The Horrible Lies of


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
All of these guys speak of success after reading that site. I've learned that success means so many different things to so many different people. There are guys on this site who are virgins or have only banged 1 or 2 chicks in their lives. When my game is on I can bang 3 or 4 new chicks in a month. I usually have at least 3 women that im boning regularly. What I consider success and success for those guys who rarely get laid are probably at opposite extremes. I wonder what success means to the sensitive guys who believe in Destini?

I've read alot of that mess on the site. I don't find it to be all that deep or inspirational. It's probably because I'm stupid or as xblitz pointed out to someone else there is a flaw in my logic. I think most likely it is as DDV said and "I let my ego stand in the way," of being inspired by her ramblings (princelydeeds scratches head).

I would like to give her credit for the "fear Demon" thing. I think she was right on with that point. Honestly, I think she says the same things that are already in the DJ bible.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score

Don't you really understand, that reason WHY you get more women ISN'T some trick or tactik?? That's because you just TAKE more ACTION. ;) Thats very simple, when you really understand whats happening behind the surface. All these stupid "Confidence builders" WILL turn around to these guys, in the bad meaning. Because thats FAKE, and nothing more. Thats just trying to "mask" issues/complexes with some "quick-fix" (how long that quick-fix will remain? Year? Two?.. and then some unexpected event and - boom. the house of cards will colapse.). What you should REALLY do, is to explore your own issues, where they've came from, what makes you fell one thing or another... JUST in that way, you can have a REAL confidence.

I've read alot of that mess on the site. - mess... that just shows that you didn't really READ. First time I was readint that, I was thinking exactly the same... It's just patience and openmindness thing. Just sad, that ego tryes to prevent you from seeng "The truth" with all possible "logical" explanations, why this fake info is really nothing more but just that - fake. You should've seen how I argued, and thought the same thing, as guys now writes here, the first time I found that site...

Infinity - we've put as much efforts as we could. If you r blind, or have a short attention span, that's not our business..

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Re: princelydeeds>

Originally posted by DDV
Don't you really understand, that reason WHY you get more women ISN'T some trick or tactik?? That's because you just TAKE more ACTION. ;) Thats very simple, when you really understand whats happening behind the surface. All these stupid "Confidence builders" WILL turn around to these guys, in the bad meaning. Because thats FAKE, and nothing more. Thats just trying to "mask" issues/complexes with some "quick-fix" (how long that quick-fix will remain? Year? Two?.. and then some unexpected event and - boom. the house of cards will colapse.). What you should REALLY do, is to explore your own issues, where they've came from, what makes you fell one thing or another... JUST in that way, you can have a REAL confidence.

for crying out loud, just think, you could have shut all of us up long ago if you had put as much effort into explaining what the fvck shes on about (in point form for example) instead of wasting the entire time defending her.

Nooby Doo

Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
New Joisey
Originally posted by ( . )( . )
for crying out loud, just think, you could have shut all of us up long ago if you had put as much effort into explaining what the fvck shes on about (in point form for example) instead of wasting the entire time defending her.

Looks like its up to me to shut everyone up! I posted this exact thread on Destinis site and she responded. It was a long response which you can read here;action=display;threadid=646

but this is my favorite part

before you can really make a valid arguement, it might help to read the **** and see what kinda "bull****" I'm spouting off - because - amusing as it is - had you bothered to keep going and do so with your mind open and NOT with all your preconceived brainwashing delivered by idiots at so suave you'd realize just how much your initial post agrees with and nails everything I've ever written on this site
So there you have it guys. Such sweet irony. I have given you the essence of SW101, minus th pages of unintelligible text, all in one small post.

Not bad for a Nooby!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by princelydeeds
I would like to give her credit for the "fear Demon" thing. I think she was right on with that point. Honestly, I think she says the same things that are already in the DJ bible.
Much of the intent of the two sites seem to be very similar. DJ Bible etc tends to favor a proactive approach of doing a certain set of tasks to provide a canvas for discovering a set of truths. SW101 takes a contemplative approach of using self examination to determine where your hangups are so you can correct deficiences. It's the same thing, just attacking the problem from the opposite direction. An locomotive can push a train or pull it. The results are essentially the same.

