the girl I liked changed her phone number! why? and my what are my chances


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
ayo, im new here. Im reading a lot of stuff and completed the dj bible. I think this forum really helped my game to develop to the next level!

I got a question bout this girl im busy with.

We made out once but never went on a date she declined my offers after I said ''I can do anything I want with you'' when I saw her in real life at teh supermarket

She wasn't showing a lot of interest after my number close but she was replying to my text a lot and we had some phone chats which were very entertaining, we had a great vibe and were romance talking.

Last week we were calling again and I sent her a funny picture of arnold schwarzneggers body with my face photoshopped in it and a picture of me showing of my biceps. I had a t-shirt on with a naked girl on it. She was shocked on the phone saying she disliked the t-shirt a lot.

anyway 2 days after the phonecall she changed her number and im pretty sure its because of me an

I never acted like an AFC towards her, used the dj tactics, always teased her in a funny ****y way. I think she liked my attention and i feel like she has a bit low self asteem. She sometimes made clear that I was a d1ck for my comments lol but always laughed coz of my jokes

anyway she lives 100meters from my house and Im thinking a lot about her :nervous: so annoying everytime I walk near her house I have to check if her chamber's lights are on or off.......

But she changed her phone number, i think coz of me maybe overchasing or so, what can I do about this and do you guys think my chances with this girl are history ? I see her sometimes, should i talk to her?



Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
lol are you serious? girl changes her number and you are not sure to leave her alone or not? Does she need to get a restraining order to get the point across?

I'm just gonna put this out there for you but, lets just say that she didn't change her number because of you. I would still leave her alone, just to show her that you are not as needy to pursue someone who clearly didn't bother to keep you updated to their life.

Get it?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Yea...leave this one alone. And stop checking to see if her bedroom lights are on/off. That's stalkerish.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
SgtSplacker said:
lol are you serious? girl changes her number and you are not sure to leave her alone or not? Does she need to get a restraining order to get the point across?

I'm just gonna put this out there for you but, lets just say that she didn't change her number because of you. I would still leave her alone, just to show her that you are not as needy to pursue someone who clearly didn't bother to keep you updated to their life.

Get it?
Exactly. Even if by some chance she changed her number for another reason, if she wanted you to have the new number, she would have given you the new number or texted you from her new number.

She clearly doesn't want you to have the new number. Move on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Dude don’t go near her house, imagine if she catches you spying. Let her go, focus on other chicks, I know it’s hard but making any kind of contact with this girl will make things worse. No contact, and don’t expect something from her I doubt it will happen relied on your thread.

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
EDIT: Now in english, as requested! :up:
brasilisheaven said:
Last week we were calling again and I sent her a funny picture of arnold schwarzneggers body with my face photoshopped in it...
Hey man, What the Actual F**K??

Dude, You just cannot be serious!!!

In the first plance, you have One-itis, so you can stop it already, because it is all wrong. From the moment you learn game because of an specific girls, you are already playing it all wrong. You don't have to know how to play her. You have to know how to play. Period.

And I know everyone say "Oh, you have One-itis, forget about her and go get other chicks" as if it was something easy. It is not. But what you will eventually find out is that chasing after one in specefic is way way harder, and usually you end up without her. And with a broken heart. (And luckly looking like a fool to her, at least. 'Cause you can end up looking way worse than a fool)

Sencondly, Stop with the text game. There is no text game. It won't take you anywhere. The game is only with the chick. On spot. Mobile? Only to set up another date. Talking too much will only cool her down to a frigid point. This is what most women I know complain about: " He was doing so well, but then he could not stop talking. He f**ked himself up" For instance, what an idiotic idea of sending a "funny pic". I seriously don't know what is your idea of funny, but trust me, this is not it. The naked girl in the T was just some rationalization because she could not put up through your sh*t anymore. The f**k with the funny pic. Just imagining it make me sick in the stomach. The only fun I can see in such act is you, posing as a Jester!

And about you teeling us that you never AFC'ed around her. That is what YOU think man. Had you acted like a man, you would not be in here asking this kind of question, full of insecurities, sillyness, and bizare behaviour, i.e. stalking her window to see if the light is on. That's absurd. Do you think that a man of Value would do this kind of sh*t? Yeah, I guess no

She changed her number because of you, that is a fact, and acting like this is not going to help you at all. As some dudes already told you, if she wanted to talk to you, she would already have done it.

So, asking your question, Yes, your chances with her are ZERO. -273 kelvin, the absolute Zero. Want me to prove it? Here is it! You see her sometimes, right? So, in the same manner, she also sees you. Does she comes to talk to you? No. So guess what...? She don't want to talk to you. That's her cue.

