the girl with a life...


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
I'm sure you guys have delt with this before, but how do you get a girl who's very busy? There's this girl in my social studies class who is the hardest girl I've ever tried to read. It's back and forth between she's attracted, she's not attracted. I first starting talking to this girl about a month and a half ago. I've learned a few things about her. She's apparently danced for 13 years, and is mainly her life. As a joke (she's very attractive, HB 9), I said "I bet you've never had a boyfriend before" and she agreed! She said she's never had a boyfriend before. And the more I thought about it, it's possible. I've given her many signs and she appears to react dumbfounded (well she doesn't react like she knows what's going on). She's definately not a flirt. And she's very intellectual. All of which I love. I tried to chill with her a few times, but she never responded. When I asked (not directly) why, she said it was because she didn't know about it, you should've called me (basically). I probably should've contacted her though... But the point is, I think I'll have to bluntly tell her to chill at a particular date or something. Because hints definately don't work. And I know she's attracted to me. And when she gave me her number, I didn't ask (directly). Oh, and today I asked what she was doing this weekend through text messaging. She said dance (of course) all weekend. and so I respond with a ":-( busy busy." She responds with "yes, you sound sad". I respond with "have a good weekend (her name) :)" She responds with "but you sounded sad". I don't respond... Just a bit of experimenting...

Comments welcome, mates.

sorry for my crappy writing skills, only had 5 hours of sleep in past 3 days... :crazy:


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
California USA
Either she's lying to you, she's been home school'd all her life, or she's just not interested. Point is, if a girl is a (as you claim, HB9), she should have experienced all of these things. Stop dropping in hints. Hints are for cowards, and to be used by girls. When you want a date, be specific in the place and time. If she claims she has to "go to dance practice", tell her that she's danced for so long already, she could use a little break. If she insists, you can try one more time by saying that you'd like to dance with her and see if she really is as good as she claims. If she rejects you on that again, then move on.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Aww jeez.. did you relaly make a sad face at her? :(

Did you really make her think you were upset because she was too busy for you this weekend? :(

Do you really lack the guts to just be bold and take the initiative? :(

Sorry, bit of a sarcastic post but.. I'm sure it will be helpful to you none the less. :)

The Muscly Jerk


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
sounds exactly like my girl lol. This is how you should get her, best and easy way, what you do is either approach her sis or best friend, get to know them all the while approach that girl, tell your intentions to her sis or best friend and they will do the work on from there.
Tip:since shes not experienced, expect her to be quite cold cause she is not used to showing affection, also dont beg to spend time with her and dont get too attached too soon cause girls who are like that are just too busy to get too attached to u, so take it slow.
Good luck.
give me a rep u no i deserve it, and i assure u my advice are all correct cause my girl is like the girl you like.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
IceCream said:
Either she's lying to you, she's been home school'd all her life, or she's just not interested. Point is, if a girl is a (as you claim, HB9), she should have experienced all of these things. Stop dropping in hints. Hints are for cowards, and to be used by girls. When you want a date, be specific in the place and time. If she claims she has to "go to dance practice", tell her that she's danced for so long already, she could use a little break. If she insists, you can try one more time by saying that you'd like to dance with her and see if she really is as good as she claims. If she rejects you on that again, then move on.
yeah, I've asked her to go see a movie (Borat) with me, but it never happened because she never got back to me... but then I brought it up, she said that she wanted to go, but I never got back to her on it...

I did say "I wanna see if you're as good as you say her are", but she responds with "I don't lie, but I don't dance in front of people I know" (which I called her on). She says she's been in a national competition two years ago. She has dance practice every day of the week (minus monday, which she works at a chiropractors sp? office), and has competitions on weekends and the such.

I'll see where this goes. But I don't think she's been home schooled. She's not shy or anything and she talks to people in class. Maybe she's just been to busy to actually have a real social life. It's possible.

and yes, I did make a frowny face. :(


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
I am currently having the same problem with this girl I am interested in. She is always busy with sports. I just ask if she wants to hang out, and she usually says she wants to go but can't because of sports.
I don't really know what I am doing but the best advice I can give on this, is that when she says she can't go, DON'T BE SAD! Just say something like "Alright, have fun at your game" or whatever. Just stay cool.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
California USA
Sorry man, but by reading your response, i have concluded that she is lying to you. No girl is to busy for a man to sweep her off her feet. She'll find time if she is really into him. But if you really like her, I'd say to try one last time. Ask for a "hang out", maybe ask her out for some lunch. If she agrees, this is your chance to shine (meaning, dont blow it, show her how great of a guy you are). If she disagrees and makes another lame excuse, tell her that she's missing out on all the fun, and next her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
She probably is seeing two other guys and keeping you in her back pocket.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I can believe her. The fact is that even if she does want to go with you, her parents and instructors are pressuring her to not waste her time and concentrate on her dancing. Really, its best just to move on to someone else who would have more time for you