It's all a matter of whether you want to go do a bootcamp without understand precisely why you are doing things so you can examine the results and correct based on that or if you want to explore what has already happened and make your corrections to achieve better results. I favor blending the two approaches. To each his own.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score

Thats just sad, how almost all of you missed the point of that site ENTIRELY...

I really didn't want any flame. But you'll see, sooner or later, that "House of cards" will collapse for everyone here...

NoobyDoo> I see, that your ego doesn't let you see, what she tryes to tell. But youll see, when all your "tactics" and fake "confidence" will crash HARD, very hard... ;)

I'm not going to try to explain that anymore, that's just waste of time... those who can see behind "the surface", will understand.

Nooby Doo

Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
New Joisey
Re: :(

Originally posted by DDV
Thats just sad, how almost all of you missed the point of that site ENTIRELY...

I really didn't want any flame. But you'll see, sooner or later, that "House of cards" will collapse for everyone here...

NoobyDoo> I see, that your ego doesn't let you see, what she tryes to tell. But youll see, when all your "tactics" and fake "confidence" will crash HARD, very hard... ;)

I'm not going to try to explain that anymore, that's just waste of time... those who can see behind "the surface", will understand.
:p There you go again.

You SW101ers with your assumptions!

Destini assumed I was an SS practitioner and now you assume that I use "tactics" and "fake confidence"

I find this amusing because in my initial post I never proposed anything of the sort. I basically said our best move is to grow a pair and be persistent by not worrying about a girls perception of us.

Sounds to me like YOU guys are the brainwashed ones, who cannot accept the simple beauty of this post. You have invested so much time studying "sexual dynamics" that it is too late for you to turn back and accept a simpler solution.

Its not our fault Destini has no writing talent and forces you to endure 10 pages of rambling to convey an idea that can be presented in a few paragraphs.

I am a pretty smart guy and I struggled with her work, not because it is so "intellectual" or "deep", but because she is a scatterbrain who does not express herself very well. I would rather drive 10 inch spikes through my head than have to wade through her nonsense again.

If you got something out of that site other than a splitting headache, I think you deserve a degree, or a medal!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2002
Reaction score
North East, USA
Have you Destini followers actually read Pook? I beleive in his post "Kill that Desperation", he states that being a DJ is not about memorizing a bunch of tactics or tricks. But about gaining true confidence by readjusting faulty behaviours of the past such as being to desperate!!!! Did you read that NOT about tricks and tips, NOT! And why is it always assumed that this site is about SS? Far as I read it's not, those SS guys have their own SS websites. A few people follow that here and that's their choice. I for one never cared to read about, or learn SS, but I still found this site useful.

Why is that? Because if you actually took the time to read the DJ bible, you would notice it's not all smoke and mirrors. Maybe there are a few SS posts, but I disregard them completely. It sounds like you are guilty of the same crime you accuse us of, not actually reading the information posted on this site!

And you can stop with the Ego thing, I'm a follower of Buddhism, I know all about the role your ego plays in deluding your true self. And that can be understood in many ways. Fear of bruising your ego is what makes someone not ask a girl out sometimes for fear of rejection. It's also the reason people make up stories to inflate their own self perception. Unfortunatly, you seem to be on an Ego trip DDV because you think you have found the only true "way" while you sit up on your mountain and toss stones down upon the masses. How about you check your own ego. As I posted on page one, read everything, take what is useful and disregard the rest. Don't become a blind zealot, who thinks they are holier then thou, and tell me I have an ego problem :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Nooby; Lone> Don't say me, to read the DJ Bible. *uck that. I guess, you even don't imagine what I've tried from here. I've came through all possible stages (Intermediate Dj, Senior, Master... SS.. NLP... David De A, Ross, all fvcking conf builers, approach tactics...) here, I am here two times more, than you, so don't tell me, that I didn't read DJ bible, or other info...
Really, did you read my earlier posts in this therad? 'cause I see, that I have to repeat everything two times (difficultys with attention span?).

