The Forced March


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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There’s a term for those combat veterans who have experienced war.
The term is “BTDT”.

Been There Done That.
It is a term that people who have faced terrifying ordeals, that have seen friends pulverized and shot to death, who are intimate with the smell of human blood and burnt flesh.

Very challenging experiences to say the least.

This is why between such men there is an honor and respect and camaraderie between them that does not exist in any other form in this universe.
This is why this term and the experiences attached to them are honored, and not to be thrown around loosely.

Because of these difficulties many men face, they are forced to make changes and observations, and periods of self doubt and deep self refection
They do this while still facing their day to day obligations, and dealing with others in the best courteous, considerate and tender manner they know possible.
You would not yell at your 3 year old just because you are not able to cope ‘today’.
Or yell at your devoted, loyal, appreciative wife or girlfriend because some idiot insulted your ego.
You make an accurate assessment and you keep yourself in check.
You ‘check IN” instead of always ‘checking out’ when dealing with people, your loved ones most of all.
And this is energy consuming.
And difficult when you’re under pressure.
When you’re used to dealing with these issues at your normal 10 or 15 mph, and you are now looking at speeds of 120 and 150 mph.
And you say to yourself : “Hmmm….ok……I can clearly see this is going to be a challenge’ while you literally hear you heart shredding and feel your tension build up.
And if you need to regroup, and rethink your strategy, then do so….calm and centered as much as you can possibly muster.

So you are dealing with these things in real time. With the resources you have now.
Not in the future. But NOW.
All the while you have the past experiences in the background.

These images and memories are often not spoken between these men.
When they do, sometimes they relate it as if it were a story that happened to
‘someone else’.

Sometimes these brave men face these difficulties and the aftermath of them without the tools they need to adequately deal with them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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You have been taught rules of society.
How to behave.
How not to behave.
How to get a job.
Go to school.
Get good grades.
Have a career.
Read the bible, or whatever.
Don’t ever get angry.
Share with your brother.

You can be taught all these things.
Even things like martial art, yoga, meditation, flower arranging, calligraphy, painting, drawing, name it.

You can be taught the skills.

But who teaches you how to deal with emotional trauma?
Or your emotions. period?

Who teaches you how to be honest with yourself and ask yourself the hard questions?
(Why should we? After all, most people live like drones , checked out, and follow the herd mentality. Following the path of least resistance.)

How do you do this in Real Time?
Not next year, “when I have more time”.
Or next month when ‘my schedule dies down’.
But Now.

When life is firing bullets and mortars at your location, and you better move now because you may end up dead once the enemy has ranged you.
From WHERE and WHAT do you draw upon to meet the challenge?

Some people say :
”It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, as long as you KNOW you did the absolute best you could.”

Who teaches you how to Love?
How to deal with Love?
How to let yourself BE Loved?
How to let yourself fall in Love?
Can you let yourself let go?

Multi Tasking.
Is all well and good.
But you don’t get these in high school.
I aint seen college courses that teach you these things.
“Positive Masculine Role Models and How to learn from them, recognize them, and Be one of them” 1101
Located in room 3104 in the South Campus.

Next to “ How to be in Love: let yourself fall in love and give love and be the perfect boyfriend and husband guaranteed in all situations.” 1101
In room 3105

No, you learn as you go along.
All the while using the only resource you truly ever had….YOU…your experience to draw upon, and the perspective you have to act on them.
That’s it

We can teach you how to read, teach you how to do CPR, teach you Physics, how to use the right fork at a formal dinner, speak French, teach you how to fight, send you off to war…
But no one can truly teach you how to love.
Well, let’s just say that it is not a common experience for any man to have a comprehensive guide and thorough teaching to this, put it that way.
You can take all the courses you want, read all the books you want, all the holy texts you want…but they cannot replace the real time experience and how you interact with her.

Next to my bed I have two books.
I have had them there for the longest.
And will continue to do so.
They are Bruce Lee’s “Artist of Life’
And Miyamoto Musashi’s “Book of Five Rings”

There is no book called “How to live MY Life perfectly with every single question answered for my daily life in all areas forever, making no mistakes ever and looking fabulous while doing it” by Interceptor.

I write this book. Every day.
Every page.
Written in real time.
With the resources I have.

And so do you. Maybe you don’t realize it. But you are.
What does your book look like?
What kind of author are you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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What kind of story do you tell?
Is it worth reading?
Will you ever let someone else read your book?
Can you read another’s book without judgment?
What kinds of themes are written in your book?
Optimism, hope?
Or fear, pessimism, and self pity?

