The girl i have fallen for who has a Boyfriend.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hello one and all, this willbe my 1st post.

I am looking for help and advice.

So to start I am a guy aged 27 and live in the Uk, I work with in a store as a sales manager, we had a young girl start working with us September gone she is aged 18 we got chatting as she is someone that i find really easy to talk to. I asked her for her number which she gave me. After about a couple of weeks she txted me just to let me know that she had put something to oneside for me, so i txted back saying thank you and asking her when she was next in work, which she told me i am not sure who said this but one of us said that we missed each other when we are not in work together to which we both found out that we like each other.

From that day we would always send texts to each other everyday then she asked if i had msn so she added me on that and we got talking even more every night we would chat online. She had told me that she really likes me and that she loves everything about me she even told me that she loves my wild and naughty side and loves the storys i tell her.

But she then told me about her Boyfirend i was ready for it as i could tell she had a boyfriend from the start. She says she loves him to which i believe she truly does yet he puts a sport before her which she hates about him as she feels that he loves that more then her, she has asked him before what he would pick her or this sport and he answered the sport.

She has told me that she sees me as a great boyfriend and that she does love everything about me.

well what i need help on is what can i do? i wont to be with her just i dont know how i should act around her and what to say to her to see me for who i am. So any advice will be great

Sorry about the long read.

Much Thanks

Ps: if you need to ask me anything please do.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score

forget about her...

if you cant find anyone else to date, focus on yourself instead...

workout, go to school, get a hobby..

just stop talking to her... your only going to dig yourself into a deeper hole....


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Demodulate said:

forget about her...

if you cant find anyone else to date, focus on yourself instead...

workout, go to school, get a hobby..

just stop talking to her... your only going to dig yourself into a deeper hole....
Thank you for your advice, but just so you know I do workout i have 3hobbys and i do focus on myself, but i still like this girl and well i never give up :D


Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
She had told me that she really likes me and that she loves everything about me

she then told me about her Boyfirend i was ready for it as i could tell she had a boyfriend from the start. She says she loves him to which i believe she truly does yet he puts a sport before her which she hates about him as she feels that he loves that more then her, she has asked him before what he would pick her or this sport and he answered the sport.

She has told me that she sees me as a great boyfriend and that she does love everything about me.
Sounds like her boyfriend may not give her all the attention she craves and she's looking for her next victim. She sounds like high maintenence. Either that, or she's looking for a chump to be seen out with so as to make her BF jealous.

If you're smart, you'll note her modus operandi, should there come the day you become the BF she's looking to dump or make jealous.

"She says she loves him ..." She doesn't know what love is. She's 18. If she really loved him, she wouldn't be talking to you the way she is.

She probably also "loves" her cat, loves her shoes, loves her friend's new dress, loves the new Hugh Jackman movie...

So, what to do? First, stop IMing daily and talking to her so much and make her miss you some, then tell her that when she breaks up with her BF, she should give you a call and you'll go out with her. Then sit back and watch what she does next.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Mr. Me said:
Sounds like her boyfriend may not give her all the attention she craves and she's looking for her next victim. She sounds like high maintenence. Either that, or she's looking for a chump to be seen out with so as to make her BF jealous.

If you're smart, you'll note her modus operandi, should there come the day you become the BF she's looking to dump or make jealous.

"She says she loves him ..." She doesn't know what love is. She's 18. If she really loved him, she wouldn't be talking to you the way she is.

She probably also "loves" her cat, loves her shoes, loves her friend's new dress, loves the new Hugh Jackman movie...

So, what to do? First, stop IMing daily and talking to her so much and make her miss you some, then tell her that when she breaks up with her BF, she should give you a call and you'll go out with her. Then sit back and watch what she does next.
Sound advice that Mr . Me maybe you have hit the nail on the head. I'll try to stop IMing her or talk to her as much it willbe hard to do as well i really do love talking to her. Lets see what happens, I will update with any news.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Inspired said:
Thank you for your advice, but just so you know I do workout i have 3hobbys and i do focus on myself, but i still like this girl and well i never give up :D

sigh.. this is going to end badly for you...


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Demodulate said:
sigh.. this is going to end badly for you...
Well maybe it will maybe in wont, its not the end of the world yer i'll be upset but i'll still get on with my life.

Your truly not a very positive person Demodulate. Who knows maybe just maybe me and this girl will end up together.



Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
DonS said:
Her bf plays this perfectly. He told her she was of secondary importance to him which drives her crazy from the challenge. Notice how she "loves" him and bounces on his c0ck 5 nights a week and you get text messages?

You are no challenge at all. She'll never leave him for you. Why should she? She gets the manly stud who is above her and you the text buddy who adores her and has "fallen" for her. Talk about the ultimate ego boost.

Her life has never been better.
Ok that was a bit harsh but i can see your point, the best thing to do is move on stop with the text messages and just stay friends?


speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Inspired said:
Ok that was a bit harsh but i can see your point, the best thing to do is move on stop with the text messages and just stay friends?

The best thing you can do is go find a girl who is into you, and act like a man so she stays into you.

But you can't do that, at least right now, so go Save That H0e!!! Tell her how much you wil appreciate her inner beauty!!!! Start off with a big bouquet of roses!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
speed dawg said:
The best thing you can do is go find a girl who is into you, and act like a man so she stays into you.

But you can't do that, at least right now, so go Save That H0e!!! Tell her how much you wil appreciate her inner beauty!!!! Start off with a big bouquet of roses!!!!
lol, good job screwing this guy over. OP, whatever you do don't do this.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Inspired said:
Ok that was a bit harsh but i can see your point, the best thing to do is move on stop with the text messages and just stay friends?

