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The Game Continues, my approach journal


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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DonJoseCantosie said:
Yea, some will be in shock from direct but if i keep talking...they eventually be more relaxed.

Hell, they'll remember u more for that...so that shock is a good thing not to prevent...but to embrace because its the power of being direct, which too many people in this forum don't understand.
I agree with you. The shock is definitely a good thing because it arouses interest in her boring life. I just think that if you're going in to hit on her, but then you IMMEDIATELY start making her qualify herself or put her on the spot ie. where are you going, what do you do, tell me about yourself...it doesn't give her time to process whats going on. Coming on to strong is likely to scare most girls who aren't used to it. I see this as a give+take mindset whereas when you transition into immediately talking about yourself it's being in a giver frame.

Remember, in reality you're the on hitting on her. Always assume attraction but be smart about what you're doing. Your approach is an expression of your lifestyle and character and desires, not a job interview for her. Wouldn't you agree it's much braver and more calibrated to keep expressing yourself rather than trying to squeeze convo out of her. It's being self-sufficent and non-needy . Showing more of who you are without relying on an otherwise shy girl to talk to a stranger.

At some point after this you want to start qualifying after she gets a clue of who you are. I'm just saying that logistically think about what's going on. I'm just trying to help you out bro.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
thefonz said:
I agree with you. The shock is definitely a good thing because it arouses interest in her boring life. I just think that if you're going in to hit on her, but then you IMMEDIATELY start making her qualify herself or put her on the spot ie. where are you going, what do you do, tell me about yourself...it doesn't give her time to process whats going on. Coming on to strong is likely to scare most girls who aren't used to it. I see this as a give+take mindset whereas when you transition into immediately talking about yourself it's being in a giver frame.
Yea, always darting out tell em about urself after the opener prolly will lack consistency. I usually talk with her about the environment for about a minute or whatever the situation is at hand she's doing sometimes, then i have her talk about herself.

Plus from my experience, they liked talking about themselves and i just relate to them even if our interests are total opposites. So we are pretty much getting to know each other at the same time. She can find out about me as time goes. U gave her ur attention, and can give as times goes on. So ur still a giver.

Remember, in reality you're the on hitting on her. Always assume attraction but be smart about what you're doing. Your approach is an expression of your lifestyle and character and desires, not a job interview for her. Wouldn't you agree it's much braver and more calibrated to keep expressing yourself rather than trying to squeeze convo out of her. It's being self-sufficent and non-needy . Showing more of who you are without relying on an otherwise shy girl to talk to a stranger.
Thats the thing, your not having to squeeze convo out of her. U still need to at times be the one mostly talking at times. Ur still choosing her. She understands this. The really hot women truly understand this. If she's shy(Less than hot girls), u'll sense this and then just talk more of urself. Thats the thing. Plus its a statement, not a question. U already have the ability to be able to hold the conversation. All saying "Tell me about urself" Mentions is that this is when ur going to get to know her. Ur not asking her, "What should i know about you?" Ur having her tell u. There's a big difference. A job interview is question here, question back, question here. When u talk to them in statements, and then talking about urself in relation to them, it feels more personable and less interviewish. Sure they can feel nervous, but ur dominance will keep them hooked in my opinion.

At some point after this you want to start qualifying after she gets a clue of who you are. I'm just saying that logistically think about what's going on. I'm just trying to help you out bro.
Your a good help, i understand what ur saying. Its not like im oblivious and have no idea how they react to this situation. I understand logistically wats going on. She just got approached, so it does take a lil bit to take in. Doesn't mean she's so scared to the point she wants to die.

Thats why whatever the situation is, u can talk to her in a light hearted manner to sometimes let her process what's going on. It might take her ten minutes for all you know, for her to fully process it. Why wait that long? When u have her tell about herself after opening, ur staying congruent. Ur here to meet and get to know her. Its not about u at first, its her. Why start talking about urself when u made it clear opening that u want to get to know her. So wat better way than to get to know her alittle bit right after? Plus, when she asks questions about...she'll want to find out about u too.

A few times girls said they weren't use to this/were shy....then i told them i understood and assumed that things were fine, and it was funny...they then got more relaxed cuz i was relaxed. Its overrated to try to have a girl absolutely as relaxed as possible. Hell, when she's feeling a bit shocked, she's showing more of her true colors. Then again, it'll show more in my updates with the 2nd half of 08.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Haha....got a long read ahead of u partner. PLUS....I aint done updating up to the present lol. The journal gets quite funnier.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
First Week of September on Campus

Aright, the first week back here at my uni has been weird.
I"ve done many approaches, but at the same time...some of these negative thoughts stay in my mind. Have gone up to a good amount of girls but some never returned my calls, but i was able to take one to a party but she wanted to leave early. Guess u could say i'm still in contact with her. Some of my lunch game is more on the lines of what i use to do(Sit and eat with 2 sets) and what i did recently. The one thing i can honestly say is that the convos are of a platonic sense BUT i still let one of the girls know im into them and there's a non platonic vibe.

One girl i had an insta-date with so to speak at starbucks, BUT then i tried to hang out with her in her room, she responded with a text of if i knew where her room was, but then i said no but asked her where...but she didn't respond. Then i tried to meet up with her for dinner but then she tried to say she had a bf and ****, to where i countered(Cuz i thought she was playing hard to get), "My gf wouldn't like that either, but lets do it anyways"..then she says "bye" on texts, but then i get a voice mail from a guy saying that its his gf, but then i realized it was just a random dude "Acting" like it was her bf, cuz i seriously doubt he was the uni.

I doubt he'd at the uni so soon. Plus she never mentioned having one before when she knew i liked her. I didn't respond to the voice mail, since i was feeling down for yet things being so difficult to meet up with a female this week. So then afew hours later i get a missed call from her again, and i'm like "What the hell now?" I wanted to get to the bottom of this, so i called but didn't get a response...so i decided its not worth it period.

