The Jerk and The Attention Wh*re...Seperate Yet Equal


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
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In memory of our comrade struck down in action, Nitris. You may have been destroyed and turned back to the pits of chumpdom by the female sociopath, but your DJ memory will not be forgotten.

Lets not let Nitris's return to the world of the AFC be in vain.

The two extremes of both sexes are indeed the same. Jerks and Attwh*res represent the “cheaters” in reproduction. Apparently, these people are actually on a genetic mission to defeat the genes for altruism and replace them with genes of a sociopathic nature. As odd as this may be, it is like a battle between Good and Evil. The jerk and Attwh0re strategy(lets justcall them sociopaths for now) is to take advantage of the altruistic leanings in other people by pretending to have similar altruistic motives themselves.

Linda Mealy (1995) has argued that the sociopathic strategy is maintained by frequency-dependent selection. She summarizes her argument as follows: “(1) there is a genetic predisposition underlying sociopathy which is normally distributed in the population; (2) as the result of selection to fill a small, frequency-dependent, evolutionary niche, a small, fixed percentage of individuals- those at the extreme of this continuum- will be deemed "morally insane" in any culture; (3) a variable percentage of individuals who are less extreme on the continuum will sometimes, in response to environmental conditions during their early development, pursue a life-history strategy that is similar to that of their "morally insane" colleagues; and (4) a subclinical manifestation of this underlying genetic continuum is evident in many of us, becoming apparent only at those times when immediate environmental circumstances make an antisocial strategy more profitable than a prosocial one.”

So, what she is saying is there are many people born to be sociopaths as a result of their genetics. Some are made to be sociopaths from having an unhealthy upbringing combined with predisposing genetic factors. And some just have it temporarily because of new but not permenant factors. Fortunately, sociopaths who prey upon the larger prosocial population can not maintain a high population because their success is dependent upon the unawareness of their victims(im making u ****ers aware now).

The early factors for the triggering of sociopathy in those with genetic predispositions include physical or sexual abuse as children and a history of parental separation and loss (Stevens and Price, 1996). Some have spent time in orphanages and foster homes as well. Presumably, roughly equal numbers of males and females are subjected to such degraded rearing experiences but males are much more likely to become sociopaths whereas females are much more likely to develop histrionic personality disorders.

Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by exaggerated attention seeking behavior(Attention *****s), sexually inappropriate, seductive or provocative behavior, a tendency to be easily influenced by others and to perceive relationships to be more intimate than they actually are. Harpending and Sobus (1987) have argued that histrionic females are employing a cheating strategy that is equivalent to that of sociopathic males. Because the reproductive strategies of males and females differ, the cheating strategies of males and females must differ accordingly. A male sociopath should be adept at seducing females and deceiving them about his degree of commitment (The Jerk Cornerstone). A histrionic female should be adept at exaggerating her need for the male and her vulnerability in order to induce him to lavish love and attention upon her. The histrionic female should also show a readiness to abandon her offspring opportunistically (former mating partners or their close kin typically take care of the abandoned offspring).

My closest friend has suffered through this and is suffering through it now, and my inability to help him is what inspired this post.

AFCs beware, the female sociopath will convince you she cares for you, but in reality she is incapable of such emotional attachment. The Beast believes everyone loves her, and will attempt to coverup anything said negatively about her by saying it was a lie. Through emotional manipulation, they will attempt to gain and then maintain control over their victims(which oftentimes is everyone in their lives). They will latch on and not let go until they have found someone else they can manipulate easier and get more from. They are the leeches of the human population, they are the parasites. They can cry at the drop of a hat, and lie to their best friends without remorse. I have been a witness to this evil, but i have not experienced it first hand. It is an uncommon event when new terrority is uncovered and hopefully this will benefit some of you out there who have encountered this enemy of good.

For diagnosis:

The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
World Health Organization, Geneva, 1992

F60.4 Histrionic Personality Disorder
Personality disorder characterized by at least 3 of the following:

a. self-dramatization, theatricality, exaggerated expression of emotions;

b. suggestibility, easily influenced by others or by circumstances;

c. shallow and labile affectivity;

d. continual seeking for excitement, appreciation by others, and activities in which the patient is the centre of attention;

e. inappropriate seductiveness in appearance or behaviour;

f. over-concern with physical attractiveness.

Associated features may include egocentricity, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, feelings that are easily hurt, and persistent manipulative behaviour to achieve own needs.