So, please, do not make it worse and just bail. Lucky you, that only hooked up once with her. It could have been your Long Term GF. And if your GF did thiis sh*t to you, then you would be f**ked up. But no, You don't have sh*t with this girl. Get the f**k out. There's really a million of other girls out there, and this is just another one of them.

See it like this, in a positive light. If it wasn't for her, you would not end up in here. Which is great. So, that was her purpose in your life. You have to be grateful, and that's that.

Now study, read lots of sh*t, watch some videos, and get out there, because it is a long journey!

And I'm sorry if I was harsh, but it was to properly fix the idea in your mind! ;)

Welcome Bro! =D

(And sorry about the Portuguese brasilisheaven, but you got to admit your name is misleading though. hahahaha)
Last edited:


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
Lotus im not brazilian I just love latinas.

anyway translate it in english ? explain why you think i made big mistakes with her

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Hit her up on Facebook, apologize profusely for anyway you may have offended her, then ask for the new number.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
she has no facebook. and she changed her # coz of me, im pretty sure. im not gonna contact her I just wanna learn from my mistakes mate. lost a fine as$ girl tho pfftt..


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
She has no Facebook. She changed her # coz of my overchasing or actions like I said in my above post so I'm not contacting her anymore. Shes hot, nice body, beautiful face and good personality so that's fvckd up


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
It's OVER. Forget about it, move on, spin plates, jack off, do anything except walk by her house staring longingly at her chamber window. As others have said, she changed her number and didn't update you. Take the hint and put effort into meeting and gaming new chicks. When she sees you strolling around the block with a new chick on your arm she MIGHT reconsider but for now you gotta go NC, that my friend is your only hope.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Your princess is in another castle. If she wanted anything to do with you, she would've updated you. So go NC and get another girl.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
You're in Brazil for christ sakes. There is no shortage of beautiful women. Find one that likes you as much as you like her. And like Apprentice said, let her see you with the new hottie.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
GS750 said:
You're in Brazil for christ sakes. There is no shortage of beautiful women. Find one that likes you as much as you like her. And like Apprentice said, let her see you with the new hottie.

My money says he's from the UK. He referred to her bedroom as her "chamber". I love the way Brits speak, sounds so much different than some of us Americans.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
Lotus ty for your feedback man, I think you fully understand my fackap situation with this chick

about the pic: it fitted the convo coz she was asking questions about my body since I do fitness. She said send me a pic of your muscles so I figured to send her a photoshopped pic my nephew made. thats the setting. its not that i randlomy send stupid sh1t

I live in Belgium guys


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
I guess I misinterpreted his usage of "her chamber's lights are on or off". Brits might not say it but I'm going to try to introduce it to my low class friends here in central California. Doubt it will catch on but damn it would sound classy as hell.

Dude: "Did you slam that chick from the bar last night?"
Me: "Well let's just say she spent the night in my chamber and many a toe was curled."

What can I say I love colorful language!


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I was basing the location off of his username. But he's from Belgium, so we were both wrong haha

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
brasilisheaven said:
Lotus ty for your feedback man, I think you fully understand my fackap situation with this chick

about the pic: it fitted the convo coz she was asking questions about my body since I do fitness. She said send me a pic of your muscles so I figured to send her a photoshopped pic my nephew made. thats the setting. its not that i randlomy send stupid sh1t

I live in Belgium guys
You know that line, "been there, done that"? Well that's why I could easily relate. Not proud though lol

About the pic, even if you truly believe it was a good idea, it was a stupid move. Trust me dude. It was BAD. Bad enough for me to reinforce the idea that it was terrible. Don't you ever do stupid sh*t like that until you are really great with women and don't care about the outcome.

Anyway, pic or no pic, what's done is done.

You. Bail. Period.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
brasilisheaven said:
She said send me a pic of your muscles so I figured to send her a photoshopped pic my nephew made.
That was a sh*t test and you failed, HORRIBLY! You she wanted to see a picture of your "muscles," you should have went c & f on her and accused her only wanting you for your body body and using your picture as material to finger bang herself to. Of course she would have disagreed, then you could have teased her some more about just wanting to add your pic to her computer file of countless men with large pectoral muscles. She would have laughingly denied to all of this, to which you finally would have gotten slightly serious and said, "Though I'm in excellent shape and I'm very proud of the end results of my discipline, hours in the gym, proper eating habits have yielded, I don't send send pictures of my to random females. However, if you're a good girl, behave, and buy me some coffee and a cheese danish at Star Bucks (or the local coffeehouse,) maybe, just maybe, one day you'll be fortunate to see my Adonis like body. After this you change the subject, better yet, on that note you end the conversation and go play GTA 5.