I then also questioned about why im doing this and if i really can succeed despite the odds, the answer is yes...it might not be for another week, month or year till i get a lay but i realized that as long as i don't give up and keep that iron will of mine, i'll be fine. :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Letting Go Of the Bitterness

Letting Go of the bitterness in the game. Its something thats very hard. All the flakes, rejection, bad reactions, lead ons, and lack of a lay in 4 years def took a toll on me this week. What triggered the bitterness to really go through my head was when i called a girl and a couple of her friends were laughing and then one guy said wrong number dude, and i heard her in the background laughing.

She knew it was me. I was so angry, that i literally wanted to throw my cell phone on the wall and break it. But it was not the fact that i got a flake from her, it was that they were laughing. In my mind i was like "How dare they laugh at something that wasn't suppose to be funny" Then as im walking around campus angry, the people i knew who said hi to me....that brought back up my spirits and remembered how many people i met, the ones i've helped out, the ones who helped out me when i needed and my friends who support what i'm doing.

I then talked to fellow "Wings" On AIM and they cheered me up. The past week and half back at school i felt some disappointment, because i set my expectations too high of getting some good lays. So then i decided that i needed to vent out.

When i was in my apartment, i cried out my frustration and vented out how i was fustrated in the game. But then after i did with all the negative memories i had of girls whom i messed up with or how they didn't like me, i then remember all the good things that happened. From all the girls i flirted with, two how many girls i went up to who had a smile on their face and a sparkle in their eyes, the girls whom underestimated the mack in me...when they first were playing hard to get but noticed i was gaming other girls, the girls whom tried to criticize my pickup tendencies who couldn't logicially repond back to my responses, the girls whom i vowed that i would game...and whom i did and gave it my best shot, the amount of people i met whom was a result of who i was just being me, the people who helped me out when i was at mental hell and had social anxiety. I then truly realized that night how much i really did change as a result of going at it, in the game.

I remember back when i was almost 20 years old after my sophmore year of college, of the amount of opportunities i wish i could take, or the amount of hot girls i wanted to game, but could do nothing about. Of how after pledging 2 fraternities that i still did not get laid, all that frustration led me to wanting to be fully active in the game(not just being a KJ). Since that day, i've been going at it, and two years later, i still have not given up on that dream of mine, to become a playboy.

I'm glad that i let go of all the bitterness in the past. Now will i still be a little bitter, from time to time? Of course, its human nature. But really, i do know that a lesser man would've given up by now, considering how much i've approached and felt frustrated, but recently...i realized that i truly progressed. Sure, maybe i haven't gotten a lay, but what truly matters is the courage, the guts, and the persistence to never give up. I have never been so passionate about something in my life more than this. I do realize this is suppose to happen, as in my past, despite being chodeish, i still gave it a shot with some girls. From passing notes to girls back freshman and sophmore year in HS, to now going up to the girls i most desire, i'd say this is suppose to happen, living the life of seduction.

Now i have even more of a reason to go out and get rejected more, go out and approach more, go out and go for the kiss more, go out and get more extractions, go out and get through shields, go out and to win. I'll let all the past frustration mostly go and look to the gaming i still got to do :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Past Two Weeks of September

For the past two weeks, for night game...getting a few more kiss closes but still having the issues of keeping sets active past the kclosing...but even then, the kclosing hasn't been THAT consistent. Almost got laid on one of the days at a party but got last minute resistence, plus she was overly concerned what people would think of her for making out, hence we did when no one was outside the apt sitting down.

Day Game, Got a Day 2 but gotten flakes and seem to be holding back w/ getting a number sometimes, but that'll change. I've been lazy to update the exact chronicles...but i'd say here are the pros and cons as of late:

+Still Consistent
+Even at a sick state, still gaming
+Getting numbers consistently
+The girls still react positively to the approach
+Some of the girls whom i approached remember me and smile...while others who rejected me...i don't care about anymore

-When a girl says she has a bf, sometimes i let the interaction go too fast
-Not approaching girls in the lab until they leave these days, because i believe she'll trigger ASD and i still am a little self conscious about lots of people hearing me game, if its in the lab eventho those people don't matter and in the past...i got really good reactions


+Club Environments excite me and i hold back MUCH LESS than chill parties
+Get good reactions
+K closing more consistently
+Hotties respond well to me
+Picking up on more things: (Example: One girl said she had a bf, but still talked to me...but never brought it up again and it turns out that she was only with a "male" who was with her)
+Can see some jealousy within certain girls(Some black girls when dancing with white girls, or girls who rejected me before/didnt' show much interest or just some girls in general)
+Isolating more consistently

-Can't seem to keep a set hooked past a kiss
-Sometimes feel like i can't progress past kiss
-Tend to loose steam sometimes when talking to the girl
-Interactions can seem sloppy or without structure, hence sometimes its hard to know how im doing
-Sometimes hesistate in approaching


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
First Week of October Update

Got another day 2 from a girl(two days ago) i went up to at the student center(After quite a few students watched the debate) whom didn't return my call but we planned it beforehand, but surprisingly she actually showed up. We had a great conversation. She seemed bitter about a few things, but the fact that she was real i was into her. She was cute too. But she told me she was taken, but still enjoyed talking to her.

Started approaching more girls these days again, as the previous week i slacked off from it.

Night game, at the College Bar/club...my head was clouded. Talk to and danced with a good amount of girls. Haven't gone to large crowded parties really, need to more often if i want to ever lay freshmen more easily.

For lower key parties, tend to get ****blocked guite a bit but its because my direct and dominant style is too obvious in a more subtle environment. Decided to come up with a game plan to tone it down, but i made a thread about it...which im glad i got the help i need and have a better idea. Also turns out that me being dominant and using ozzie's style of isolation got the girls' interest eventho they didn't want to dance. But some i was able to isolate. But one week ago I did make out with a girl i didn't remember...and was shocked that i actually had game in my super drunk state. The guys i knew there were telling me that i gamed the way i usually did, and then was making out with her for a minute. These images are coming back to me :)

Got to kiss a girl with braces last weekend using the Amazing Sadness Opener, "I'm sad...i need a kiss". Tried it again yesterday but this blonde was like "Im not a slut like Katie" :p Got to get use to the change of it.