And for Antisocial personality disorder which is quite similar.

The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
World Health Organization, Geneva, 1992

F60.2 Dissocial (Antisocial) Personality Disorder

Personality disorder, usually coming to attention because of a gross disparity between behaviour and the prevailing social norms, and characterized by at least 3 of the following:

a. callous unconcern for the feelings of others;

b. gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and obligations;

c. incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them;

d. very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence;

e. incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment;

f. marked proneness to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations, for the behaviour that has brought the patient into conflict with society.

There may also be persistent irritability as an associated feature. Conduct disorder during childhood and adolescence, though not invariably present, may further support the diagnosis.


A lot of this was just copy and paste, im not a psychiatrist so i cant make all of this original text. But all sources are listed, anything not there is original.

Be careful out there men, its a dangerous world.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
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It got too scientifical for me, I get enough of that at school...but I'm curious, who's Nitris and what happened to him? (forgive me, for I am a n00b)

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
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I don't think it's the black and white, like you are either a sociopath or you are not. I see some of those charisteristics in everyone. For example:

a. self-dramatization, theatricality, exaggerated expression of emotions;

b. suggestibility, easily influenced by others or by circumstances;

c. shallow and labile affectivity;

d. continual seeking for excitement, appreciation by others, and activities in which the patient is the centre of attention;

e. inappropriate seductiveness in appearance or behaviour;

f. over-concern with physical attractiveness.

Associated features may include egocentricity, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, feelings that are easily hurt, and persistent manipulative behaviour to achieve own needs.
Don't you think this describes like 90% of girls?

Also, I don't think that genetics has much to do with it. For example, like most of the other people on this site, I was the classic AFC nice guy, who was never innappropriately sexual, seductive, callous towards the feelings of others, etc. But now I've developed multiple histrionic and antisocial charisteristics, to a certain extent. I don't think that's a bad thing, I'm much happier than I was before.


New Member
Aug 19, 2003
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After reading this I can say but only one thing. People are set in their ways and no matter how much we try to help it seems that when we take one step forward it is followed by two steps back. I am in the middle of nitris and the every popular sociopath. I was the solution to his problems and although I tried to help it seems that sociopaths are indeed set in their ways and will do anything in their powers to cut out the person that is helping. What nitris may not realize is that his time is limited before all hope will be lost on him because of his actions. All we can do is pray that one day he will have an epifany and figure out that it is better to let go of a sociopath than lose everyone around you. I can tell you that the other people are right about 90% of the women out there are the same. They are manipulative control freaks that have nothing better to do than use the opposite sex to secure themelves and relieve them of their own insecurities. Forunately I am not one of those girls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
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Nitris is a very good friend of mine who i tryed to help about a year and a half ago by showing him this website. He was doing good, making progress, but still weak when he met up with a female sociopath with Histrionic personality disorder. She lied to him, used him, and now possibly scarred him for life. She recently dumped him because she thought she could find someone better in college, but allowed him to stay on as "just dating" for when her new boyfriend doesnt meet all her emotional needs, to which she will then suck off of mike(nitris). He eagerly lapped up this chance to stay in her life like a dog eating scraps from the table.

I, being a dumbass, thought that if i set him up with this great girl i knew that it would break his emotional hold the witch had on him. Unfortunately this was not to be, he is still a pathetic useless lump of goo this sociopath uses for her own needs and entertainment. Fortunately that great girl had particular fortitude and was not overly phased nor suprised by the weakness of mike(nitris).

Addressing superman x.

None of those characteristics are honorable nor deserving of respect. If you find yourself relying on them for a sense of security or happiness, then you have a weak character.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
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Jester, no offense, but why do I care?

Sound's like useless information to me dude.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
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Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
Jester, no offense, but why do I care?

Sound's like useless information to me dude.
the better you understand an enemy, the better you are at conquering them.


New Member
Aug 19, 2003
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Addressing Smooth As Anything
Why wouldnt you want to recieve actual information on something. It seems to me that all people want to do is complain about petty problems. Maybe your not used to an intelligent conversation. I think thats why some say its too scientific. Its not really its an actual problem that a lot of people have today but dont realize it until its too late. Look for the warning signs because in the end Nitris could be you!!


Don Juan
May 25, 2003
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Outside Philadelphia, PA
Very interesting thread to say the least. I wish your friend well. I hope he straightens his situation out.