They say in Buddhism that to truly surpass fear you must make peace with death.
And be willing to ‘die’ each day.
To let go of idealistic expectations.
Because it makes no sense to, since the reality will always be different than your expectation.
To not hold on to your Ego Identity.
To let it go.
It will be your downfall if you don’t.
The more you associate with your Ego, the more you will disassociate with the world and everyone in it. The less you will be able to relate to others. And the less you will be able to live freely, and more open to experiences. Not judging everything as ‘good’ or “bad”….just simply as “IS”.
So live your life humbly.
With courage. Resolve. Conviction.
Every day.

Fear may not always be the most affecting circumstance many men face.
I know I’m not afraid of ‘fear’.
I can look death straight in the eye.
But I always ask myself questions that only I can answer.

So you can see that for every man, he must face what his issues are. What is holding him back. And what is propelling him forward.

Strive for at least these two things:
Be your own best friend. And be there for yourself, to forgive yourself, and console, and encourage yourself.
And be your own MENTOR. To teach yourself. Trust yourself. Trust your guidance and intuition And move forward through life with purpose and direction, rather than wandering about aimlessly.

Which means that when again, in the aforementioned scenario..
..when you’re under sniper fire.
Mortar rounds nearing your location...
You have no idea where your squad leader is.
You don’t even know if he’s alive.
You know there’s no one watching your six.
But you’ve been given the order to ‘move forward’. Into known enemy territory sometimes.
And you cannot give in to fear.
All you see is smoke in front of you.

These are the times where you better be ready.
When you march ahead.
And you really know the meaning to the phrase “Life is a Forced March’.
You better believe it.

If you stay there
The enemy will find you and pin you down.
You may die where you stand.
You are faced with stark reality.
You ask yourself right in those milliseconds of time “What is important to me?”
When you truly, clearly see things. Some things actually petty and trivial, and others become magnificent….
Not knowing what lies ahead.
You know you don’t want to die.
But you don’t know where to go….exactly.

You go forward.
You move forward.

You take a deep breath and repeat to yourself:

“Life is a forced march.”

You find strength within.
And you draw upon those reserves.
And you move on…

In the real world, this could translate to basic self managing.
A man’s most basic needs that he must work daily at maintaining are his
Health, Wealth, and Well Being.
At all times.

It is a man’s full time job to manage these things.

It is ALWAYS a Man’s TOP Priority above all else.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Your daily job, school, obligations are all secondary.
They are not your real job.
Managing yourself and taking care of yourself are your “FULL-TIME JOB”.
For often, when we are at our most indecisive and depressed, we forget to care for ourselves.
Your body will give you signs.
But many times, they may go unnoticed.

Something like poor hygiene is the infantryman’s worst enemy.
Not taking care of yourself when you need yourself the most is ‘standing there waiting to get shot in the head by a sniper’ or ‘ranged by a mortar round’.
You’re “dead in the water”, so to speak.

When it’s time to sleep, go to sleep.
When it’s time to wake, wake up.
When you have to brush your teeth, brush your teeth.
When it’s time to eat, make sure you eat.
When you want to sit down and just listen to some music, do it.
When you just want to go outside for a walk, go for a walk.
When you want to write down the ideas and thoughts you have in your head, write them down.
If you feel like trying meditation, try it.
Feel like praying? Pray.
And if you feel the desire to talk to someone for a little support, go ahead and talk to them.

The thing is to keep moving.
Not wandering…

But purposeful movement.
If there is one thing that you must continually ask yourself, know the answer to, and align yourself with ….it is Your PURPOSE.

The Forced March analogy is to instill the self discipline to move ahead with purpose, in the face of challenges and difficult circumstances.
It is a simple phrase, that can help you in the toughest situations.
Instead of ‘checking out’ , like the majority of men do, always make an effort to ‘check in’ and BE THERE. Even when this moment is grueling to you. Grit your teeth, and be in that moment. Do not give in to fear, and look for the path of least resistance.

Look into the fear, and march straight into it. Checked in. Ammo full. Safety off. And on the lookout for the enemy.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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How do you teach yourself to love when your past is filled with nothing but mistakes, failures, and stupid decisions? Sure, there is couple of success stories here and there. But, what justification is there when you would say to yourself, "You are great. You rock. I love myself"?

Great post by all means. I feel like you need a section of your own in the DJ Bible (taking notes, Killa?!). :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
The Bat said:
How do you teach yourself to love when your past is filled with nothing but mistakes, failures, and stupid decisions? Sure, there is couple of success stories here and there. But, what justification is there when you would say to yourself, "You are great. You rock. I love myself"?