But thats all for now :-D


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
October Day Game


Aright, here's another update:
Been cold approaching a little less consistently than when i did the first few weeks.
Last Monday, I got another day 2 surprisingly...

She didn't respond to my call the night before, but still showed up when i did. Aright, we had good conversation. I liked how real she was, and she was just too cute. She did belly dancing and ballet, which i found sexy since it means she can move those hips and is flexible, plus she was small too. But she let me know she was taken tho during the date when i told her we'll hang out again...glad she told me that. We had good convo tho, and i was flirting and i think she liked that.



Just called some numbers. Called the silly/bubbly brunette girl with a pretty face, and nice ass. Invited her to eat with me the next day in the cafeteria(day 2) She said sure. Called a few more numbers, some were wood...called another girl back 6 months ago....she looked up who i was and remembered me. I told her i'd hit her up later in the week.



Approached a few girls. One of them looked like a southern belle i was pretty attracted to. Found her pretty cute, went direct and she was like "Really? :-o" haha. Was funny. I knew i made her day. Talked for a minute or two. She told me she's not on campus that much. I told her i'd call her, to find out when she's free on campus, when she has a break. Approached a few more girls, were wood.

Saw the nice ass, cute face girl at 7-11. Reminded her 6:30, she said sure glad to see me. I guess this is another day 2. She arrives 15 min late and calls me telling me she's running late, and i see she brought her friend along i met the first time i ate with her. When they arrive there, i feel like she didn't give a rats ass that we were meeting up, eventho she was nice and friendly. I thought they were into their own convos more than me, and that it was just something platonic. I did the best i can to flirt and seduce, but there was only so much i could do. They then decide to leave early, telling me sorry. I told them it was ok. Afterwards, i felt mad...but didn't think i should've been and didn't understand why. I then realized that i was mad cuz i had my expectations too high that she would understand that it was a day 2, but i realized that it was a learning experience and that it can prepare me next time for: EMPHASIZING U AND HER!


Approached quite a few girls today, most said they were taken. Saw one who was walking that was in my work. The guys at my work said she had a butter face and that her body was a lil porpotioned but i didn't care. I liked what i saw. She remembered me. She seemed glad to. I go right to the point. She tells me thurs she got a break. I told her i'd hit her up tomorrow.

Meet up with another girl whom we been in contact. I kind of forgot what she looked like but she remembered may face. When i saw her, she looked aright...but it was only cuz she was wearing a sweatshort, jeans and carpenter boots. Now if all that was off and her hair was out, and saw how big her breasts were again...NOICE. So then...she's with her roommate but its fine. Its going well. Im flirting wiht her and her roommate. Getting to know her, making it obvious im into her in a non-platonic manner. Letting her know how i find her twang sexy, tehy both giggling. Hand holding her a little long. Looking at her seductively. It went great. They both down to earth. I tell her that i'll call her again to hang out with her. All in all. it went great.


Aright today, i did some more approaches as usual...got a few numbers...lost one i think. But the most unexpected thing happened today.

Aright, as i'm leaving the cafeteria, i recognize the tall punk girl with lots of tatoos and peircing whom had a slim body and nice rack. She stops and notices me too. I notice her excited to see her and she seems happy to see me. She tells me she's getting something to eat, i decide to join her. I talk to her about her being bisexual, how her first 3 some was, how sex was with a girl(being more passionate), how kissing her was great, etc. The convo went on for a bit. I was noticing that this was a related situation i could take advantage of. CONTINUE WHAT COULD'VE BEEN THE PREVIOUS WEEKEND AT THE PARTY. So then i initiate us talking about music. She tells me she likes Alice and Chains. I tell her that there was this one song i've been dying to hear but can't get the name, i tell her "lets go back to ur room and check it out.

She says, "ok...i got nothing to do" I was like in my head, "ARIGHT! UNBELIEVABLE! It actually worked. Haha" As we walk to her place, we just talking about bull****. I could sense interest on her part, eventho she was very laid back. I could def tell she was attracted to me. So then when we arrive inside her room, she's on her computer. She tells me the things she'd do to Jessica Alba on the desktop. I tell her, "Oh but u got no idea of the things i'll be doing to u" She looks at me curiously and laughs in disbelief. So then we look it up, i then tell her to show me the rest of her piercing, starting with the tits. She shows them to me and god damn, she had nice sized tits pierced. Really nice. Then she showed me her Crotch tatoo. After that, i then go for the kiss...we start to kiss but then she pulls back with a conflicted smile saying sorry. I then am looking right deep in her eyes, there's def sexual tension going on. We could both feel it. She's looking at me curiously, with a shocked laugh at how confident and persist i was acting.

Then after afew minutes, i go for it again. She starts to recipcrocate kissing again, but then she pulls back again with teh same response. I then am smiling at her, and she's looking at me again...conflicted. She tells me she's had bad experiences with guys these days and wants to do things with girls more often. i tell her im the exception of guys. Then i have her sit on my lap. My **** is def hard at this point. It felt nice. Then i had her lay down on me while on my lap. I then am starting to kiss her back, and notice her tatoos on her back. And then am holding her tits. She's like "What are you doing? :)" I tell her, "you know what im doing :)" Im playing with them and then im about to put my hand under top to feel them, but she puts my hand away. Then im still grabbing them from the outside, im touching her legs and then im about to rub the outside of her crotch but then she pulls my hand away saying "Whoa...wait a minute :)" I could tell she was conflicted. I keep talking in her ear. Then she gets off my lap aftera few minutes, as im trying to kiss her again but she declines, but i can tell she wants to.

Then after a bit, i see that i should lead her to be on her bed but i was hesitant to do it for some reasoon. Then she says she's gonna take a nap. I tell her that we should take one together and nothing more, she declines but not in a "No" manner. So then i go for the kiss one last time but she declines. She def was surprised by my persistence, i tell her im stubborn and persistent as hell. We hug each other and told her we should get high together next week. She agreed.

Afterwards, i felt an adrenaline rush...that getting the lay after 4 years was closer than before. But i had the fear that i'd have a bad player vibe about me which would cause more rejections but it was in my head and i got those thoughts out of my head.


