THE key is masculinity!


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2003
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Women are feminine, men are masculine. This can escape us all sometimes that this is basic first fact of what attracts women to men when we over complicate things.

If you have read my other materials you know I advocate sexual state as a state to project to women. You see when someone is dominated at a personality level they will attempt to match the state of the individual they feel "lesser" than.

Think of white women who hang out with "ghetto" black people. they match that state.

Masculinity itself as a state of being and personality trait can cause this same effect on women.

The right internal beliefs and mindsets are key for this: from my book,


We stripped you of all the negative conditionings and behaviors in the foundations section.

Now we must move past just not being ****ed up in the head, but actually “good in the head”. Attractive in mindset, not just neutral and natural, will be our goal in this lesson.

When stripped of your negative conditionings you are left with well, just a bit of character most times. Hence the need for the themes of conversation based on TV, music, movies, celebrities etc until you fill in the blanks with your own interesting stories lacking any negatives of conversation.

Negative conditionings are what we tend to be raised on and fed as our persona all our lives, so of course letting go of them kind of left you “neutral” in nature, good of course because neutral doesn’t **** things up like negative conditioning does.

But what is attractive to women? Aside from of course biological drive to have a penis inside them and the pleasurable friction such causes?

What is basic FIRST fact we are dealing with of WHO women **** and whom they don't?

Women are attracted to men. Masculinity, all that is a man, is what they are attracted to. Surely women by nature are attracted to what puts in, what moves forward, what dominates. As by nature women take in and are penetrated. Psych 101 there.

This that I am telling you isn’t very “women dominate men are losers” politically correct, but women’s of course first basic nature is to “take in” to submit, to be lead.

Notice if you will for a second as well that these “STRENGTH” and dominance-thinking women tend to be A. homosexual “butch” types or B. ugly females who are not catered to or pampered, they are not feminine, they are heavily lacking in femininity actually, so viola, the try to embody masculinity as their first character trait as a retaliation and to make it through the world easier.

Notice how the best-looking stereotypically/most feminine women lack dominance, masculinity and “toughness” of any kind. They have never needed it in any way as they have always been catered to and pampered.

When faced with any resemblance of masculinity/dominance/toughness, lacking the negative conversational frames of foundations section, such as talking about what I am right now heh, what do they do? They FOLLOW and bend their will and giggle and go girly. A good thing as this is part of her femininity you connect with when you get her feeling this way rather than neutral.

OF course this leads us to our next question.

What makes a man a man and woman a woman? To get the most attractive, most feminine of women surely we want to be what she is lacking to bring out what she is. A MAN. Masculine.

What makes a man a man besides a penis? That is the question that must be answered here to get a working strategy for your personality, your character your way of acting. Simple analysis of your ideals and what you are lacking and what you desire will help a lot, but a working strategy is needed for getting closer to this ideal.

Testosterone, Inner beliefs of a non-feminine nature, a view of the world based on being a male and how being that is perceived, maturity rather than adolescence. Certainly all these things make a man a man. A man isn't by nature “lame clueless loser who thinks he is less than a woman and therefore should be good passive little *****”.

Getting your **** together as a MALE:

What is your life? What is it? What do you do? Who have you become?

You go sit on a pad all day and type keys, or you sit on a telephone all day.

You eat a lunch of fried potatoes and seaweed flavored like beef wrapped in enriched whole flour.

What scares you daily as cavemen were?

You jerk off to other people having sex on a screen.

You go to the doctor if you find a mole you didn't see before and worry for a week.

You want women you are told to want, not what you lust for and most desire.

You worry what other people think of you in petty matters.

You wonder if you punched someone in the face if they'd just stand there and laugh at you?

This does not make for testosterone production or masculine behavior. These are not male behaviors.

This is not the lifestyle of a natural man. Cavemen got laid with little or no thought and they in no way engaged in the above behaviors.

Now I'm not going to tell you to quit your job, run off to the mountains and hunt your food with a spear. Though a month of that could do you wonders I guarantee.

Instead LIFT WEIGHTS. Labor and use of your body, release of endorphins and effects on testosterone, insulin, masculinity and too much to go in to here is DIRE.