Great post by all means. I feel like you need a section of your own in the DJ Bible (taking notes, Killa?!). :up:

Excellent question, Bat.
This is directly related to your sense of Self Worth and Self Esteem.

I will say it's not an easy answer. It really isn't.

Becasue the road to authentic Self Esteem is a bit more difficult than the path to an inflated Ego.
Most people go the path towards the Ego.
But these people are the ones who truly have the lowest 'lows' in life.
Their emotional states, and levels of confidence fluctuate WILDLY.
Whereas, a person with authentic self esteem will have confidence fluctuations, but emotional states will be a bit more steady and confidence levels will be able to be dealt with a bit easier.
Working on developing authentic Self Esteem may be harder. But it is much more durable.
It can in essence, be 'bullet proof'.
No one can ever take away your self esteem.
But they can deflate your Ego.
Remember that.

How do love oneself?
How to feel worthy of Love?
Especially, like many men, our past is not filled with fantastic, cinematic quality romance and true love? IN fact, quite the opposite. Most of our past experiences have eventually taught us that perhaps true love doesnt exist. We've never seen it or felt it. And what little love one can have felt in the past from another, may not have been enough to counteract the self doubt we may have inside.
And that is our frame of reference?

This is why it is so important to learn how to Love YourSELF.
Yuo can only truly love another, without needing to TAKE only if you LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.
You can do that well, when you recognize your self worth.

You can tell yourself consciously "I am loved and worthy of love."

But it won't work unless your Body 'feels' it.
However, the first step can be the conscious recognition that Yes, I am worthy of Love.

Because it is true.

There is really no other answer, other than an answer that for years we may have programmed into our minds. ie;"I am not worthy of love. So no use in trying....."
See, that is an imprinted negative false and limiting belief.
Somehow we let that belief get past our conscious mind, and enter our subconscious, thus FRAMING our entire outlook on life and love from this perspective.
But this is a false belief. And you cannot 'fool' your higher innermost self.

Your deepest self recognizes it.
"IT" knows you are worthy.
But your mind, especially the sub conscious mind, has been programmed with the Negative Belief.
So now your Operating System, as it were, has the "Im not worthy of Love" software program running in the background, slowing down all other programs down to a halt.

Generally speaking, I believe that reprogramming yourself with a positive belief has this kind of pathway

BELIEF> Conscious Mind->Sub Conscious Mind-> Body

The final outcome is that the Belief must be 'stored' in the body and held there, like all other past experiences.
Your body is the ultimate storage device for all the positive and negative expereinces, traumas, reactions, and emotions.

Knowing this, you now have at least an idea of how to imprint your SELF with the original Belief that , Yes, you are worthy of Love. And at least start the process of removing the old self limiting belief patterns that got into your neurology.
(look into EFT for more info this.)

I will say this.
The human mind, though incredible, and vast, is actually somewhat crude in some ways.
It is at the end of the day simply a tool.
Not your entire 'being'.
And as a crude tool, is highly influenced through ages of evolution, that were geared for survival in the wild.
Not dealing with complex emotional issues like we face today.

Our mind was better at "Run away, eat, sleep, have sex, build house, look for water, look for shelter, hunt, recognize danger, recognize safety, etc"
Since it was geared for life or death, survival scenarios, and still today, looks at EVERYTHING in this manner, the mind needs to be 'trained' to not follow such a primal and crude program.
Having said that, you can see why you, and most people will somehow always tend to gravitate toward the negative experience to justify a particular belief.
And yes, that also means, that it will normally search for evidence that a Positive Idea is not really real and true, becasue of so much past evidence to the contrary.
Even though you may have an abundance of expereinces that would STILL support the Idea, your subconscious mind, and your body too, will not simply 'accept' it at face value.


Guy's conscious mind: "I love myself! I am truly worthy of LOVE!!!":rock:

Guy's Subconscious mind/Body: " according to me":down:

Guy::eek: "Yeah, you're right. Who am I kidding...."

There's two things that I think can help one deal with these wavering feelings of Self Esteem, and one's concept of Self Worth.

The ability to GIVE BACK. And have abundance of emotional resources to Share with others and in strained, difficult emotonal situations.
Can you be able to still be strong enough to not insult someone, when they dont do as you had hoped and expected? Can you not be critical of someone when they made an honest mistake?
Can you give love, warmth, and affection ,even when you are not feeling these things in YOUR Life right now?
When your patience is stressed, and you're at the end of your rope, can YOU give someone else a helping hand, a word of encouragement, and a gesture of kindness and understanding?

These things raise your overal worth to humanity to the stratosphere. Because you can clearly demonstrate true human compassion and understanding to another in the most difficult of circumstances.
This is true transcendence.
This is connecting to the resuorce of your inner most Higher Self. A self that many people are not intimate with. And is a great source of inspiration and wealth of resources to you.