Aright fellas, Monday i didn't do really any gaming except get a number from this hot black haired girl with a nose piercing. Not sure if she was interested or not. Up in the air. Oh yea, called the girl whom i talked to on the bus the night before, set up for the next day, although when i called the next day, a guy answered and told me i got the wrong number. She called me afew hours later explaining that he was playing games. Saw this blonde haired thick girl whom i gamed at a party before. Happy to see me. Got her number. Saw a movie on campus with her and her friends in and out. Was funny. Gonna hit her up later in the week.


Didn't game much either today. Set up something with the tatoo piercings girl for the next day. Called a latina girl to party friday, told her i'd hit her up the night before to remind her. She was down. Sat and ate with the "bus" girl. We continued what we were talking about. I flirted with her more, she liked it. Told her that we'd see a dvd together...she was down. Def be one of our rooms. Looks like her interest is still there. Held her hand and playfully kissed it, she was liking it. Thats all for today, we'll see how the rest of the week goes :)


Today not much happened except i went up to a few girls randomly. Got a few numbers but im not having any high expectations for that. Usually, these days when i get a girl's number its like: Aright, if we meet up great...if not...no big deal...got more to worry about. I let all the frustration go with that. Been a little busy this week, so i been lazy calling girls. Midterms suck. Ate with a girl who was thick but i liked her face. Invited her to eat tomorrow. Oh yea, the tatoo girl was too busy with a test to study for, so i'll reschedule that. Not much to update. Staying consistent. :-D


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
October Night Game

10/9 and 10/10

Thursday Night, danced with this Indian Looking Girl, wasn't doing bad, but i talked to her too much and just didn't go for the close soon enough as i was afraid that i'd get ****blocked. But then 20 minutes later, a guy makes out with her and drags her in a bedroom...but almost ****s her. Doubted my ability at the time, but then realized she was a bit more drunk and that i learned something from what he was doing. GO FOR THE CLOSE, when u feel the time is right.

Friday Night, went to a apartment party...my head was clouded...so i had a beer. Saw a red haired girl who was slim and tall with tons of piercing and tatoos. Had a nice rack. She was pretty receptive and mellow. Isolated to the couch, we kissed for a few minutes. Flirted with her. Put her on my lap. She was sorta laying down on me. But after a bit, she then didn't want to make out anymore. So then i just talked, went for it again...she resisted...but i could tell it was easing away alittle bit.

My friend who was with her friend, whom i met before, he winked at me indicating that both of us are gonna do well. I had a big smile that he was supporting me as other guys tried to sabotage what was going good for me. So then i touch her all around, was very provocative, telling her that she'll show me her pierced nipples later in the night. Asked the dude if there was a room i could be private with her, but he told me that he wasn't sure if i was able to get fully alone with her, since her friend would prolly be checking up on her. But then after a bit, she then decided to go outside and met another guy, talked to him. She went with him to an apartment with a few guys who lived there. I thought i did something wrong. But then the other guys told me i did just fine and that she was more lesbian than straight(Bisexual :-D).

So then afterwards, i decided to go to a frat party. My God! It was so much fun! i couldn't believe its what i've been missing for the past month. I was amazed at how many people were there, and how it was where my game really is good with and how much i can shine. I danced with lots of girls, tried to kiss most but they didn't want to. Oh well, it was still fun. :)


Aright people, Saturday Night...I went over my friends' apt yet again to drink and game. Of the typical girls who go there, whom aren't into me.... only one was really gameable. They brought her there. I give her a 7. Her body was ok, but she had a cute face nice eyes. Flirting with her, she was into it...but the groupies of the apt tried to pull her away. I was at the balconly and they were talking, i wanted to continue talking to her but i was afraid of being embarrased if one of the girls who didn't like me there, tried to sabotage and something weird would happen. After that particular girl left, i then continued talking to her. But they were leaving, cued her to peck me on the lips, we did and she left.

At another apartment, try to game a few more girls. One of them was a thick brunette. She was cute. Isolated her to the couch but her male protector pulled her away. Surprisingly in the past when this one black dude did it, it pissed me off and i have been bitter about it since. But then recently when a guy does that, i don't care. Guess my inner game has gotten stronger. Another one was a small hot blonde chick.

Improvement: ****block prevention

She was with this dark brunette with big tits. I acknowledged both of them, and then tried to get the blonde to dance. The brunette told her to dance with me. They both laughing when i was teasing with them both earlier. The blonde did for a minute but that was the end of that. I could tell she only liked the frat guys who lived in the apt. No big deal.

Later on, saw this really cute brunette. She was cute as anything, sitting down. Tried talking to her and her friends, then isolating her but she didn't want. Then i see they're wanting to talk to the other guy who was talking to them. But then as i saw, he wasn't doing anything. They were just glad to talk about anything. So then after 20 or so minutes, he still hasn't done anything, i decide to sit next to him, and i whisper to him "Make the move". He tells me, "But she has a bf" I tell him, "It doesn't matter...go for it anyways" But he doesn't. I then see one of the groupies of the apt i go to usually to drink. She was there. Her top she had on was nice. I was drunk as hell, but kept flirting with her saying how it was distracting and that she got it going on. Was funny as hell. She was like in a shy manner, "I should my coat back on" hahaha. Later in the night, i saw a guy that i didn't like in the past cuz of his stupidity and flat out ignorance...but then i decided to let it go. Said watsup to him, he was friendlier than i thought. But maybe deep down i still may not like him, but the hate/dislike has pretty much gone.

But all in all, funny night.


Later in the night...i then decided to go to the apt i usually go to. Out of the like 10 girls i tried to hit on, but didn't work out...there was one left whom i gave a certain impression to, my persistence, dominance and fun vibe. I decided to try to give it a shot with her. This would be my last time at the apartment for a while. When i arrive first at the apt, i don't her and think that i never will. But then all of a sudden...I see her, i act playful and to be funny and stuff with "Finally ur here! Bout damn time!" but she tries to act neutral. I thought i failed off the bat and thought about calling it quits with her.

