The inflated female ego


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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Sitting at home mending after I got pummeled in the surf, so you know I'm already blue, but this thread is not helping:eek:

No disagreement here, but dagnabit I feel like I need some "antidote"-

my story, like many of you guys, pivots on my meeting the "one", a girl who was going to save my AFC as s because she was the exception. Right.

She went "crazy" at the conclusion of the LTR and is now getting "space".

Old habits die hard and my knee-jerk reaction is to ask for affirmation that there are "exceptional" women out there, and I suppose there are, but you guys are drilling relentlessly into my cranium and I say, UNCLE! UNCLE!

Yeah, I get it, it's not just meeting the "exception" and recognizing her, but even more so about totally reprogramming our Manselves so as to see the BS coming and nexting it and her before she knows what hit her....

Must be why I work out a couple hours a day- this stuff is WORK and requires a steel hide...


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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ketostix said:
I always say a woman is going to mature and have all the good qualities she's ever going to have by the time she's 25 or so. If they aren't mature and feminine by then they'll never be and their bad qualities will only get worse and less changeable.
This is actually pretty valid. I think by their late twenties their core "quality" and maturity has pretty much gelled. Personality is definitely dynamic, but by this age most people have their identity issues ironed out and any relationship issues they haven't moved past are likely there to stay.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
In The South
I feel your pain King scottfall.


scottfall said:
Um, WTF?

The problem is with arrogant, self-centered *****es who do nothing but talk about how arrogant and self-centered they are. They think that if they act and dress like Paris Hilton they will become Paris Hilton. They are without any real substance so they create a fantasy world inwhich they are the queen diva.