Great thread! Possibly the best theory out there.
I agree with what you're saying 100%, however I think there's a problem in putting this theory into practice. Like you said, you see a hot chick and you want to slap her ass and **** her, but you can't truly act on that T urge. There is some intellectual thought that has to come into play or you can come up with your next theory in jail. I know it would be counterproductive to this theory to point out how you would approach the girl with your T urge, but I just wanted to point that out.
Have you ever tried to boss someone around without feeling fully congruent with it? Notice how they might have laughed or looked at you like "what the hell????".
Same thing happens when your dealing with the touching of a girl. You touch her body whether it be a shoulder, ass, etc and you don't do it with total congruence. You make a sexual remark and feel uncomfortable about it or seem desperate-horny you'll come off creepy. You do it in a cowardly sissy-man type way. It will be smelt out. It's showing its not your place to be doing anything like that and you'll get torn apart.
Do an expiriment: Go walk up to a girl at a bar touch her shoulder, with your eyes to the ground and head down. She'll be creeped out.
Now go up to another girl just feeling like the testosterone flowing in your veins as you walk up to her without hesitation with a "it's on" facial expression.
See the difference in reaction.
Now in the same breath you'll see a dude who is successful with females. He does what the hell he wants, his authority is felt. I'm sure all of you know at least one and you can see the difference between your friend that is a doormat.
Once I was at a bar with a friend and he insisted that these girls come back to the house. So he physically lifted the girl up and started to carry her down the street. She was crackin up It was hilarious, he got lucky that night by that girl.
Most AFC dudes would start to go into a panic attack of all the horrible things that could happen from doing that once thinking about it.
Anyways, think of it as a volume dial. If you ain't getting laid your **** is so low it can't even be heard. Time to turn up the pimp mode significantly.
Originally posted by il_duce
This post is ****ing genious!
It's everything that we all knew deep down was the truth, in a nutshell. Time to get a book deal, Jvesti. 
And I was wondering, what are your takes on T levels and sociability? You say that men with very high levels of T tend to be on the anti-social side, but I can think of many cases of high T men (athletes, naturals, entrepreneurs) who seem to be very sociable and accepted/popular within society, if you will. Based on my limited knowledge of psych, being anti-social is more of a choice (or perhaps instinct) than an actual weakness, am I right? If you agree that this can be the case, is it just seratonin levels that create the difference between the anti-social alphas and the social alphas? Or is it something else...perhaps just an instinct to isolate one's self from the strive for absolute dominance over everyone? Aren't serial killers known for having delusions of grandeur and **** like that? Comparing themselves to God and stuff? I think I see the connection. What do you think about this?
Actually that fearlessness, or ability to cope with stress well is an effect of high testosterone which can benefit in dominating social situations. Leaders of groups tend to have higher levels than everyone else. They are the dude with more "fight" to go out and do exciting things, approach chicks etc. You can certainly be socialized not to be this way which can make one frustrated bastard.
influence on aggression. As M&B suggest, testosterone may facilitate successful boardroom maneuvering as much as successful
barroom brawling, or it may produce useful creativity as well as
antisocial rebellion. To the extent that one can achieve status in a
culture or social system for “legitimate” prosocial or creative
actions, T’s influence may be sublimated into “higher” purposes.
That's how the word anti-social was used. Not in the sense of the quiet kid in the corner.
Now WHY and WHAT would separate a dude from being a rebel scumbag from an aggressive multi-millionaire businessman? There are many theories about this. What is the difference between high T low status versus high T high status. But I suspect It depends on the person's perception of their reality.
A kid growing up in the ghetto sees drug dealers/gang member as the God's of his world getting all the women. So he might go for the drug dealer that has to keep his rule by fear and violence.
On the other hand, if one grew up in the business world or was made aware of the higher reaches of society in a prevalent way. They might want to go about achieving their "fight", their willingness to be top dog a different way.
Sometimes our hormones will rise and fall based on what we are going for. For example: If there is perceived competition T levels rise. Think of troops before a battle or football players before a big game. (But of course a certain degree of this we are born with)
Oh ya and serotonin levels play a big part in impulsivity and the ability to hold off for time for the reward. So ya it's probably a good idea to have a good amount of serotonin in business because there is a degree of patience needed in it at times. Then you gotta have the willingness to dominate and make big splashes.
But anyways, if there are any other responses to this post. I'd like to hear some personal experiences. Action-oriented. If you "got it" or "grasped" what this is about. Or had a bad experience even. Or maybe have stopped reading posts that teach you how to walk your dog like an alpha male while reciting Ross Jefferies anal patterns. Cutting down your time sitting in front of a computer on sosuave for hours on end finding intellectual excuses not to face fears and more time actually DOING. I mean that's what the tips forum is all about to elicit action and results for the better of everyone based on what some of us learned. Let's kick some ass out there guys!