I found it ignorant. OP looks down on the young men of this generation for being skinny or weak, yet he’s likely in his 40s or 50s, been working blue collar jobs for 2 decades (maybe even more), and probably looked worse than those people he was looking down on when he was their age. He’s complaining about a generation difference and is saying it’s due to low test or lack of masculinity. Masculine expression is very subjective to the individual and the era you are in. In caveman days, whoever picked up the biggest stick was most alpha and probably had higher testosterone than the others. Nowadays that doesn’t mean ****. A gun on the other hand....
I just see elderly ignorance being spout off as wisdom when it’s clearly not. He’s hypercritical of others because they don’t mold to his reality. Fact is, most men HIS age are wimps too. I see it all the time. It’s not about how girly or faggish they look wearing stupid crap like skinny jeans and whatnot, it’s about style and what’s in. Walk in a black neighborhood and you’ll see people practically wearing rags, much more confrontational mentality, and an overall tougher attitude whether they’re skinny or not. Younger women don’t go for you because they’re just that: younger women. You look at them as such. Which means you are older. And they look at you as older. There’s no attraction. Contrary to what some of the guys here say, no NORMAL college-aged girl is gonna go for a man who looks to be in his 40s or 50s. She’s dating her dad then. And that’s just weird. Nothing to do with them being weird as people in regards to you, they just feel weirded out that someone like their dad is attracted to them. I’ve seen young women go for older dudes before and they’re always ****ed in the head somehow. The dudes are too, and often have egos and think everyone is jealous of them lol. Those people are almost never normal and normal folks don’t go after such a huge age gap. It’s just the natural order of things. Even the chicks you just talk to normally, they think you like them just because of entitlement. They think every guy is a creep until he has social proof or is extremely hot. That’s society’s fault. But who is in charge of society? Baby boomers are all but retired. Mellenials are still too young. Who are the people behind the scenes controlling it all?