The girl's plan


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
What would u guys gonna do if u want to ask the girl out?

For me, I would call her and have lil chitchat for 2-3 min then

I will say do u have any plan this evening/ tmr evening?

If she say no, then i will say like "let's have some dinner, meet me at...

time at ..." and then say like see u and hung up.

The thing is what if she said that she was busy during that time

then i maybe ask her out again tomorrow.

BUT!! what if she is busy again, how do u guys handle this w/o being

looked needy and desperate?

P.S. Assume that the girl is really busy like studying very hard for an exam, applying for a challenging job like an air hostess, not just flaking to increase her social value.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
Man its not rocket science just ask her what time she would be available. If you clear your schelude be with her on that date than go ahead. If she presist on being constantly busy then she not interest and you move on.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, if she says she can't, then suggest a different day. If she says she can't either and still doesn't offer a day where SHE has time, then it's a no. "maybe" or "i'll text you when I know" is also no, at least in my experience.

But I have a question: is it good to do the 3min smalltalk before coming to the point? I mean I never do smalltalk on the phone and instead ask right away. What would you guys think is better and why?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
crazyboy said:
Man its not rocket science just ask her what time she would be available. If you clear your schelude be with her on that date than go ahead. If she presist on being constantly busy then she not interest and you move on.

Haha. Seriously, how is this a tough question...

How about you ask the girl, "Let's get a drink soon. How's your week looking?"

Then she says "I'm busy Mon, Tues, Wed, but I'd be free Thursday night..."

And look at magically have a date for Thursday night!!!

Some of you guys make dating way too complicated.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Haha. Seriously, how is this a tough question...

How about you ask the girl, "Let's get a drink soon. How's your week looking?"

Then she says "I'm busy Mon, Tues, Wed, but I'd be free Thursday night..."

And look at magically have a date for Thursday night!!!

Some of you guys make dating way too complicated.
Thx for ur suggestion bro.

The thing is I used to hear some people in this forum saying that

u gotta be a man and take the lead.

Thus, when i call a girl to offer a date, i will say like

" hey, wht r u doin tmr evening?" If she say, she is free, then

I will say "ok let's have sth for a bite, meet me at ...., time at...."

and finally end the call.

With all due respect and no offense, im wondering if we say like ""Let's

get a drink soon. How's your week looking?" will sound desperate and not

in control?

Anyway, i will try your suggestion bro.

PS Maybe i am too overanalyzing it as it is just a date btw a man and a woman