ONE man, who doesn't miss the point here, is Pook. and even his words here are misinterpreted and converted into some stupid tactic. (BTW - If you just think, that you are A Prince Charming, you are not going to become one. that's just another way to mask your insecuities).

to grow a pair and be persistent by not worrying about a girls perception of us. - that's first misconception. - Find out, WHY are you worrying? But not "try to be persistent", and that is nothing more, but just "try". Everibody here "tyres" to "mask" their insecurities (I WAS one of them) with some "persistence" "fake it till you make it" "neg hit" "Don;t give a **** attitude" ""COOL" Body language" "Alpha male behaviour" "Special eye contact" .. and so on, and so on... Can't you really grasp HOW fake is that? You just can't get REAL confidence from that (BTW - again, confidence ISN;t a thing, which attracts women to you. maybe except insecure ones..). That's just trying to hide a sh|t under the sheet. sooner or later, it will start to smell... ;) We ALL have the needed tols for mating, which nature've gave to us. ypu just need to remove the obstacles in your head, and start using them. but not some foolish "theories".

Just ONE good point, which states this site is TO TAKE ACTION. That's just ONE thing, you all need to do. No stupid gimmics.

If you've really read info here, you should know, that there is one statement - "All this is numbers game". Why do you think that statement exists? That's because, if women doesn't like you - thats all. You must search for another one. And no matter, what you'll do, she isn't going to start to like you. And next (remember - "numbers game") who'll like you, will like you WITHOUT any "tactic" "tric" or "attitude". Just keep a common sense.

Isn't it detailed enough? I really can't understand, how more CLEAR I can write. (yeah, my english is bad. Sorry for that.) ;)


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Practice Field
It appears SDW101 is about examining your life and discovering why you are the way you are...what is holding you back. Like a self-psychoanalysis...not bad advice at all, but why not summarize it in a paragraph and then conclude with "Read Pook."


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score

( . )( . ) > are you really blind, or just pretend?

Infinity - no I can't. That ISN't some fu*kin quick-fix. You need to read, and to THINK and try to overcome your ego - thats most important. And TRY to LEAVE your old beliefs in sake, to test different ones. That was hard enough for me, but now i'm thrilled with results ;)...

Ok. I see, that, that info ppl will understand (or not) when they will be ready. Remember? : "When the student is ready, the teacher appears.". :)

Good luck you all in SoSuave'ing...

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo

Originally posted by DDV
( . )( . ) > are you really blind, or just pretend?

well? i take it thats a no then?

how stupid do you feel, fighting tooth and nail yet you couldnt lay the basic core principles of her site out.:rolleyes:

what a seriously embarrassing waste of time.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re:

Originally posted by ( . )( . )
well? i take it thats a no then?

how stupid do you feel, fighting tooth and nail yet you couldnt lay the basic core principles of her site out.:rolleyes:

what a seriously embarrassing waste of time.
I've put F*Ucking lot of effotrs in this thread trying to explai how FAKE all this "system" is (in concrete - what D's site tryes to tell you).
I REALLY can't understand (REALLY no joke, how some of you read, and don't see what I'm explaining. Just slide that button,of your browser UP, and read my post's one more time... damn...

dud... you'll mention my words. sooner or later... :rolleyes: ;) see ya.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
maybe its not sinking in, IN POINT FORM, like a sort of VERY short summary , WRITE OUT WHAT THE B!TCH SAYS, no puzzy footing around, no beating around the bush, here watch what i write in manspeak style ready?:

*kino works
*confidence works
*C&F works
*looking your best works

ok now your turn, you see what im getting at?

mate, seriously this is frustrating , WHAT AM I NOT GETTING?


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Practice Field
Ah, so my statement about self-psychoanalysis was not denied so considering the aggressive nature of DDV, it must be partially correct.

