The "If I wanted to..." story


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Anyone can claim to be beautiful if they avoid mirrors.

What I'm talking about here is the typical trap that I believe a lot of you fall into on this forum, the one that, last night, I realized just how far *I* had fallen into.

You know how it're struggling with a woman/some women and you want to learn better how to seduce them and become more attractive. So you find this site and its wealth of information about socializing techniques, masculine behavior, proper mindset, end up studying it and trying to apply bits and pieces of it here and there to certain situations. The first couple times you fail, you attribute it to being "green".

Then all of a sudden it works for you. You get laid once. Maybe even twice. Maybe you manage to pull a few numbers and actually hold down a chick or two.

You've got're the MASTER DON JUAN.

Or are you?

Doesn't matter. Having seduced a woman or two, you have reached a point in your romantic life that many of the people on this forum NEVER reach. You've studied the advice and seen it work. You start passing bits and pieces of this experience down to other members. A little bit at first, then more and more. People start to look up to you as someone who "really knows what he's talking about."

Then you make the worst mistake any man can become COMFORTABLE.

You sit back and rest on your haunches, believing that your extensive forum-knowledge and they scattered few experiences where it actually WORKED have transformed you, changed your attitude and made you a better, more attractive male. You start thinking you can go anywhere and seduce women...if you really wanted to. You start going to clubs and laughing at the frat-looking tools who go up to women and run lame game on them. You think to yourself, "She's just using him like a typical chump. If I wanted to, I could easily snatch those b!tches right from under their noses." You're riding the bus or at the gym and you see a cute honey and think, "If I wanted to, I could show that young'un the time of her life." You look at the other people as they pursue women as if you know something they don't.

What you don't realize is that you've fallen back on a self-esteem defense mechanism. The same one that tells the fat chicks that "big is beautiful" and "anyone can wear spandex". You've thoroughly convinced yourself that you are a GOD among men and you could own all the women of this world...if you wanted to.

The truth behind your ego-saving outlook on the universe is this:

-You DO want to.
-You CAN'T.

Now everyone tells you to act like "the great catch," and I'm not here to dispute that. But at the same time, you can't be the emperor with no clothes. As important as it is to "not give a damn what others think" of you as a person, romance is a SOCIAL event, which means that you can't do it alone. (no jack-off jokes please :D )

Because eventually someone is going to put you to the test. You're going to meet a girl that you find SO attractive that there is no WAY you can convince yourself any more that you don't "want to". So you're going to try, and you're going to find out something about yourself. You're going to find out that the approach is not as easy as it was with the girls who were already attracted to you. That conversation is not as easy to pace, that your C&F seems contrived and unnatural, or else you're too scared to deliver it. That you suddenly feel self-conscious about kinoing her. That if you should get an opportunity to close, you wonder if she likes you or she's just wondering what would be the quickest way to drop your sorry ass. You're going to feel insecure, retreat into your shell, grab a few more drinks and watch the game, pretending that you're not afraid, that you KNOW what you're doing.

You're then going to do what you always do...shut up, pick yourself up in a haughty stir, and say to yourself, "I don't need her or any of this sh!t. I AM A DON JUAN! I AM A DON JUAN!"

The reality is that you are nothing. And you will continue to be nothing until you first ACCEPT the fact that you are nothing and then strive to improve yourself through experience. Accept your own fallability and then strive to eliminate it through successful experience.

I bring this up because I had this experience last night. It's a disheartening thing. It had me feeling utterly inept and worthless in a way I hadn't felt since I came to this site. It's a tough experience for anyone who has avoided mirrors for so long to convince himself that he is great to see his reflection and realize he is just a fool with an ego complex. I felt like giving up last night. I was just going to give up on society as a whole.

But I woke up this morning and realized that that feeling, that experience was probably JUST what I needed. I needed to see exactly where I was in this "game" to be able to figure out how to take it to the next level. And I think a lot of people here need to do the same thing.

Next time you find yourself uttering or even thinking the phrase, "If I really wanted to...", ask yourself...DO you really want to? And if the answer is yes, then GO DO IT. Even if you fail, the experience and knowledge you will receive will feel infinitely better than the defensive emptiness of your ego-shielding misperceptions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Excellent post! You are very right. I find myself in that situation sometimes..

Sometimes you say "if I really wanted to" and sometimes you postpone your actions or decide to wait for the next occasion.

We need to stay focussed!

Props to you.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
manila, philippines
man... im glad you put this to my attention.

when im in school, i think to myself, all these girls... i could get them if i wanted to.

but i never really tried. too much ego... too much pride to actually risk rejection. :(

honestly, i dont know what i'm supposed to do!? :mad:


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
I concur.

The aim should be not "Can do", but "WILL do".

Time waits for no man, not even Marty McFly, so get out there and do it!

That statement in irony from the guy who's waiting to see how a girl situation pans out before actively seeking new women, btw.