I see you used the Euro definitions for mental illness as in a personality disorder. Some of the descriptions are very different then the American ones. The USA uses an American Psychological Association DSM-4 for its criteria. The differences between the Euro and APA is that one believes a condition may be seperate and distinct to the condition not even really existing at all.

I think your friend Nitris sounds like he is a Dependent Personality disorder. All what you describe about the poor man puts it in that direction.

From what I have encountered and read women are more prone to being a Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is like a sublevel sociopath. Very close in some instances and not too far off in another. BPS is 75%-80% Female and accounts for a large number of trouble in this country. BPS also sits nicely with Histironic and Narcisitic Personality disorders. Either full blown adjunct personality disorders or smaller compact acessory versions. BPS has been described as being more neurotic than neurotic yet less sociopathic (or psychotic) than a sociopath.

I will try and provide you with some links or examples. Thanks CM


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
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hey im the guy jason (jester) is talking about. Yeah I have thought about everything alot, im just a lil confused/f*cked up right now in the situation im in. I don't know if its that Dependent Personality disorder or what.

But i try to take all the advice from jester and put it into use but i always seem to rethink it and am not sure what to do...the girl that im dating has said a bunch of things to me that lead me to believe her instead of my dj beliefs. And i cant be sure if what she is saying is lies or that she is telling the truth and i don't want to make a mistake and drop her cause i really like her and all that b*llsh1t.

So im stuck and jester has tried to help me but i don't know wtf to do. he says i do know what to do (be a DJ) but i second guess myself. I have always appreciated all of the advice jester has given to me and all of the things i have read on the boards. I do not post alot, but i do come to this site alot and read.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
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This is by far the most in-depth analysis of human behavior I have ever seen at this site. awesome


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
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How I would handle Nitrix's situation is whenever she calls you to be her emotional tampon tell her your busy. If she calls a lot and you tell her that everytime the situation should handle itself.

As for liking her a lot...sorry dude.

Jester what did you tell him?

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
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None of those characteristics are honorable nor deserving of respect. If you find yourself relying on them for a sense of security or happiness, then you have a weak character.
Disagree. I haven't become completely histrionic, I've only developed those charisteristics to a degree. Like, now I lift weights like 4x a week and wear lots of tight black t-shirts to show off how jacked I am. You might think this is inappropriately sexual or shows I'm too concerned with my appearance or whatever, but I like doing it and the girls like it too. In my AFC days I wouldn't do much that was exciting, now I'm the guy who'll do crazy sh!t just for thrills. And I think this is honorable and deserving of respect.

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
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And Nitrix, as futile as I know this will be, I can't pass up a chance to call you on your oneitis. But of course, everyone who has oneitis says they don't have oneitis. Trust us, you do, go find some other girls.


New Member
Aug 19, 2003
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My question is does every single person have to have some kind of personality disorder? I know all these people who are in this situation and you dont even know how much this has grown and hurt a lot of people. I see someone suffering all the time and another taking advantage of him. I dont get it. She isnt all that great looking and yet he cant get away from her. I think I have reached the end of my rope. There is nothing neither I nor jester nor anyone else can say that will convince nitris to change his mind. We all say that over and over again but for once I think we may be starting to be believing it. Im glad nitris that you have seen what we have been saying and I dont know but you have gotten outside and inside perceptions on the situation! What else do you need!? All I can do is shake my head at you and say what else are you going to do. I understand this is a whole new thing for you but youll find that with someone else who isnt as manipulative and whorish. Sorry to say such bad things but ya know the truth comes out. And you know what she really isnt that but tries to be which is really pathetic! Im done complaining but you know what wise up and maybe youll see the good that is in front of you...

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
Complementing Jester's post

Attention Wh0re and Histrionic Personality Disorder

The histrionic personality disorder has a long history, dating back to some 4,000 years ago, when it was called “hysteria.” The modern roots of the histrionic personality are traceable to Freud’s description of cases of “hysterical neurosis,” which today would be classified as a type of somatoform disorder.

Kretschmer (1926) argued that hysterical persons show “a preference for what is loud and lively, a theatrical pathos, an inclination for brilliant roles…[and] a naïve, sulky egotism.”

The symptoms of HPD overlap those associated with other personality disorders, most notably borderline, narcissistic, and dependent.

However, HPD is unique among personality disorders in at least one respect; it is the only personality disorder tied explicitly to physical characteristics of the individual.

