Wow, blast from the past. Im proud of the rap i wrote, what mad talent..ahahahha
Dreams turning into Reality in the future
-Rock climbing. Not the pansy inside type. The one outdoor with all the risks involved.
-Skydiving. So far i've jumped from 60 feet tall cliffs.. let's see if i can do it from 6000 feet.
-Racing a car at 130 MPH+ Borrow somebody's car and take it to the track.. my car definately cant go that fast right now.
-Write an article for my university's newspaper. I dont know why, i always wanted to.
-Buy turntables and get into DJ'ing. Always has been a dream of mine.
-Actually write down my freestyle's and work on my flow. It's shameful how many guys resort to "i cant rap when sober" nowdays.
-Visit many wonderful countires in this world: Spain, France, Italy, China, Japan... hopefully kick it with Fingz
-Bulk up to 200, then cut to 185 with 8% BF ( I will be done by the same time next year.)
-Get up on stage and sing karaoke at a bar somewhere..and have the audience cheer!
-Learn all i can about stockmarket investment and REI and actually START on my path within next 5 years.
-Treat women like little girls. Forever and ever