1 Week to go before the O-YEAH Corral!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score

we all need a good solid dose of reality from time to time


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
wow, this post is articulates very well a good point.

I remember my humbling experiance at a party akin to what you speak. It made me think a bit more, and grow up just a bit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
It's a tough experience for anyone who has avoided mirrors for so long to convince himself that he is great to see his reflection and realize he is just a fool with an ego complex.
EXACTLY the way I've been feeling these last couple a weeks...

Always have to be striving to improve...

Wonderful post.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Wow... this post was really excellent. I could really relate to what was being said... bravo.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
At a very early age I realized that some girls like you and some don't (for whatever reason). I'm not attracted to the overwhelming majority of women out here so why should I expect the overwhelming majority to be attracted to me?

Never take rejection personal - this is where our fear to approach comes from - "If they reject me something must be wrong with me" WRONG! You ask them a question and they gave you an answer - nothing more - no one is obligated to comply with your wishes!

I never was so egotistical that I thought I can get any woman who I wanted - I'm too entrenched in reality and know better to delude myself!!

Avoid being proud and you won't ever be disappointed!!

And yes Squirrels "humility" is a great experience!! Pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall!!!!

"Pride" blinds us to the reality of things and in this blindness comes the unexpected fall - welcome to the land of fools!!!

Frank Zappa

Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2000
Reaction score
Definitely had your experiences recently. It's about practice and I hadn't been approaching for a while. Then I when out with my roommate. I was thinking as you did, that I could get any of these chicks if I wanted to, but most of them left while I was contemplating this and protecting my ego.

When we finally made our approach it was on the most improbable HBs (ten years older and hot professionals), who we spit game at, they weren't biting so we moved on. After that we kicked our heads repeatedly for letting all the college age girls leave while we were busy being pu$$ies.

You know... it's like when I get the ball rolling at a bar or any social scene, it snowballs for me. Like one woman digging me builds my confidence and then another one and then I just keep snowballing, but if I can't get the ball rolling, it sucks, I suddenly have no balls to make an approach. All this for the reasons you say, we aren't honest to ourselves and still fear rejection.

It's just sometimes you get so high off the fumes of a couple successes become literally unstoppable and then more and more chicks are attracted. But then you hit a drought and it's a real reality check. It's time to work on just feeling game all the time. Which involves continuous self-improvement with few relaxing/plateau stages.



Don Juan
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by squirrels
... You're going to find out that the approach is not as easy as it was with the girls who were already attracted to you. That conversation is not as easy to pace, that your C&F seems contrived and unnatural, or else you're too scared to deliver it. That you suddenly feel self-conscious about kinoing her. That if you should get an opportunity to close, you wonder if she likes you or she's just wondering what would be the quickest way to drop your sorry ass. You're going to feel insecure, retreat into your shell, grab a few more drinks and watch the game, pretending that you're not afraid, that you KNOW what you're doing.
Squirrels I completely agree. I had the same thing happen to me 2 weeks ago.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with what you say....
but I do think you are being a bit harsh on yourself and you are not being very positive about the whole thing.

Could it be you just had a bad night? I often have bad nights at clubs...where I just don't feel right and my picking up game is pretty hopeless ...and I just don't feel comfortable making approaches....

Its good to have bad nights.... makes you value the game....makes you value all oportunities....makes you want to improve your game and make it tighter....

I think you need to adopt a more Lax attitude about this whole really is not so bad...and IMO you are still ahead of most men out there.

So just chill....note each experience is a valuable one and you will learn from it.... learn from your bad experiences especially..... in your case you have decided you need to practice more gain some more experiences.

For me, when I have bad experiences at night makes me value all opportunities with HB's during day time when there is no competition and their bytch sheilds are wayyyyyy lower.

Just cause you were a failure on one occasion doesn't make you a COMPLETE failure......! Use your failures to further improve your game....and I think that is the gist of what I am trying to convey here...

good luck!


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I'll use martial arts as an example. Say you are a black belt, and have flexible/fast/strong kicks. If you don't do stretches every day, and a bit of training every day or two, you will start getting rusty. If you don't practice for a while, you will lose flexibility, and may even injure yourself.

It's the same sh!t with pick ups. If you don't go out and sarge everyday, you will start getting rusty. If you see a hottie that you're attracted to, go get her digits, even if you don't plan on dating her for some reason (i.e. having a stable gf, whatever), FOR PRACTICE. By constantly practicing your game, you never get rusty at it.

This is one of those disadvantages people in LTRs have compared to players. Players constantly practice their game and get better and better at it, whereas LTR people get rusty after a while, because they stop practicing.

You have to sarge everyday.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Another good post from the squirrely one himself.