NOTE: If its a higher energy environment, that would not be a thought. I would persist most def easily.

Then i notice she looks at me from time to time, subtley and quickly. I then noticed that she was actually playing hard to get, and she was one of the girls whom like a guy but don't want people to know, to keep a certain image. I then just got drunk the rest of the night.


Aright...tonight at Rileys was sub-par. I got rejected the most in one night for dancing. It bothered me a lil. Talked to one of the hotties i stopped at rileys 3 weeks before. Her telling me that she was too good enough to be doing the dancing thing turned me off, despite her looks. But i did improve in the sense that i forgot the meh feeling the next day. All in all, it was an ok night.


When i get there, we go to a party. It is a smaller party, but the girls were nice there. I was a lil shocked. I was use to girls being different moods at Radford, but at this party...they were having fun. Dancing with many girls. Didn't get to kiss any, BUT i enjoyed myself. I improved my logistic sense by asking the owner of the house, who's off limits. He told me most of the girls are fine, except the one he'll make out with. We both cracked up. Was a very cool guy. Was funny tho, there were about 5-6 girls who went inside the party but he kicked them out becuase he didn't know them. I was shocked, at Radford...girls were automatically allowed in, but here it was equal. If he didn't u were associated with anyone in the party...u weren't allowed. I thought it was fair and equal...the way it should be. First talk to this 1/2 asian, 1/2 white girl. She wasn't bad looking. Talked with her for a little bit. Tried to lead her to the couch, but she didn't want to. But i could tell she still showed interest. Danced with a few more girls. There was one that caught my eye in particular earlier in the night, but Arnaud told me that i shouldn't go in this fast yet to her(He doesn't realize that i have experienced these situations many times before) and he thought i'd scare her off. So i decided, despite holding back IMMENSLEY, to wait...but then after he said it was all good now(I could've done it regardless of if he wanted me to or not so early) so then i danced with the girls. Funny, the girls were into me. I was shocked how more simple it was. Course laying them still would take logistic handling. Arnaud wasn't really having fun as there wasn't THAT much dancing and it wasn't crowded but i def didn't mind.


Aright, during that night we pick up the brunette girl and her friend. We see the blonde walking by with a friend, as we're heading over there. We get lost driving, and me and Arnaud are bickering cuz of loss of directions. We make it to the party. Its a lot of people, but no dancing...just talking. Seemed kind of boring, i was getting to talk to the brunette more. I had my arm around her lower back and put her closer to me but she didn't resist. Arnaud wasn't into her friend, whom hd a bf. I was afraid to isolate her and go for the kiss, cuz i thought i'd be ****blocked by her friend(NONSENSE since her friend was cool with me and my friend). It was the lacross house. The dudes were tight as ****. Met the hotties my friend talked about who were at the uni. lookswise, they definitely rivaled Radford's girls. So then the party gets busted. The girls want to go home, since they didn't want to go to the underwear party that was afterward(found out it was a sausage fest). As we drop tehm off, im thinking of going for the kiss...but i chicken out...but then as i hug her and kiss her on the cheek, she's still looking at me. I was like "****! Should've gone for it" Oh well....i won't make that same mistake next time.haha.

Afterwards, me and Arnaud drive and look around for another party but all of them were busted by that time.


Oh yea, i went out halloween night as Waldo yet again...had fun...nothing much happened...except got drunk...did my normal thing for night game...not too shabby. thas all for now


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
November Day Game

Aright people, on Wednesday started to approach again today to stay consistent, didnt' seem half bad. Actually managed to go up to one of the girls whom i was very attracted to, whom i saw on facebook. I ejected quickly, eventho she responded well to it.haha. Don't worry...when i get back in the swing of things, it'll all be good.haha. Things are coming back to me atleast.

Thursday, i approached a big tit short haired brunnete. She was pretty receptive, just talked to her for a minute. Still getting back in the swing of things.

Aright, on Friday i went up to this tall pretty hot blonde that i've wanted to go up to for a while at the cafeteria. She seemed like she was on a rush to get back to her friends, but as i walked through the cafeteria she looked at me. I will continue gaming her coming up next time i see her.

Aright today I woke up not feeling 100%. After i leave a lab, go up to this hot redhead, get her number but i doubt she was genuinely interested. These days i can sense if a girl is interested or is just being polite. She was the latter. I stop another girl who's blonde, she thinks she did something wrong, but then realizes the situation. She then decides to walk with me as im off to walker, but then i decide we eat together first and she accepts. We go and talk for about 15 minutes and get to know each other. I find out she's not looking into dating anyone right now(Perfect, considering i don't want anything serious)...but i hope that she knew i was into her, but she must've considering she said, "Im not use to situations like these" She was cute, had nice sized tits, looked similar to a girl that i remember afew years ago. Was pretty great talking to her. Got her number. We'll see how it goes.

Missed an opportunity with this chick who i def wanted to **** on first site, she was had a really nice body. But since i was wearing a crappy overlarged shirt and i was eating by myself that i'd be perceived as lower value. But u know what? **** all that! That does not matter. I sit by myself and eat because i don't give a **** of trying to contact people to meet up, i just care about going to cafeteria to eat and thats it.lol. So why in the hell should i not go for it? I rest my case. Tomorrow I will step it up. I have to these days.


Aright everyone, today i approached like usual. Took about 30 seconds to approach this girl at starbucks since there were other girls next to her, plus when she looked at me for a sec...i knew i had to go over there. Had a good convo, its 50-50 if anything would even happen, eventho she seemed to have some interest. At work, saw this cute redhead/strawberry blonde think girl. I work at the help desk, helping students with their computers...and once she left the room where my other co-workers were sitting down at(some dudes, a few girls...are college students too)...i then gamed her and got her number, we'll see :). At the cafeteria, decided to sit next to two girls again for the hell of it, as i know in the last few weeks...im gonna prolly do it a bit more. Also talk to this big tit thick brunette whom is at the lab each week im there...decided to talk to her...she was receptive...setting things up. We'll see :). Gonna call the numbers i got tomorrow night, and tomorrow...gonna sit with one of the girls in my class. Hopefully...no one will be sitting already there when i arrive 5 min before class starts :)


Aright people, on Wednesday I started to do more 2 set approaches, but I still rusty with that. The big tit girl at the lab from yesterday texted me saying how she would be busy and stuff, which i told her i was glad that she let me know ahead of time. I still think she's def flattered of the idea of meeting up. Called the numbers i had gotten earlier in the week but none of them returned my texts.