But when you demonstrate ABUNDANCE in the FACE of LACK....then you, my friend, are quite the special person.

True, sometimes you may not be recognized or appreciated for it, but if you are truly humble and without ego, you will forgive people for their lack of recognition and appreciation.
If you do serve honestly, then you are liberated from the NEED for gratification. The ACT of Service feels gratifying enough for you.

And the ability to be HUMBLE. And embrace that you are vulnerable, that you dont know everything, that yes, you do need love in your life, that you do have limitations right now, to embrace it all....and still move forward.
You should strive to have the mind set of strenght, but humble strength.
You can find strength and inspiration in yourself if you look at the world in these ways.

"I recognize I have faults and weaknesess, and that I am not perfect.
But I dont have to BE Perfect. Theres no RULE that says I have to be.
I do have to work at Self Improvement and self cultivation. That is my duty."

"I recognize that I do not KNOW EVERYTHING. and that I dont have all the answers. But I am WILLING to LEARN. And GROW in the process. And this means that I must be humble enough to ask for direction and ask questions, and be understanding and forgivng to myself and others."
And be willing to recognize that other people have something to teach you.
Try to never have the attitude that you have 'mastered' anything. And that you are 'unteachable', as if no one can teach you anything of value to you.

And another one is, that despite setbacks, faults, limitations, and uncooperative and unappreciative people or situations.. will NOT ABANDON your MISSION and PURPOSE in Life.

This is critical.

This is how you can stay out Self Pity much more easily. And still follow your internal compass.
Which is also CRITICAL for every man.
Your internal compass helps guide you, in a self directed , masculine, and honest method. It helps you stay anchored.
You must learn to stay anchored. You cannot be at the mercy of the external environment. It is important to recognize that.
You must try to avoid the ping ponging back and forth and all around.
No one can follow you, if that is what you desire, if you yourself have no idea where you're going.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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When you face your fears, and challenges, and limitations, all while still keeping your resolve to accomplish your Mission in life that is when you are truly coming into your own as a Man.
You are now in algnment with growth, self improvement and living a certain lifestyle.

The life that YOU want to LIVE.

It is ALL about that ONE thing.
Everything you're doing is to do just that.

The Life I want to Live.

Building the Better Life.
You have to have that desire to live that life.

Because that man who wants that, HAS to have a sense of worth and value for HIMSELF.
Remember, not feeling worthy is a false belief that was programmed a long long time ago for many.
Many of us grew up without certain experiences, that many others take for granted.
And as your duty to yourself in improving yourself as a Man, you must work towards removing those limiting beliefs that harm you.

When you succumb to the negative belief.
Your inner self will aways be at the back of your mind disagreeing with you.
Listen to the inner self. For that is the 'truth'.

But your subconscious mind will only follow what it has been programmed with.

It's up to you to take steps to address that, so that there is less negative self talk,and more open communication between your deepest inner self, and your day to day mind.

You must absloutely MUST recognize that you DO have worth and value to yourself and others.
This is crucial.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
When you succumb to the negative belief.
Your inner self will aways be at the back of your mind disagreeing with you.
Listen to the inner self. For that is the 'truth'.

But your subconscious mind will only follow what it has been programmed with.

It's up to you to take steps to address that, so that there is less negative self talk,and more open communication between your deepest inner self, and your day to day mind.
This is what I experience. Lately it tends to not last as long. I think this is when people say they are "at war with themselves". The higher self, your real essence, knows it has as much value and deserves happiness, just like everyone else on the planet, but those negative beliefs are coming from the other extreme, and when they both meet, you have a standstill, you shutdown. You have two conflicting beliefs, happening at the exact same time. The result can be that you don't do anything, that you don't move forward. The most basic stuff, like taking care of your health, even day to day chores, become huge tasks. And in themselves they are easy, and take not time at all.

I guess it is important to use the Forced March analogy. When you don't have strength to carry you, you have to create that strength. With no momentum to carry you forward, you have to create the momentum. Lots of people wait for that momentum to just arrive. I have. I am struggling with it, waiting for the perfect moment, when I finally "have permission". But it doesn't work like that. You just have to keep pushing yourself. You have to generate the momentum in "real time".

I think the challenge a lot of us face is to push ourselves, but not in a way where we are beating ourselves up and basically threatening ourselves "dammit you no good sob--get it in gear! Quit being a loser! Go out and approach. Go fix all the other crap in your life! Get off your ass! Time is wasting!" That's negative motivation. But sometimes that's the only way people know, to give themselves that wake up call. But I believe it is short lived, because it comes from fear, not from self love.