You could take testosterone injections and end up with tits but working the WHOLE body will increase it naturally. People are not meant to be sedentary.

The last 50 years advances in labor saving machines and economic growth have taken a major toll on most men as natural masculine males. You do not have to build a ton of muscle or workout 5 days a week. Just LIFT SOMETHING other than bags of groceries and do it regularly this will increase testosterone.

Lifting weights will not make you a masculine macho man right off the bat by any means. This will at least start on your way to getting the chemicals in your body on the right track for a more masculine behavior base however.

Eat right. Well this isn't possible for most. But drink plenty of water and give an effort to lay off the white stuff though. Breads, pastas, rice, sugar and enriched flour are not natural for our system. I have been doing this WELL before any recent diet fads and it does work to keep fat off, eat enjoyable food and also to make you more vigorous.

This isn't some crackpot idea, the science backs it up that not eating these things will increase testosterone and natural balances in the body. So really they more restore them to NORMAL. Normal being when men were men, not overfed veal. Both eating right and lifting weights unless you have a weight problem already will keep you lean and attractive looking socially as well as biologically to women.

Take a risk man. Not even a REAL risk is needed, just get that ticker going now and again.

Get in a martial art where you will compete with other men or even have a game of hardcore rugby (more dangerous but just as good), or hell if you want go fight club and start fighting your buddies in the back yard.

Go sky diving, bungee jumping, go on a roller coaster, and go camping alone in the woods.

These kinds of things as well increase testosterone, fear creates it at biological and psychological levels, again too much to go in to at a chemical and psychological level.

Even better is that they have an immediate effect on your sense of self-being a man not a boy, an adventurer or warrior not a "technical support" or "student" guy.

Quit masturbating all the time PLEASE. Masturbating to porn was by far not natural or normal, common everyday male behavior up until 20 years ago or less. It still is not natural. Lack of orgasm tells your body it isn't mating, this causes increased testosterone levels to make you more aggressive in finding a mate. An orgasm with a woman on the other hand INCREASES testosterone levels from the excitement.

Masturbating will also negatively impact your level of persistence heavily as a side “bonus”. Of course when you masturbate you are not as horny and don’t want the sex as much. Not really wanting sex, as much, will make you say “ahh hell with it then” and not even try to get a connection at a conversation level.

If you do the things above, exercise; eat well, abstain from masturbation and do things that are challenging to you what good does it do? You are forming your “sun” by doing these things. More on this “sun” talk later.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2003
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Forming your sun isn’t enough to make you hyper attractive to women of course; you will also need your “body”. Not your physical body, far from it really. In this metaphor your body is what you think, what your core beliefs are. We wiped clean all those bull**** ways of thinking as a foundation; lets replace them with some powerful ones now to get you on your way to an advanced level of attraction with women.

The way you think is of major impact on what you are able to project ******ds in a congruent manner.

Here are some examples of the way a guy can think that make him more masculine, hence more attractive to women. Becoming “natural male” or “natural man” is the next step to being more attractive to women after becoming “neutral man” that followed “ conditioned male”

1: Natural mans picture of himself is not as a boy: Soft living and pampering, from womb to coffin we are given. We are saved when we need saving and listened to when we cry. Natural man doesn't have this perception. When he thinks "me" he doesn't think he is young or a child or a boy. He sees himself as a man. You are an adult a grown up.

Act accordingly. Don't be crying about ****, if somebody didn't ****ing drop dead don't be crying. Don't be hanging on women like they are your mothers. There are 500 of these children like behaviors, to many to list. Being aware of it in the first place is all it takes. Its called not being a ***** ass little boy. You get your "sun" these things don't happen as much anyways. Still be aware of thinking like a MAN and an adult, not something weak or helpless.

2: Other men are not superior to you. Natural man would have none of this. Get your sun in place and it'll come. To offend another man is to possibly have to fight. All it means to offend another man. SO WHAT. You don't giggle or even crack a smile when someone makes a joke at your expense, they don’t like that? TOO bad, you are MALE; you can and will compete for respect.

