Here's my take on this game playing. See girls are the ones endowed with beauty and when they're young they're already attracting males attention. Hence pedophiles, young girls being molested, what have you, and that's why they mature faster than boys cause the older guys are already exposing them to sex at an earlier stage in life. Then they become desensitized to sex and the effects of it and look more for a guys personality instead. And because of their experience that guys get ***** whipped and attached and possessive, they have to use tests in order to see who's strong enough not to get whipped, and this is for their own safety. The guys, even if they don't want to, have to play and master the game in order to mate, less the girl finds him to be another typical male who just wants sex. But you see girls get ideas and rules for the game from reading materials like Cosmo or the like and take it to be gospel and follow that, and so guys have to counter that by reading Maxim or sites like this hence we get structure and strategy for the game, then we behave in that way. And it's all BS. It's shallow and it only leads to more game playing. Blame society. It's a cultural thing, cause this game playing is more a western style of courting and say in Africa it's a whole new ball game.