Of course a virgin who you marry can cheat - nothing is 100% sure this is why you must qualify your mate! I look at her convictions - what does she value - what are her principles? What does she do!! How does she dress!!!! How does she talk - does she laugh at dirty jokes? Who are her friends and how are their characters?
If she is a virgin and reads Cos-Ho-politan magazine then ding ding ding something is wrong - her virgin convictions will soon fade and are false - she has no conviction!!!
I look at her mindset and values and if she is in line with her femeninity - very important!
I wanted to get married and have 10 kids but it didn't work out that way - a woman not only has to be feminine but have good motherly traits as well - I can't find her! Oh yeah, she must not have the 'potential' to get fat - This alone takes out damn near the whole US population of women!
I went t Puerto Rico many times, there are traditional girls there but they get married at 17 - that means I would have to court them when they are 15
- the rest just hor until they find a husband!
I can get a girl 20 years my junior – no problema – but even then still – they have been ravaged by pimps!!
Those who say "I don't care if I don't marry a virgin" are making allowances because they don't want to be alone! For some dudes this is the only option -they are limited. But, if they knew the seven guys who gave her anal then for some reason they'll get upset!
When you think about what has been done to her then it becomes real!! So guys just don't want to think about it and won't even discuss it for fear it'll bring images to their head and will explode! This is why women avoid showing you pics of their past b/f, errrrrrrrr, pimps, because they know the images that it will conjure up in the male’s head!!
Young dudes think that wanting a virgin is odd or outdated – but actually this is quite natural thinking around the world and it always has been since the beginning of time!
I am always open to marriage but I won’t do it to get a divorce later and have my children living with other dudes – I won’t tolerate this!!
I can be alone for the rest of my life and will be content in this state – I am a naturally happy person and feel very good being alone – it would be better with a woman but not a hor!
My greatest fear is to have a baby with a hor who I don’t want to be with!!!!!! And yes, some hors wanted me to have their babies – dreadful, very dreadful!!