First of all BB attraction CAN be manufactured.
To say it can't is like saying you can't make someone laugh.
Or you can't make someone upset.
If you know the TRIGGERS you can make anyone feel anything.
Attraction is simply making a woman have the urge to have sex with you.
backbreaker said:
there is nothing you can do or not do to a woman who is breaking up with someone else, that is going to maek her think any differently about you than she already thought, either way.
There seems to be a misunderstanding.
I never said there was something they could do to change the way she thought about them.
What I said was if you're a friend to a woman you can't be her lover and if you're her lover you can't be her friend.
backbreaker said:
if a woman thinks your are dating material = "OMG he's so sweet look at how he comforted me when I needed him that's exactly what I want out of a man"
If the man behaves like a friend, this won't happen.
Friendly behaviour ISN'T attractive.
BB, you need to consider what makes a man attractive? Women don't find men attractive for no reason.
Some women date men they aren't attracted to because they are confused and don't know what they want.
However, a man a woman considers attractive NEVER behaves in a normal way towards that woman.
And second, NO decent looking woman says "OMG he's so sweet look at how he comforted me when I needed him that's exactly what I want out of a man".
Has it happened to you?
Women have and ALWAYS will be attracted to men they want to have sex with.
Comforting women when they are down does NOTHING towards this.
backbreaker" said:
OMG he's so sweet look at how he comforted me when I needed him i could never date you and ruin our friendship look at how nice you are to me! I need you around"
95% of the time that would be the response a man gets when he comforts a woman and doesn't behave sexual towards her.
ASSUMING the woman is desirable.