Went down to go UMW for a day and stay over night. During the day, i eat with my best friend Arnaud, who also in the game....he just got to learn other ways of gaming, than dancing at night. Saw this cute curly haired girl who's by herself. Man oh man, is she even cuter up close. The approach went great...she had a great sense of humor, we flirted quite a bit. She asked me when im coming down. I told her once a month, she flirted with "I couldn't handle that. Why are u killing me like this?
:p" Was funny.lol. She asked me how often i go up to girls and i told her that i lost count but that each girl has to be cute. I could tell there was interest. She couldn't believe that i was once shy too. Was funny. Got her number. Will hit her up over christmas break. Me and Arnaud then go to a dance show, i go up to this thick blonde, but her face was meh. She was sitting with other people and stuff. Afew of the dancers tho were gorgeous...that i couldn't believe myself. I wanted to go up to them when the performance was over. But one of them i hesitated and it was ok.

While my friend went to a Rugby Formal Date party, me and the girl i mentioned whom i took to a party a month ago, we watched a movie together in her room but her roommate was there(She was nice but didn't talk much). We talked quite a bit, good convo. It was funny whenever i was next to her(close)...kinoing her...her body was shaking a little bit and she noticed it. Tried to kiss her twice, but she declined. She mentioned she had a bf to me the first time i met her, but i ignored it u could say. After the 2nd time she rejected me trying to kiss her, she mentions him again. She def was telling the truth, because there was a picture frame of her and him. After that, i realized that she was faithful to him. My friend wanted me to party with him instead as i'd have better chances getting a lay, but i wanted to lie loose ends. I wanted to see how far i could get.

After the movie, me and her part ways...and I go pick up my friend, who is drunk as hell..and almost blacked out. I fussed at him cuz he wouldn't shut up and he was being annoying but it was the alcohol...so i couldn't be too mad haha.

But thats all for now :)


Aright people, today i did some game at the cafeteria of UMW with Arnaud.
I pretty much went up to four girls, the first seemed caught off guard/shy...had braces...was cute but nothing too special. The second was a cute girl with glasses and black girl, wat i was naturally attracted to...another was a tall brunette with nice cleavage...definitely cute. But thats all for now there.

Def hot girls there, they just a little bit harder to find haha.


Hey everyone, today i visited one of the first two wings i ever had, Alex.
Couldn't recognize him but it seemed like things seem so familiar talking to the guy again. We got along as great as usual. We ate and discussed about game. He was still under the indirect style BUT he's getting day 2s and every thing. I told him about direct, he tried it, didn't do half bad and was liking it. He said that it was eye opening. I was glad :). He saw me do a few and he noticed how some of the girls reacted as a result, how they really showed interested...even some things i didn't quite see :). We tried to wing one group but it did ok...lol....

But me and him will absolutely wing in the future.lol.

Oh yea, met this Russian girl outside. She was cute, def attracted to her. Was pretty. We walked around, and i sat with her for 10 minutes....wanted to get her ice cream but she just ate and didn't want any haha....so we just sat down. It was funny she kept stating reasons for her to leave, but she never did. She followed my lead. Was great. But she didn't really have any time for us to meet up...she was always watching kids and every thing. Was thinking of going to GMU to attend, etc. was interesting talking to her. We connected in some levels. It was still good meeting her. I believe i made her day


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
November Day Game

SUPPOSE TO BE TITLED, "November Night Game". I accidentally double posted The Day Game, and i just edited it to have the night game stuff.


Aright, for night game...haven't done it much except on Monday Night i went to a party, really only gamed a few girls. Wasn't much going on there. Saw one of the girls i day game approached at starbucks(Cute blonde)....isolated her to the couch...but considering i was still feeling rusty, that feeling of assurance wasn't really there. I didn't touch her that much, and when i tried to go dance with her, she wanted to talk with her friends and she left after a few minutes with them. So its all graavy.


Aright, for Thursday Night...i went to Mi Puerto, which is a restaurant...turned dance floor, bar and hookah lounge. When i went in there, mostly black students...which i was shocked. Wasn't bad. I went up to a few numbers of girls, ones i have seen, ones i haven't seen, one i tried to dance who flaked on me, etc. Was funny, i just tried to dance with girls for the most part. Saw a cute white dark brunette girl, whom had nice cleavage. She was pretty cute. She told me she was french. I isolated her from a group i knew. We danced prior and stuff. After 2 minutes, i notice she has her hands clasped to mine. I hold them, turn her around, then go for the kiss. She moves her face...telling me that she aint that kind of girl. I tell her that all girls say that, and continue talking to her. After a few minutes of dancing and some rapport, i then hint in about kissing her again.

Oh yea, at one point she was telling me how i should fine another girl to have fun with, but then i told her that it wasn't her choice to make of the girls "I" wanted to have fun with. She laughed quite a bit. I then tell her, "I wonder if European Girls kiss differently" She says she doesn't think so and that i can find out sometime...we then make out for a minute or so. She then asks me what she thinks, i tell her that it was different, that we started with the lips passionately...then the tongue. Was funny. Afew black girls said "Ewww" who were dancing around us. Was pretty funny. After that she kinda tried to go off somewhere else....so nothing developed further.

Overall in teh night, i got almost drunk...but before then...just buzzed. Was a fun night. :)


Friday Night i met up with my good friend Arnaud who came by staying with his roommate. We couldn't find good parties, but we went to a few "ok" ones. The first one was ok, was a apartment party of frat guys, and some of the groupies. I asked some of the brothers who was off-limits to talk to girls wise, and they were like "U can talk to anyone dude :-D" I told them my story of the past times i got kicked out of parties and they're like "Have fun dude! None of that stupid **** will go on here" I was very happy they supported me hitting on girls. I met a few new ones and stuff but we decided to leave.

