The guys who get all the hot girls


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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San Francisco
A wise man once said:

"A Slut is a girl who will fvck any one, a b!tch is a girl who will fvck any one but me."

Many people, and by people I don't mean high school kids, who own expensive cars, homes, or just fun toys, have an ambitious personality, and that has A LOT to do with their success with women and in life.

They have the confidence and balls to take risks, learn from mistakes, and move on. They don't get caught up on bull**** details, and they are not the types to use lines, or be slick to attract women, they attract women through their dominance and the way they make women feel good.

A quote to sum it all up for you:

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, who strives valiantly; who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with the cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Ok, I'm currently by no means at the level of game such as Dan, but as somebody who is naturally street smart and alpha-minded and can see right through people and situations (like supreme likes saying, "can spot fly sh!t on a field of grass) - I will tell you, and its not a personal attack on anyone, but a warning to ANYONE who acts and thinks in the following way:

Please stop saying "there's no quality girls around!!", "you'll see quality women in 15 years", "those girls aren't quality at all because they choosin bad boy losers!"
----NO! there IS NO "quality" scale okay? You are making excuses for yourself, because mayyyybe you are a self-righteous beta chump, and chicks are "low quality" because they are NOT WITH YOU. "I'm a nice guy, intelligent and o-so cultured and proper... all other guys are jerks and as$holes, but look HOW GOOD I AM!". NO, buddy. You think michael Jordan, Evan Stone, or Vladimir Putin ever complained about low quality women? Possibly but I say hell no.
Haha, have you see Putin's wife? I live in that part of the world now and one of the tabloids (Russian "OK" or was it "Hello"?) did a story last week on a romantic evening he had with his wife. Haha, it was so funny. I read it with all the middle-aged ladies at the Narvesen store where I pickup up my bottled water. Oh, what a smooth man Vova is :crackup: I am still stunned at how pathetic the local guys are when it comes to girls. The sex drive of these guys must be among the lowest for men on earth. No wonder all the girls walk around hugging stuffed animals.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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HandyAndy said:
Im guessing your in highschool, as am I. I noticed that the quality of girls in HS is really low, with the exeption of the few girls who you can tell dont date every chump they see. In HS, the girls usually go by looks and what you have, ie. money, cars, clothes. When you go out into the realworld, the quality of the girls will go up.
You sure do know a lot about the real world for someone who's still in high school.

If you're ugly and poor you will settle for lower quality women. Don't confuse yourself.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
meintenesrigas, where do you live?
Eastern Europeans are pathetic? lol if you think so that your opinion...

Besides, it seems women love Putin hes the man and he seems to have a hypnotic effect on females somehow... i dont care what his wife looks like or what some newspaper said about him. You believe everything you read?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Ok, I'm currently by no means at the level of game such as Dan, but as somebody who is naturally street smart and alpha-minded and can see right through people and situations (like supreme likes saying, "can spot fly sh!t on a field of grass) - I will tell you, and its not a personal attack on anyone, but a warning to ANYONE who acts and thinks in the following way:

Please stop saying "there's no quality girls around!!", "you'll see quality women in 15 years", "those girls aren't quality at all because they choosin bad boy losers!"
----NO! there IS NO "quality" scale okay? You are making excuses for yourself, because mayyyybe you are a self-righteous beta chump, and chicks are "low quality" because they are NOT WITH YOU. "I'm a nice guy, intelligent and o-so cultured and proper... all other guys are jerks and as$holes, but look HOW GOOD I AM!". NO, buddy. You think michael Jordan, Evan Stone, or Vladimir Putin ever complained about low quality women? Possibly but I say hell no.
Well said, I was tired of people telling other guys "Don't go for those types of girls they're $luts anyways." Well, those $luts are the girls that everyone on this site is trying to get.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
I really want to be the guy that all the girls want. Is anybody watching Rock of Love on VH1? I've seen a few episodes and those girls want to be all over Bret. He definitely has "the prize" working for him.

The question is how can a normal guy (me) get girls to go after him? I don't want super hot model chicks. Just the girls that I see at college. And yet it's almost impossible to get them. Since I have yet to score I don't know if it is possible.

Risks were mentioned a couple of times in this thread. What risks?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
The reason the guy's who drive bmws their parents bought them, listen to sh1tty gangster rap, and wear abercrombie and fitch, pull chicks is not just due to that, but more or less the "cool, bad ass" vibe they give off when they meet girls.

True enough i wear Abercrombie and Fitch - Nice comfortable clothing, that portrays confidence, and looks chic, sexy and cool. I listen to some Rap music because i like it and the bass is badass. And i drove a Mercedes Benz because my dad gave it to me. However with out any of those things i would still pull chicks because i'm naturally a "fun, loving, cool guy". Simply having those things raise my value and makes people already assume i'm cool, which i am.

After i get my Mercedes fixed up(i wrecked it) i'm planning on trading it in for a Fire bird or a Camaro. A benz is nice to have but not when you need maintenance, or in my case "fuuck it up" it's a biitch especially when your responsible for the money. My advice to you OP, try being genuinely confident in yourself and not care what people think about you.

The only exception to the what i stated was their is a % of hot chicks who will only date a guy with a expensive car for two reasons. This is the lifestyle they are used too, so they don't go lower or they are just shallow and superficial. Confidence, dominance, being an alphamale and generally just not "giving a fuuck" is why guy's are able to pull hot chicks not the materialistic things they have. A chump can have nice clothes, nice car and listen to rap and still not pull hot chicks. An alphamale simply pulls more chicks having those things because it is congruent with his success and outlook on life


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Those wanna-be gangsters are complete chumps. Tryn to be something their not... Now, when I lived in California I used to hang out with crips and other gang members. You know how they got b!tches? They were; assertive, alpha-male status, they took what they want, they didn't ask if they could do this, didn't take no sh!t from anybody and so on.


The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Alphamale1821 said:
The only exception to the what i stated was their is a % of hot chicks who will only date a guy with a expensive car for two reasons. This is the lifestyle they are used too, so they don't go lower or they are just shallow and superficial. Confidence, dominance, being an alphamale and generally just not "giving a fuuck" is why guy's are able to pull hot chicks not the materialistic things they have. A chump can have nice clothes, nice car and listen to rap and still not pull hot chicks. An alphamale simply pulls more chicks having those things because it is congruent with his success and outlook on life
I completely agree. If you're not pickin up chicks with a junker car, chances are you're not gonna be pickin up chicks with a Beemer either. If you can't pick up a girl with a Ferrari, though, you suck at life.