But, you say it's more about ridding myself of the ego? Well, in that case, I think I'll pass on SDW101. I love to read Alan Watts so I'll just stick with him...he's much more knowledgeable and easier to read than Destini. I don't need to learn my Zen from some amateur website.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score

( . )( . ) - ok. I've said that maybe 5 times, but I'll repeat: works NOT some fking KINO, C&F, CONFIDENCE, but YOU taking ACTION. And works JUST, and JUST on those girls, which are interested in you from the start. It doesn't matter, what you'd do, if she likes you. just keep a common sense, and show the fking interest. Thats ALL you need. Yes - thats so SIMPLE. No tactics, no C&F, no forcing yourself to do anything... You just TAKE ACTION, get success, and then rationalize, that SOME ACTION YOU DID, was responsble for that success (be it C&F, Challenge or whatever you want). But in real worked just one thing - YOU TAKING ACTION, and starting the dynamics of nature between two of you. We have ALL needed tools for mating, just let them do their fking work.
AND - if girl decides (unconsciously) that she wouldn't phuck you, there is NO fking technicue, to get her to change her mind. Thats, why you have a statement here "Numbers game". That means - if not this girl, then MAYBE next. Just all that **** about "Being a price" isn't real. that's not real confidence. that's just some fake "mask", to hide your insecurities.

And I repeat: That site, isn't some fking source of QUICK-fixes. you can't just write: NEG, C&F, CONFIDENCE.. - success. You need to understand how you and other function IN REAL (facts are based on psichology, science, ... not thought by someone.).

Infinity> - I'm not agressive. How I can debate with you, when you state, that you even havent read that... Thats your choice. read Allan Watts, or whatever you want.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
so in other words theres only a set number of chicks interested in you, and theres nothing you can do to change her mind, not even fvck your chances up.

youve totally disregarded the ALPHA male in ANY and ALL social circles who get all the women, but i guess by your logic there is no such thing and he just takes "action" more than everybody else, correct?

and this bit..
Originally posted by DDV

And I repeat: That site, isn't some fking source of QUICK-fixes. you can't just write: NEG, C&F, CONFIDENCE.. - success. You need to understand how you and other function IN REAL (facts are based on psichology, science, ... not thought by someone.).

im not buying it, like infinity already stated:
And, don't tell me it's too complicated to summarize in a few sentences. You could summarize Einstein's Theory of Relativity in a few sentences and people would get some idea of what you're talking about.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Damn... Why don't you just read that?? Then you'll understand (I hope) al BS about "Alpha male", why it just doesn't work. why it's just FAKE. Why women/men are compulsively attracted to certain ppl... Why you just don't read that? for god sake...

youve totally disregarded the ALPHA male - do you really believe, that by "pretending" to be Alpha, you'lll become one? Or that, your "Pretending to be one" will attract more women? :)) damn... Yes, I've tought the same earlier. That was one of the cases, why I've got so much struggle (I can guarantee, that 95% here gets the same. It's just enough read the forum...).

One more thig (again, I've written it here) READ one of gurus of this site - Mr.Fingers, last (I guess) thread "Shattering your limits". And you'll see, that EVEN him, started to see, all this SoSuave non-sense, and misleading... (Just even in that thread, 80% of ppl, missed the point completely, of what Fingerz wanted to say - "Let all those illusions, you've created for yourself").
Again - NATURE have given the RIGHT tools for mating for ALL of us, you don't need any theorizing. Just have a fckin common sense, and you'll be successfull 100%.

That's VERY VERY VERY simple. I can't even tell in words, how simple is all that, after I've let my illusions, which I've created here, and when I've FINALLY ovrcome my issues (but not just tryed to "Fake it till you make it").


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Then you'll understand (I hope) al BS about "Alpha male", why it just doesn't work. why it's just FAKE. Why women/men are compulsively attracted to certain ppl...
Women are attracted to dominant assertive men, that's all there is to it. If you wanna convince me otherwise you'll have to come up with some real compelling evidence. All I have to do is look around me and see the truth. It doesn't take long to realize that the men who get women are the men that are assertive. A duck is a duck. Don't try to say it's a chicken.

Assertive is the very definition of what a man is. He takes charge. Stop busting on this site. The core foundation of it speaks with reason, logic, and truth. If you wanna go become a girlyman then have fun crying when the walls of reality cave in on you.

no forcing yourself to do anything... You just TAKE ACTION
Don't you have to force yourself to take action?

Dude I've read every one of your posts in this thread, and all I could deduce is that your a blabbering fool. You have absolutely no idea how the real world operates. I'm sorry your just gonna have to accept it. Your nuts.
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