People used to like it when you made jokes about yourself? TOO bad, they'll get focused eye contact from you now, not jokes and you giggling at the floor. You aren't looking for trouble, but you aren't going to avoid it either less its REAL dangerous.

Even then, that gangbanger with the gun in his waistband who's house you ended up at for some reason might just shoot you for being a “little wimpy punk ass” in his eyes when you talk about "I'm such a tight ass square white boy".

You MUST KNOW that you wont giggle or be passive enough to get out of some biker bar where they have decided to strip you naked and drag you around the parking lot behind their motorcycles. Extreme sounding I know, but some guys are WAY too passive when they shouldn’t even be considering if someone would take kindness for weakness or not.

So be a MAN and don't “look for trouble” but also don’t try so damn hard to avoid it, when you do it makes you come off like an insignificant ant, especially while it’s happening. Natural man is no victim.

Thought 3: You don't take any **** from anyone with a smile. Usually you wont take any **** at all, but if you are backed in to a corner hands tied and your balls in a vice, you don't grin and bear it, you just bear it.

You do this because you have an imaginary audience. This life you are living is the movie, you are the main character. This life is no comedy; you take life seriously when serious situations arise. You are the leading man in every story. You only take the scripts that suit you. You MUST live up to this audience, your entire self is watching! Yeah the situation may pass with you no worse for it in body or health, you know this at an intellectual level.

YOU however are watching though, and every time you swallow the “**** you’s” life hands you without some amount of dignity and masculinity it takes a toll in how you see yourself and project yourself to others. Living in a passive or comedic or “I’m just the loser of the piece way”? Pffffffft. That's when you aren't so serious and are just making a cameo appearance as a big time leading man in some stupid comedy. Passing through.

4. Willpower is what natural man uses for almost every aspect of his life. Ask any woman this. Of any character trait what would be THE one that is most desirable? If it isn’t recommended they won’t say it, but they feel it at a very core level, the ability to manifest ones willpower when its needed is a very attractive thing. Women give up, women submit, women cry and beg when they are scared, women stop trying. Not ALL women ALWAYS in EVERYTHING, I’m not politically correct or feminist friendly but I know women do sometimes muster SOME willpower. In general though, meeting feminine women with strong willpower? Nope, doesn’t go hand in hand.

The naturally attractive male has this, and if mentioned any woman would put it first as what she “needs to complete” or “what’s attractive”.

Natural man can bust his ****ing ass and really bring the willpower to provide for his family in hard times.

Natural man doesn’t let his woman get felt up, maybe carried away and raped by a bigger stronger man, he gets the willpower up that says “I’ll TAKE IT instead cause I can hack it” and comes to her defense.

Natural man can wrestle that dog attacking his kids, HER kids, overcoming his fears by sheer willpower, and not roll up in a ball and go “ouch” while it bites off the kid’s testicles and his woman’s throat out.

Bit grim I know heh, but though something like this doesn’t happen often in reality at a psychological level it does when you get punked around.

Demonstrations of weakness affect the women you are involved with at a primal level. When you say “I quit that job cause it made my feet sore” she doesn’t think “me and my young starving to death”, but a certain something is lost in the way she thinks of you.

When she hears you say “job sucked but I did what I had to do until I could get in to something better” she doesn’t hear “good provider” but a certain level of “damn I wouldn’t have done that, this guys got something I don’t to bring to our “male-female table”” is felt.

5. Natural man is dominant. Maybe second only to willpower. Natural man just doesn’t look down first. Like when 2 sets of eyes meet, especially yours and hers.

Getting her in bed isn’t as simple as a trick like that, though the eye contact and who breaks it first is something to be mindful of.

Natural man isn’t afraid to fight, isn’t afraid to compete, isn’t afraid to tell someone else to shut the **** up, or quiet down in a movie theatre who wont quit talking.

There’s a reason “bad boy” or yard bird types are attractive to women, they have a strong dominance, combined with stupidity of course that says “I don’t care if I’ll go to prison I’m going to run this ****er off the road for flipping me the bird”. You only need the dominance part. Women don’t pay attention to the stupidity element in a positive way anyhow, unless it’s some roadpig biker skag or someone who goes for that sort of idiocy.

