Wow...Great Post JOEkerr,
Glad to see some Brothers in Arms on here with the NERVE to start threads like this one. And I'm also glad my fellow officers here have been willing to post in a thread here in the Mature Man section that DIDN'T have "How do I make her touch my wee-wee?" as it's subject heading...LOL
Now, back on topic.
Yeah, trust is an interesting thing. It is a concept that does NOT exist in a vacuum. And It can never really exist APART from some other concepts that are prerequisites----some of which, the very IDEA of them make SOME men uncomfortable because TO THEM----it defies their tentative grasps on the "versions" of logic and reason that they have learned from text books.
Trust is indeed an "issue". It is a byproduct of the existence of three things:
I believe that TRUST, much like a river, flows (or shall we say "issues") forth from these three OCEANS. It has been my observation that in all things in life, whether it be your abilities, your car, your paycheck, or your WOMAN, there is a certain order of things.
But let's focus on just using WOMEN as an example:
First you meet a woman, and then begin the process of getting to KNOW her. This is where the KNOWLEDGE portion begins.
Secondly, now that you KNOW her, if you recognize her as having VALUE, you make a decision to keep her around because she has somehow differentiated herself from those women who DON'T improve your quality of life by her continued presence. And it is indeed BECAUSE of these perceived differences to other women that has given you PAUSE---have given you CAUSE to RESPECT them.
Now let us go a little DEEPER into the fray, soldiers. This IS an "Intelligence" operation, isn't it? lol
As the Bible says (no, not the one for DJs, that OTHER one...),
"In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God."
The Victory Unlimited Sosuave Translation:
"If you want to REALLY know what something IS, pay close attention to what it is CALLED. And WHAT it is called signifies (is a sign, is a PICTURE, is a glimpse) into what it REALLY is. What you CALL something, IS that thing."
So why does a woman who differentiates herself from other women of lesser or incompatablie qualities cause you to pause?
Because that's what the word "respect" actually means:
"RE" means "again". And "SPECT" means "to look".
So RESPECT means that you have been inspired to "LOOK AGAIN" this woman whom you have previously aquired KNOWLEDGE of.
Thirdly, when a woman has entered your life that you KNOW well enough to have earned your RESPECT, that's when you have amassed enough evidence to step out in FAITH that she will REMAIN a person of consitent enough character that you can now---------TRUST.
So yes, first comes the knowledge, then comes the respect, then comes an act of faith. Because at THAT point, TRUST has become something that you can then CALCULATE----and subsequently, decide it's WORTH the risk. day.