Characteristics of Histrionic Personality Style & Disorder

The histrionic personality can be thought of as spanning a continuum from healthy to pathological, with the histrionic personality style at the healthy end and the histrionic personality disorder at the pathological end.

Etiology of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Environmental factors seem to play the major role in the development of HPD.

Three significant environmental factors:

1. Parental reinforcement of attention-seeking behavior

2. Histrionic parental role models

3. Reinforcement of interpersonally manipulative behavior

In effect, as children, these individuals learned to employ cuteness, charm, attractiveness, and seduction to secure parental reinforcement. Furthermore, this disorder is self-perpetuated through short-lived relationships, preoccupation with externals, and massive repression. Specifically, by sealing off and repressing aspects of their inner worlds, histrionic individuals deny themselves opportunities to develop psychologically.

Clinical Presentation of the Histrionic Personality Disorder

Behavioral Style

Charming, dramatic, and expressive, while also seeking demanding, self-indulgent, and inconsiderate. Persistent attention seeking, mood liability, capriciousness, and superficiality further characterize this behavior.


These individuals tend to be exhibitionistic and flirtatious in their manner, with attention seeking and manipulativeness being prominent. They also tend to have empathic deficits, just as do those with narcissistic personality disorders.

Cognitive or thinking style

Can be characterized as impulsive and thematic, rather than analytical, precise, and filed independent. They are highly suggestible and rely heavily on hunches and intuition. They avoid awareness of their own hidden dependency and other self-knowledge, and tend to be “other directed” with respect to the need for approval from others. Therefore, they can easily dissociate their “real” or inner selves from their “public” or outer selves.

Emotional or feeling style

Characterized by exaggerated emotional displays and excitability, including irrational outbursts and temper tantrums. Although they are constantly seeking reassurance that they are loved, they respond with only superficial warmth and charm and are generally emotionally shallow. They are exquisitely sensitive to rejection.

Behavioral Level

(F) Expressively Dramatic: Is overreactive, volatile, provocative, and engaging, as well as intolerant of inactivity, resulting in impulsive, in emotional, and theatrical responsiveness; describes penchant for momentary excitement, fleeting adventures, and short-sighted hedonism.

(F) Interpersonally Attention-Seeking: Actively solicits praise and manipulates others to gain needed reassurance, attention, and approval; is demanding, flirtatious, vain, and seductively exhibitionistic; especially when wishing to be the center of attention.

Phenomenological Level

(F) Cognitively Flighty: Avoids introspective thought, is overly suggestible, attentive to fleeting external events, and speaks in impressionistic generalities; integrates experiences poorly, resulting in scattered learning and thoughtless judgment.

(S) Gregarious Self-Image: Views self as sociable, stimulating and charming; enjoys the image of attracting acquaintances by physical appearance and by pursuing a busy and pleasure-oriented life.

(S) Shallow Objects: Internalized representations are composed largely of superficial memories of past relations, random collections of transient and segregated affects and conflicts, as well as insubstantial drives and mechanisms.

Intrapsychic Level

(F) Dissociation Mechanism: Regularly alters and recomposes self-presentations to create a succession of social attractive but changing facades; engages in self- distracting activities to avoid reflecting on and integrating unpleasant thoughts and emotions.


*Morphogloci organization refers to the structural strength, interior congruity, and functional efficacy of the personality system.

(S)Disjointed Organization: There exists a loosely knit and carelessly united *morphologic structure in which processes of internal regulation and control are scattered and unintegrated, with ad hoc methods for restraining impulses, co-ordinating defenses, and resolving conflicts, leading to mechanisms that must, of necessity, be broad and sweeping to maintain psychic cohesion and stability and, when successful, only further isolate and disconnect thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Biophysical Level

(S) Fickle Mood: Displays rapidly shifting and shallow emotions; is vivacious, animated, impetuous and exhibits tendencies to be easily enthused and as easily angered or bored.

(F) = Functional Domain

Represent dynamic processes that transpire within the intrapsychic world and between the individual’s self and psychosocial environment.

(S) = Structural Domain

Represent a deeply embedded and relatively enduring template of imprinted memories, attitudes, needs, fears, conflicts, etc., that guide experience and transform the nature of ongoing life events.

From: 6323 - Mental Health/Histrionic and Narcissistic.ppt

Keep that in mind! :cool: