This is gets my award for best dramatic comedy post of the day (add cheering here). This is both very funny and very sad at same time. If some girl gave you her number and after you called her she told you she wasn't into guys, that was her way of saying "I gave you my legitimate number to get you to stop talking to me when we met. I'm very suprised you didn't pick up on this and actually had the nerve to follow up with a call."
Really what you're experiencing is a symptom of a bigger problem.
I can say without a shadow of a doubt that none of that happens to a real player. I don't know where you're going wrong with your conversations and pick up attempts, but this ain't cuttin it. It could be your delivery, it could be your persona, hell it could be that you're going after girls who are not compatibale with. Unforutnatley I don't know who or where you are so I can offer no advice on what you need to do in order to right this ship.
Soooo Good luck with that cheif! Chew on that for a few mins or a few hours!