Originally posted by S0LID
Creased! You got it spot on. I'm giving Trish Stratuas as an example. Someone with some life in her, not some goth who probably cuts her own wrists, and hates life.
What gives you any indication that the girl at the top of this page is gothic or hates life??
For one thing, the resolution of that pic is like 200x200 pixels. For another thing, I don't see anything gothic or depressing about that girl at ALL.
For another thing, I can't BELIEVE that people are STILL wasting time off their lives analyzing the appearance of some chick-graphic at the top page of a forum!
You guys will never find a girl you're happy with...you're such frikkin media slaves it's not even funny. You've got this idea in your heads that you need to go out and be nailing some supermodel to be happy with your life.
And instead of going out looking for that supermodel, you're trying to change the pic at the top of some website to be that ideal girl?? Is she like, the only girl you see on a day-to-day basis or what??
I'm done. LOL...this is retarded.