking about all the fun you're having at the moment. Also, you may want to make some other friends. I think 22-24 is early to get married these days. Live life! Enjoy it and go after the things you always wanted.

your online friend.