Most veteran police officers possess this dominance, some, though fewer and fewer these “Pussified” days, military men have it. Most any boxer you meet will have this. A HUGE recommendation I can make is get in boxing classes.

Dominance is what women lack most of ANY one trait aside from a penis. Again this course isn’t catering to feminist brain washings. Go research for a month and name 10 great female leaders of rebellions through dominance of troops and other powers, or hell even 10 female civil rights leaders. I will name 5 to 1 with NO research males who did the same thing or more.

None of the 50 I named would have been lacking in sex life, even FAR before they did their deeds.

Women have many many fine virtues. Ability to relate to others, reverse engineered thinking capacity, compassion, empathy. Roles have gotten reversed and tweaked out of balance though. No fate in my opinion, but genetically we are built for different tasks in this life.

Not knowing the roles has not only hurt men, but also women in that men aren’t men for them anymore. The most dominant and usually lesbian feminists didn’t just empower women to higher purposes than “cook and clean and make babies”, they also slipped in the agenda of taking all the men away at a mental level.

Natural man dominates with no concern of being seen as “a brute from the wrong time period”. Natural mans only concern when it comes to domination of others is his freedom (is it legal) and the greater good of all involved (if he is of ethics). Natural mans concern is not if “will the brain washed by feminists people think I’m trying to be a macho manly man”.

A macho manly man is something to aspire to be. Not something to fear being looked at as socially in a negative light. So natural man doesn’t cry for the children of poverty stricken Ethiopia, so natural man doesn’t read poetry or listen to folk music? He doesn’t give a ****, and knows because so many women want to **** him, those women only SAY they give a **** about such things in a man.

Women can find a sensitive new age sweater wearing candy and flowers hugs and kisses for babies guy in every suburban apartment and office building.

The natural man however, with a brain (not in a penitentiary), who can still be lighthearted in a normal conversation without being a tight ass or getting fiery or intense? Rare animal. THAT’S how you want to be unique for women, and in no other way.

From this "state", I "" state as it is more a personaltiy trait and lifestyle than a "state", is where you project sexual state as in my methods and get her to match you, hence become turned on, attraction achieved!

Get laid not liked!


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Gunwitch.. you are a genius my friend..


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Very nice post, but from what i have heard if you cant get it any other way masturbation is good because you dramatically reduce ur risk of prostrate cancer if you orgasm over 21 times a month, less than 7 times and it increases.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
lay off milk and don't eat bread, rice or pasta because it isn't natural? explain this further please


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Bravo! I like the trend the board is taking with tips all about becoming MASCULINE. This, my friends, is the key to all of it.

Funny thing. As I have become more masculine, my attraction has gone to the real girly girls. I'm one of, like, two guys I know who is this way; the others like anywhere from tomboys to a cross between the two.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Are all these words needed to become masculine? word is where it lies: attitude.



Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Yes but GW's explanations and insights really make it convincing ..


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by gav
lay off milk and don't eat bread, rice or pasta because it isn't natural? explain this further please
I mean I aint some monk food wise or anything. I eat these foods sometimes.

Basically though meat and foods that can be eaten raw like fruits and vegtables make for better health overall.

Processed and heavily cooked foods tend to bog you down physically if they are the main staple of your diet. They need to be processed more by the body to digest and you end up lacking in vitamins and nutrients.

This isnt good for optimum testosterone production or energy levels.

I know its hard not to eat a lot of the processed foods, but basically just dont live off of fast food and you will be better off than most, money and health wise.

Get laid not liked!


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Now thats bible worthy material.:cool:

Processed and heavily cooked foods tend to bog you down physically if they are the main staple of your diet. They need to be processed more by the body to digest and you end up lacking in vitamins and nutrients.
So, should I order my steak "bloody as hell" instead of "burnt to a crisp" from now on? I heard about this guy who actually beat cancer by eating raw, rotten meats one time on television... Mmmm mmm good!:)
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score

this post really got to me. for the past, hmm, let me count, 18years! i've been a total poosy, never confronting anyone about anything or standing up for myself, yet wanting respect from people at the same time.

i've believed strongly for a while that not taking myself seriously is the best way to live, but now i realise that it's just a way of avoiding responsibility for anything i do and anything that happens to me.

the good thing is i have been building my "sun". Testosterone is on the rise. Willpower is on the rise and because of it, i've got a good body.

one question gunwitch, what's your take on the 'don't give a fvck' attitude? where does that fit in to being a man?


