Originally posted by WaterTiger
Don't let fear & nerves cripple you. Ever got up in the middle of the night & stubbed your toe? Hurt like hell didn't it? But did you die? No. Did you stop walking? No. Being bold won't kill you either. If you have to make an error, then make it by being TOO bold, not being too nice.
Originally posted by WaterTiger
Yeah, we say "I want passion" you say "Cool! Let's fvck!"
That's not quite what we mean by "passion". We mean:"Show me your power. Show me you're an Alpha Male! Make me feel safe and protected.".
Originally posted by WaterTiger
You keep forgetting that we are EMOTIONAL creatures, we want to FEEEEEL! There's a difference between making love and just getting your rocks off. Yeah, sex is great, sex is fun, we can get that anywhere. And if we can get it anywhere...what makes you different from 80 million other guys? THE PASSION you make us feel.
This should be stickied, and taught to every boy in school from ten-year-olds upwards.Originally posted by WaterTiger
Women want STRONG, CONFIDENT men. The closest thing we can find is a "Bad Boy". We DO want the BB to have the good qualities as well. We want the ying/yang symbol, the BB with a touch of AFC inside. Then we can be that decent, honest slut!![]()
Austin, sorry mate, you've gotten involved with an idiot. Forget about friendzoning and shyt tests - this woman is apparently so immature and clueless she has no idea how to behave with men she's not interested in.
Perhaps I'm being harsh. Thinking back, the women I've known who've acted like this have generally been anxious-prone and somehow undeveloped in their sexuality. More like innocent, naive girls than women. If that's the case here maybe you shold consider why you've gone after one such as this.