The Game Community in Europe vs North America

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
In the past couple of years, I went back to being involved with various groups in the Game Community from Telegram Chats to Forums to WhatsApp chats and everything. The main reason is that I have been trying to actually learn cold approach now and need wingmen to help me out. In my recent trips to Europe, I have started to notice a major difference between the guys that get into game in Europe versus those that get into game in the US.

I do not include the Brits in with the Europeans as I will elaborate on.

I used to think that all dudes in the Game community were one way but after traveling to Europe, I am starting to notice that I jumped the guy.

In the article below, I write about the differences I have noticed in the game community in Europe versus the US as well as the dudes that enter game in US versus in Europe.



Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I've met several guys of here in the past, even met PUA's back in the day just being infield, the recent being a former RSD guy back in 2012(we hung out until 2015). The RSD guy was fun to hang out with but he never wanted to hit the gym, or grab some food he didn't care about having a friendship and only wanted to mack on chicks, eventually, I realized the guy was not a guy worth my time because why would I hang out with someone who doesn't want to get to know me outside of a bar or club? I think in your 20s and even early 30s it's not unusual for guys to be broke, or not have their stuff together as I was still working on my stuff.

I will say the article is accurate I've also met some guys who their issue isn't women but their mental health. "Sarging" was a phase in my life, I don't do clubs haven't done one in years, and I'm not gonna do cold approaches at the mall, Not interested, it was a phase in my life had I used the same energy doing all these approaches I probably would be a millionaire right now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
I made a topic about this, but European guys except the British(funny how you called them out too :rofl: ) do have their stuff together compared to American men. They all had an overall clean or polished appearance, presentable outfit, and friendlier attitude compared to American guys. I noticed pua & game started going downhill during the second Obama term when marketers & politics started to capitalize on it.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I made a topic about this, but European guys except the British(funny how you called them out too :rofl: ) do have their stuff together compared to American men. They all had an overall clean or polished appearance, presentable outfit, and friendlier attitude compared to American guys. I noticed pua & game started going downhill during the second Obama term when marketers & politics started to capitalize on it.
The worst wings I have had were British. The Brits are the Armchair Quarterbacks of humanity in all aspects of life. They will nitpick everything you do but never ever do it on their own, when they do, it is embarrassing. To add to that, they are prudes and judgmental in all aspects of approaching women. Expect a Brit to take a moral high ground on you and act as if they are superior people in every way there. I basically avoid British wings from here on out, it is that bad.

As for Americans, the ego and delusion is insane. I have met so many American dudes with crap game who somehow think they are above others despite having some of the worst game I have ever seen or just being super shy and awkward around women. American dudes are also leeches too, like they will mooch off of you for everything you have in terms of game the second they realize how well off you are in a certain place with women.