Saturday Night went to a chill frat house with a chill vibe. There were some girls and stuff, saw one whom def stuck my eye QUITE a bit. She was nice and friendly. Got me horny, but we decided to leave. Found another frat party but it was in a basement and lots of dancing. Was fun, met LOTS of girls...made out with two of them while dancing....but thats it mainly.


Thursday, I stood up all day and got lots of rest. Thursday Night, Went to Rileys again(Haven't gone in a month and was rusty) was an aright night. I had fun, but the rest of the approaches were ok. The problem was that there quite a few girls whom i didn't recognize but that i had gamed already. I've met so many people so its justified.lol. This hot girl i know while i kept dancing and gaming different girls tried to get my attention in obvious ways(covered her hand on my face/tap me on the arm)..(I kinda didn't pay attention, because she was the attention *****/hang around with guys...kind of girl)...but that was it for the night. I think cuz i had alcohol in me, that i didn't give a rats ass about talking much, i just wanted to dance and that was it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
December Day Game


Monday went up to two girls, one of them was a girl i messaged on facebook...she was hot...was def attracted to her. She react well/receptive when i went up to her(She never replied back to my message). She said it was charming and all that. We talked for a bit. Tried to do an insta-date but she already ate, so i sat down next to her(she was sitting in a corner at the student book store killing time for class). So then i get to know her a litle, she's friendly but im not sensing "Genuine Interest" from her. I do get her #, and call hers so she got mine. She calls it sneaky ;-). She is down to earth which was great. :)

We part ways. I text her a day later, no response, another one claiming she was hard to get, no response. She did say she had texting, as i suspected, my intuition was indeed right.


Did my final approach on campus before i graduated. The girl was sexy and receptive. Was a 2 set. only talked to them for a minute. Just wanted to close things. But that was all. I still accomplished my goal, doing something about trying to be successful with girls. The results will def come in the future!


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
December Night Game


Wednesday, no real gaming except for at night where i gathered the courage to game one of the girls who goes to the place i usually drink at, a certain group of people. I was afraid to game her, because i thought she would react bad and that i would be a loser if she acted weird to when i flat out seduce her, plus i was afraid that everyone else would fit me in the "Hopeless romantic" category. But then i said, "**** So and So" and went for it. I grinded with her and she was into it for a few seconds. Then i decided to talk to her for a minute and stuff, tried to isolate her to the couch but she didn't want to but she was nice. I felt proud of myself for giving it a shot. Was funny.


Friday Night i went to game at my friends' apartment as they were having another party. This night was meh. Only some girls to choose from. Most of the girls weren't interested/quite a bit of shields. I could've persisted, which was definitely what i should've did...but i guess i found no point in it. After not encountering them for a while, u tend to sometimes forget to go through shields. I guess a certain fear of mine while im not at my normal state in the game is when they say, "Go away" in a pissed off manner, plus i would've felt embarrased. But even if it happens, i know that i wouldn't take that ****.

I then heard one of my friends that was with the blonde girl, he and her hooked up with each other. I felt down, because if only i told the guy that i wanted to talk to her tonight and didn't give it up, i could've had some sex with her. BUT, thats ok. It happens. The rest of the night, was meh...the girls weren't feeling me...while a couple kept looking back at me and ****...as they remember me going up to them. Hell, one kept checking my reaction when she was making out with a guy. Was on the funny side.haha.

But it was an ok night, some nights are meh while others are good. This night just wasn't it.


Aright tonight was pretty funny....one of my acquaintences tells me on campus that in Blacksburg, a.k.a VATEch, Attitudes, a college bar, was gonna be poppin.

When i get there....it sucked. No one was dancing, not that many girls to choose from it blew.

But then when it got better, things started rolling.

#1 Three set of a fatty, an aright looking chick and a short cute southern belle late 20s blonde. I introduce myself going direct, the fatty ****blocks me off the bat, but ignore...the other friend doesn't say anything...while the target girl isn't feeling me much. After a bit, i tell the blonde girl to tell me about herself, to where she says, "I don't want to" I then leave. There were too many other girls to worry about.

#2 Was a 4 set, a pretty faced cute blonde, a cute dark haired brunette, a pretty cute brunette and a dude. I open them by saying, "I find you all cute and i wanted to meet you all :)"

They're receptive and i introduce myself to all of them. Talk to them for a minute asking them when its usually popping and stuff and they tell me. The one i wanted to, a 7.8 brunette who was slim, midlengthed hair, skinny nose, nice cleavage i gave her more attention. I didn't get ****blocked or anything. I talked to the dude for a few seconds, he was friendly. I asked them all how they know each other. The target girl says that they're all best friends(I knew things were fine now since the dude wasn't dating the brunette girl). So then its just me and her. I tell her, "Tell me about herself'

She tells me she goes to so and so uni, and she had 3 kids. I ask her, "Where's the hubby at?" She tells me, "What are u talking about? He cheated on me and stuff" I was like "ohhh....wait...how old are u?" She tells me, "29 :)" I say, "shut up :)"...and give a very exaggeratedly shocked demeanor..."There's no way in HELL ur 29...Shoot me now!" She laughs a bit.

Then i tell her, "Well...we're gonna have some fun tonight...and thats all matters." She says yea. Also tells me she likes American Eagle stuff and says she doesn't like Express when i tell her what i like. I tease her and tell, "What?! U hate express...oh c'mon now...i thought we were cool....well too bad...since we both don't like each others brands...its more meant to be :p" she giggles again.

after that i try to isolate her to sit down. She doesn't want. I try to persuade her a lil, no go but she there still seems to be some interest. I'd say my kino was good. I touching necklace, ask where it is, touch her arms and stuff, slide my hands down. She wasn't resisting or anything. Then i play with her hair asking about it, she telling me she likes it long......i then tell her, "Oh u shouldn't had cut it....its so not gonna work out :p" She knew i was flirting and seemed to not mind it. After that i then go for the kiss. She turns her face, with a funny face asking, "Were u trying to smell my hair? =-p"

I tell her, "No :) I was trying to kiss you" She has a shocked laugh in her face, she was laughing a bit. I tell her, "I so want to kiss those nice lips of urs ;-)" She laughs again. I could tell that she was intrigued a little. But then i talk with her somemore, take her hand...try to take her with me to go dance, but she tells me she's got to be drunk. I tell her, "thats the same excuse all girls have :p" After that, i can see her attention is waning, so i part ways, try to kiss her again, but then she shakes her saying no.