Don't look at any of this as just harsh, it is "reality" which can be harsh at times. Not only have I experienced this personally, but I've watched my own sisters do this to guys.

You will end up on the short end of the stick if you lavish her with your attention with nothing in return, meaning her at least giving you some ass. Your "attention" has value, if you give it away for free guess what? It's useless and you have no bargaining power.

You don't have to totally ignore her, but you save anything that boosts her ego like compliments, IMing, texting etc. Just keep it casual, only talk to her at work and keep those conversations light. You need to give her the impression that you're wanted by other women and you aren't just sitting around hoping she'll drop her boyfriend then come running into your arms.

That comment about the BF saying he likes sports more than her tells you everything you need to know about her. You aren't the ****y, confident guy that she loves and is having sex with, don't be fooled by her compliments. You will become whats called an "emotional tampon". Lots of information on this site about that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Inspired said:
Hello one and all, this willbe my 1st post.

I am looking for help and advice.

So to start I am a guy aged 27 and live in the Uk, I work with in a store as a sales manager, we had a young girl start working with us September gone she is aged 18 we got chatting as she is someone that i find really easy to talk to. I asked her for her number which she gave me. After about a couple of weeks she txted me just to let me know that she had put something to oneside for me, so i txted back saying thank you and asking her when she was next in work, which she told me i am not sure who said this but one of us said that we missed each other when we are not in work together to which we both found out that we like each other.

From that day we would always send texts to each other everyday then she asked if i had msn so she added me on that and we got talking even more every night we would chat online. She had told me that she really likes me and that she loves everything about me she even told me that she loves my wild and naughty side and loves the storys i tell her.

But she then told me about her Boyfirend i was ready for it as i could tell she had a boyfriend from the start. She says she loves him to which i believe she truly does yet he puts a sport before her which she hates about him as she feels that he loves that more then her, she has asked him before what he would pick her or this sport and he answered the sport.

She has told me that she sees me as a great boyfriend and that she does love everything about me.

well what i need help on is what can i do? i wont to be with her just i dont know how i should act around her and what to say to her to see me for who i am. So any advice will be great

Sorry about the long read.

Much Thanks

Ps: if you need to ask me anything please do.
She's getting sex from the boyfriend while getting her ego boosted by talking and texting you every night. Throw in a fat guy and she's got Christmas.

You should start taking away the attention you give her. You don't have to be rude, just give her less and less of your time. You should only be talking to a girl you like if you're going to sex with her very soon.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Mr. Me said:
Sounds like her boyfriend may not give her all the attention she craves and she's looking for her next victim. She sounds like high maintenence. Either that, or she's looking for a chump to be seen out with so as to make her BF jealous.

If you're smart, you'll note her modus operandi, should there come the day you become the BF she's looking to dump or make jealous.

"She says she loves him ..." She doesn't know what love is. She's 18. If she really loved him, she wouldn't be talking to you the way she is.

She probably also "loves" her cat, loves her shoes, loves her friend's new dress, loves the new Hugh Jackman movie...

So, what to do? First, stop IMing daily and talking to her so much and make her miss you some, then tell her that when she breaks up with her BF, she should give you a call and you'll go out with her. Then sit back and watch what she does next.
Great advice!!


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Ok so update,

Well i have found out that she now really likes this other lad who she has known most of her life she says that she even compares him to her boyfriend.

She has told me that he makes her laugh and she knows that she can trust him and that she knows that he will look after her. I have not really said much to her i just change the subject, she has told me that we should be just friends and that she dont like talking about her boyfirend and this other lad cos she knows it hurts me.

I still wont to pursue her but i wont to know how best to do this? I have been keeping my options open as this weekend i have date.



Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Inspired said:
Ok so update,

Well i have found out that she now really likes this other lad who she has known most of her life she says that she even compares him to her boyfriend.

She has told me that he makes her laugh and she knows that she can trust him and that she knows that he will look after her. I have not really said much to her i just change the subject, she has told me that we should be just friends and that she dont like talking about her boyfirend and this other lad cos she knows it hurts me.

I still wont to pursue her but i wont to know how best to do this? I have been keeping my options open as this weekend i have date.

Dude,this is soooo over with. This is flat out d.o.a./dead on arrival. I just saw something in what you said she said to you that CLEARLY let's me know that this girl has absolutely no interest in you. In fact,I'd say that she has zero percent interest in you,but even that would be too high. It's too much to get into right now,but if you continue to learn and be a part of the forum,you'll understand what I'm talking about.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Dude,this is soooo over with. This is flat out d.o.a./dead on arrival. I just saw something in what you said she said to you that CLEARLY let's me know that this girl has absolutely no interest in you. In fact,I'd say that she has zero percent interest in you,but even that would be too high. It's too much to get into right now,but if you continue to learn and be a part of the forum,you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Ok so what is it that she has said to me that says she has no interest in me?


Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Inspired said:
Ok so what is it that she has said to me that says she has no interest in me?
When she didn't have sex with you dude. OPEN YOUR EYES.

Get some self-respect and find other women, last I checked we weren't running out.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Ok i am just a friend time for me to move on.

Where is the best place to start about how to get things right with women?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Inspired said:
she has told me that we should be just friends and that she dont like talking about her boyfirend and this other lad cos she knows it hurts me.

she said this because she knows your interested in her and she is telling you she isn't interested (less than 0% chance of her being interested). Sorry man, time to move on.