"The Game" Excerpt - "Are You A Social Robot?"

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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One commonality I've noticed in reading the book and the outlines Style gives for each of the PUA masters is that few (if any) of them are mature men. Mystery, for all of his prowess and experience is still a kid. Does the guy still live with his parents in Canada? What confused me is that he could afford the Project Hollywood babe lair, but he still lived at home, WTF?

Ross Jefferies comes off as the 'Old Guy' who never grew up and desperately trails after younger guys in order to get back into the scene. The description of his dominant mother and passive father are very telling about the guy's character.

The reason I invoked Pook was that he seems to have pushed beyond this puzzy trap, but mentally. I mean hey, for all I know Pook may live at home at 44 too, but I don't think so. Experience is a harsh teacher and getting all the tail in the world isn't going to help guys understand the trap. A PUA can still be an AFC (Lord knows I was at one time), but a real DJ remains so even into marriage. I'm wondering if I'm not comparing apples and oranges here.

Practiaclly all of these guys had either non-existent or weakly masculine fathers as well, which I think has been a rudimentary problem for young men for about the last 50 years. This is the source really. Mystery has childhood fantasies of killing his Father and RJ has a dominant Mother with a weak Father. Negative masculinity is a recipe for disaster and virtually every man I've ever counseled can trace the roots of his problems back to this. I understand how Freudian that sounds, but a lack of Positive Masculinity then begs for teachers and role-models (like Arnolds) to shape that need.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I've done alot of 'research' into the roles gender and their involvement play in people's lives.

The emotional/psychological balance is different for men and women, but one thing is certain, both parents are necessary for each sex to grow up healthy and develop a sound identity.

-Mother is a role model of who they become.
-Father demonstrates what kind of man she will be attracted to, teaches her about men, leadership, and makes her 'feel' like a woman. Helps keep her in her place as a woman, so she doesn't blur the lines and become a man-woman.

-Women are nurturers. They show men what kind of woman they should look up to and how women should be.
-Father, basically encompasses every aspect of a man's future identity. His lack of presence with extra feminine presence creates and identity confusion that keeps a man as a boy until he resolves this issue.

I've never done what you call 'course work' on this sort of field, but I have a working understanding of it.

How do men who have gone through such things resolve the issues in their that stem from the result of imbalanced families??

Books I've read on such topics prescribe 'going wild', meaning into nature, tapping back into your roots, and finding Jesus. Some are very philosophical, but philosophy doesn't always implant the proper programming. Man or womanhood is something each person goes through, each person is taught first hand, and each person witnesses from their respective sex. It does not happen naturally for men. It's a process, like commencement.


I don't know if many guys realize this, but alot of the problems that crop up come from these issues in childhood. It's not necessarily a traumatic experience, though it can be if you get to middle-age and still haven't resolved them. But they can be worked through.

One thing I do know is...we lose a sense of masculinity by not doing the things that are truly masculine.

Men--- outdoors, yard work, sports, handy/craftmanship, etc, bonding, introspective thinking, cooking, killing, building, working with our hands, enjoying nature.

Nature itself gives way to masculine. Wildness itself, embracing the masculine spirit.

Any thoughts?



Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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do the robot.