Lesson learned: More Sexual Tension. I think it was good i attempted to isolate and her stuff, since if a girl isn't willing to just sit down with u, how do u expect her to take her home?

#3 Was another 3 set. Were two sisters, a blonde, a redhead and a dude with a deep guage ear piercing. I go direct on them. They're pretty receptive. I didn't get to see the redhead but my god...she was def hot. She had REALLY NICE cleave, great sized tits. Was funny. They were nice and receptive. The best looking girls i went up to the entire night. The dude is pretty tight, i ask him about his ear piercings and **** and how its cool. He's chill, i talk wiht the girls for a few minutes, playing the guessing game with them. tell the redhead she reminded me of my first ever girlfriend, her being jewish, redhead, and having the name Erica.

They all crack up and tell me that she's irish and not Jewish. then I tell her, "oh thats it....ur coming with me...to dance..." So then i take her hand and pull her with me and we walk to the dance floor. She laughs, looks at her sister with a shocked face. The dude and the blonde come with us and we all dance. It was funny. Me and the redhead are getting into it. After 2 minutes while dancing, i go try to make out with her, but then she shows me her wedding ring. I sensed genuineness...so then i decided to let things go but we part ways in a good note.

#4 Curly haired thick girl on the dance floor with a tatoo on her back. While she's dancing with her friends, i take her hand and pull her toward me. She's pretty excited, we introduce each other. I see a blonde milf, put my hand out for her to shake, she shakes her head no, was funny. I think she was thinking i wanted her to dance with me and stuff, but that wasn't my intention. So then the curly haired girl told me she was gay just so i would know, i smile...tell her..."Lets find out :)" I then touch both sides of her face, holding her face and go try to make out, but she pulls away...shocked....grabs her friends hands and storm out of the dance foor...everyone saw me...it was pretty hilarous.

Rest of the night just danced the night away really. Made out with a big girl but thats all. Met a thick girl with big tits and glasses. She was a lesbian and the girl she was dating didn't want me to dance with her(the glasses girl told me that her gf gets jealous easy)....oh yea, saw another girl with glasses with nice cleavage on the top of the stage of the dance floor. I was a bit intimidated to go for it at first cuz i thought i would get blown out, but i said, "**** it" and go up to them, take her hand, she looks back at me and is like "no hahah" then the fatty and afew other friends get mad and ****block me, the fatty tells me "that girl and guy over there will punch u in the face" I laugh my ass off so bad. Dance with a couple more girls and call it quits.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
The End of December went to the mall 3 times. The First Time, went with 4 other guys....was just approaching. A bit rusty. The second time, got a number of a non-jailbait HS girl but it was a flake. Third time, the mall sucked bad...left. Thats all for that. Haven't game at all this january so far.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I'll say this.. you had a good time in college. Everyone is kinda young and naive. So you did ok. You were making out, getting heavy kino, getting some numbers and such. That's not bad.

You are in the improving phase. I don't think you have reached your best self yet. But that's fine. Keep working.

But now, college is over. So no more help from pre organized frat parties. In the real world, you gotta start from scratch. Meet people, make female buddies, use them as social proof everywhere.

But your journal is kind of like a diary. There is little to give feedback on because its more like a listing of all the events happening in your life. Having some form of record for every interaction (in brief), maybe like audio or text, is going to be much more useful.

Pickup in itself takes up a lot of time. So its just my personal suggestion to keep your journal as fruitful (for yourself) as possible.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
^thanks man. Yea.....that would be good. The only problem is that its hard to remember exactly what they say...but good advice :)

But about from college to real world, i actually think that starting from scratch is fine as the way i did it in college was more "Cold approach" based solo without wings....so doing the malls and clubs wouldn't be too different as i had experience with them when i was on my breaks. But ur also right, im def not at my best yet or hit the next plateau :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure when the next time I'll get to game. I'm broke possibly for a few more weeks living at the parents house after graduating. The job market blows, hopefully I'll get some interviews from companies down the line...

This journal, i admit is hard to get feedback on, because i haven't mention what goes on in the approaches enough(DayGameGuy said this)...even tho i sort of summarize....i could be a bit more specific. But in the future, I'll summarize more of what happens.

But without a further ado, after 20 months ever since i first tried direct:


+Typically have no problems going up to super fine women
+Can Go Out Solo(Prefer it)
+In my campus, was able to meet up cute girls.
+Have Done insta-dates
-Have to stay consistent with it, otherwise i easily get rusty
-Meetups could have more variety
-Sometimes need to stop convincing myself that im attracted to certain girls. In my body, i'll know if i really want her. I'll feel it. Not force it.


+No longer afraid to close
+Kino is good
+Have a good energy level
+Get good responses from hotties
+Have a fun vibe
+Sexual Tension is not bad
+****blocks happen much less than they use to
-Focused too much on getting the kiss close
-After the kiss/makeout...things die down
-Afraid that if i go back with her...to her friends...ASD will activate(This prolly costed me a few lays now that i think about it)
-Lacked full belief that i could smoothly take a girl back with me
-Lacked sexual push/pull....was more on the lines of push....wait...push...wait...
rather than Push...pull...push...pull...
-Wasn't aware of certain logistics.
-The kiss aint that important as i make it up to be. Its keeping the sexual tension that's more important. Sometimes i went for it as a last ditch effort. No need for that :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I've decided to not post in the journal until more interesting things happen. So i'm leaving sosuave till then, but still def going out.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, keep us updated