I also see it when DJs start knit picking with everything they see in a woman. They'll chop her up, say that they are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, wear too much makeup, wear too little makeup -- all the while making these excuses not to approach..then..ultimately come up with the line "She's not worth my she's not worth an approach"

when in reality, the guy would have loved to approached, but has said this soo many times with soo many women..that when he does find the RIGHT WOMAN, he'll have no idea how to approach her..and may ultimately cut her down again to pad his ego and then say "if i wanted to, I could" - but in the end, he NEVER does.

hell when I approach women, its sometimes not even with the intention of a PU or a number close..I naturally like meeting new people and go out of my way to know people who hold different life experiences than me...sometimes the point of being a DJ iis to be comfortable in approaching all people, that when miss right does come along, you can handle it easily.

awesome post bro...


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
This is one of those disadvantages people in LTRs have compared to players. Players constantly practice their game and get better and better at it, whereas LTR people get rusty after a while, because they stop practicing.
Who says you can't still practice if you're in an LTR? I'm not saying close the deal (cheating), just that you can still stay sharp. An LTR isn't the end of improving yourself as a man, and it's no reason to stop being the alpha male. If she met you as a DJ, she's gonna be real disappointed if you revert to AFC.

And as Squirrels points out (perfectly) we all have room for improvement. That's why we're here, right?


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
At a very early age I realized that some girls like you and some don't (for whatever reason)
lol, I realised the same thing a few years back. Now I dont even try to understand why........people can tell me all about their techniques and their understanding how to run game and blah blah blah, but ultimately there will be girls that flat out simply arent attracted to you or whatever.

One more thing is that no matter how good you are, you will ALWAYS encounter situations where you feel stumped, or you say some stupid stuff. U just gotta pretend it doesnt phase you and keep moving on with the conversation. Sometimes you will feel embarassed and the girl can see it, but then again sometimes she will enjoy watching you embarassed and simply find it cute. There is no perfect forumla for success, only way to acheive it is to feel comfortable with yourself and realise it is all just a game and a learning experience. Stop taking yourself so serious.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by chicksrock
I agree with what you say....
but I do think you are being a bit harsh on yourself and you are not being very positive about the whole thing.

Could it be you just had a bad night? I often have bad nights at clubs...where I just don't feel right and my picking up game is pretty hopeless ...and I just don't feel comfortable making approaches....

Its good to have bad nights.... makes you value the game....makes you value all oportunities....makes you want to improve your game and make it tighter....

I think you need to adopt a more Lax attitude about this whole really is not so bad...and IMO you are still ahead of most men out there.

So just chill....note each experience is a valuable one and you will learn from it.... learn from your bad experiences especially..... in your case you have decided you need to practice more gain some more experiences.

For me, when I have bad experiences at night makes me value all opportunities with HB's during day time when there is no competition and their bytch sheilds are wayyyyyy lower.

Just cause you were a failure on one occasion doesn't make you a COMPLETE failure......! Use your failures to further improve your game....and I think that is the gist of what I am trying to convey here...

good luck!'s been bad night after bad night for the last month or so.

I reached a high point about a month ago...I was out clubbing and first I managed to approach this one hottie in this lounge-club completely cold and pretty much owned her. Didn't close because she said she was going to be in another club later, which I was planning to go to anyway, so I thought I'd see her there. But then I ran into another girl in this club and spent the rest of the night with her. :D

Anyway, me and the second girl were seeing each other for a couple weeks, during which time I really didn't do ANYTHING as far as other girls because I was blown away by her personality/flair. Then as time went on I started finding more and more things I didn't like about her (sorority girl, all male friends, seemed like I was getting the really logical-relationship treatment while I suspected when she was down at college, the lines between friendship and sex were WAY too blurred), and I also started worrying about keeping her interested, doing fun ****, etc.

Since then, whenever I went out, I would just not have the balls to do ANYTHING with women. I'd chat girls up, but I'd be afraid to initiate kino "too soon," concerned about closing her, trying to watch what I say and stuff like that. It just hasn't been good. I'd watch the hotties and the little frat-nerds who hit on them and say things like, "Yeah, I'm holding back. I could snatch her up in a minute if I wanted." But the truth is my game is sloppy. I can improve, I know this, but my game is sloppy and my fears are running rampant.

Last night was the first time in a while I really went out with an open mind and got to SEE how sloppy my game was. There were times when I was actually AFRAID to speak. Even after opening a girl and getting some initial interest, I just kind of sat back and let myself be shut out of the conversation. I was thinking, "damn chicks babbling about stupid ****. I don't need this." when really it was just MY failure to be a man and control the direction of the conversation.

I've been really socially starved lately anyway. It'll just take some time to get back into it, to sharpen my attitude back up. But this is something I think everyone needs to see. You get on a forum like this with just a SMALL amount of experience and you start giving tips down to newbies and suddenly you feel like you're a LOT more of a ladiesman than you really are. I mean, I never claimed to be a MASTER, but I'd sure act like it sometimes. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MindOverMatter
This is one of those disadvantages people in LTRs have compared to players. Players constantly practice their game and get better and better at it, whereas LTR people get rusty after a while, because they stop practicing.
You have to sarge everyday.
People in LTRs get practice every day because they have to seduce the same person EVERY day to keep them.

Outstanding post.