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by gav

this post really got to me. for the past, hmm, let me count, 18years! i've been a total poosy, never confronting anyone about anything or standing up for myself, yet wanting respect from people at the same time.

i've believed strongly for a while that not taking myself seriously is the best way to live, but now i realise that it's just a way of avoiding responsibility for anything i do and anything that happens to me.

the good thing is i have been building my "sun". Testosterone is on the rise. Willpower is on the rise and because of it, i've got a good body.

one question gunwitch, what's your take on the 'don't give a fvck' attitude? where does that fit in to being a man?
"Its over Lebowski, the hippies lost!" Pretty much my take.

You summed it up well in saying its a way to take responsibility for failure. The side effect is it also takes away from the sense of achievment one feels in doing something worthwhile.

What I am about to list may sound braggy, but I have a point after.

I have built myself up to a 300 lb bench press from 120 lb bench and every other lift has come along comparative. I have built a solid 185lb (heavier right now as I am bulking) muscle frame from an 142 lb flabby frame. I didnt do this with any special techniques, insane vanity, or drugs, but rather over 14 years of lifting and toiling against the weights with pride as a man in the progress I made.

I achieved success in tournament judo and also boxing going as far as a low level pro fight.

I have become a ladies man, player, PUA, don jaun whatever you wanna call it. Maybe bagged 100 or 150 chicks in my 14 years of f'n.

Speaking of of don jaun, I am the 4th name in the history of seduction by all time reads, casanova, don juan, ross jeffries, then "gunwitch", because I have excelled at teaching these skills (plus a little help from the internet and a lack of greed in releasing my GWM for free net wide).

I have always managed to avoid grinding out meaningless labor for companies and instead provide some service for the money I make. This has from hauling off things that cluttered peoples yards, to speeding construction through the same service, or now in teaching guys how to get laid in my publishing.

I wake up happy and live well. I dont think many men would be ashamed or unhappy to have lived my life.

I know lots of these "you just have to not give a ****" types and they are womanless, powerless and without skill or value to society or most individuals outside of maybe stimulating conversation and thoughts they can share. They have managed to never lose(in their own mind), but also managed to never win.

A mind set or a skill set built around complex ways of dragging a process on with so little effort that it ensures no rejection, and no blow to the ego, is no mind set or skill set to carry you to greatness in any field.

One has to pay to play, luckily in most fields failure is the only price of efforts and experience.

They say "live each day as if it were your last", I say live each day as if the next morning and what you feel about the previous days accomplishments is your last. Not as catchy of a saying, but surely a better way to not look back in 5 years and say, "damn all I did was goof off".

Get laid not liked!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Gunwitch
[B They have managed to never lose(in their own mind), but also managed to never win.
that's it exactly. i don't usually change my ways so quickly, but after reading this, i feel like i've got no choice.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Very interesting post.


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Great post! For a long time I ****ed up until I realized that my problem was that I was substituting REAL MASCULINITY for a macho facade.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
This is something I've been in need of for some time and I can verify that the weightlifting and/or eating right is making a huge difference.

I realised after reading this post that I used to be quite a masculine and macho kid. I was into wrestling, rugby, canoeing and was always trying different and dangerous stunts. I was assertive and bold. And at that time I was regularly scoring extremely hot girls, and a lot of older girls too.

I lost it somewhere and became Mr Nice/Sweet/Lovely/Cute guy and that's when my problems with women began. Now I've started gaining back my masculinity (mainly through physical exertion) and I've been feeling bolder and have been getting more positive reactions from women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by Gunwitch
The way you think is of major impact on what you are able to project ******ds in a congruent manner.
Can anybody tell me what the ******ds word is? I can't seem to figure it out....stupid filters