Good series of posts. Lots to think about here.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
The Forced March analogy is to instill the self discipline to move ahead with purpose, in the face of challenges and difficult circumstances.
It is a simple phrase, that can help you in the toughest situations.
Instead of ‘checking out’ , like the majority of men do, always make an effort to ‘check in’ and BE THERE. Even when this moment is grueling to you. Grit your teeth, and be in that moment. Do not give in to fear, and look for the path of least resistance.

Look into the fear, and march straight into it. Checked in. Ammo full. Safety off. And on the lookout for the enemy.
Interceptor, you wrote one hellofa powerful thread here. It really hits home, because to look into fear and march straight into it, is perhaps the ultimate personal test we must all meet, as men, at one time or another in our lives.

I think it's movitational posts like this one, that should be looked up on as an intellectual muscle memory, to be there in reserve to help us through.

Well done Sir. :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Great post as always Interceptor.

"I think the challenge a lot of us face is to push ourselves, but not in a way where we are beating ourselves up and basically threatening ourselves "dammit you no good sob--get it in gear! Quit being a loser! Go out and approach. Go fix all the other crap in your life! Get off your ass! Time is wasting!" That's negative motivation. But sometimes that's the only way people know, to give themselves that wake up call. But I believe it is short lived, because it comes from fear, not from self love."

Thanks for that reset.

I never thought of negative thoughts being rooted in fear all that much before.

I kind of regarded them as patterns we just fell into early in life through bad experiences but I think you are right.

They are rooted in fear and then become a pattern.

Thats the more clear view way to look at it I think.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Brillaint posts Sir Interceptor.

I know war is just a metaphor, but we all can't head off to battle in order to find the mental strength we desire. We have to find it within ourselves, gradually, throughout the course of our lives.

Personally I think meditation may be the answer. It's what I'm investing my time in now. The ultimate goal is to live in the moment, unrestricted by our past and not distracted by any imagined future. This is what you speak of.

I don't look at life as war, I look at life as love. Rather than fighting battles I like to believe I can walk through life with ease. This comes with having strength but not burdened by the past or things that are out of our control.

How do you teach yourself to love when your past is filled with nothing but mistakes, failures, and stupid decisions? Sure, there is couple of success stories here and there. But, what justification is there when you would say to yourself, "You are great. You rock. I love myself"?
The first step is to realize you are not your past. What you did then is not who you are now. Your higher self has never changed, everything else is just ego. 'You are great' is almost egotistical. Before you love yourself you must accept yourself fully, including all your flaws. This begins to remove negative and limiting beliefs. Don't resist the things you cannot change, and always work towards improving the things you can. You future is not written by your past, in fact the future never comes, there is just now. You are still hanging onto your past, drawing your identity from your mistakes, just let it go.

Interceptor, have you personally used EFT?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score

Love and fear are like two dogs fighting.


Which one will win?


Which ever one you feed.

(Interceptor, you amaze me).


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
*Tear* ahahaha fo reals though i had a tear drop at the end... very inspirational... :) this my kinda guy

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
Interceptor, you´re on level above most posters here. I´m sure you´re a psychologist.

Why don´t you write a book about "relationships for MEN"? You´d make a lot of money and help society wake up from their nightmares.

Your posts alongside this book "No more mr Nice Guy" (quoted below) has helped me see things about myself that I was unaware of!

There are no perfect relationships. There are no perfect partners. Relationships by their very nature are chaotic, eventful, and challenging. By adapting the points below and changing the way in which they live their lives, recovering Nice Guys will change the way they have relationships. Nice Guys can:

Approve of themselves.
Put themselves first.
Reveal themselves to safe people.
Eliminate covert contracts.
Take responsibility for their own needs.
Dwell in reality.
Express their feelings.
Develop integrity.
Set boundaries.
Embrace their masculinity.

Are there any areas in your personal relationships in which you avoid setting appropriate boundaries? Do you:

Tolerate intolerable behavior.
Avoid dealing with a situation because it might cause conflict.
Not ask for what you want.
Sacrifice yourself to keep the peace.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines

Very timely words, indeed. And I personally needed to hear it---THANKS.

I'm at a point in my own life right now where I'm faced with the decision of maintaining mediocrity or advancing forward into areas of potential EXCELLENCE (most prominently in the areas of bettering myself financially...).

There is a routine, a pattern, and a familiarity with SAMENESS in different areas of our lives that tend to lull men into states of NUMBNESS. And that numbness creates inertia-----a passive immobility that leads to enthropy. But the way out is clear: We must go on the forced march as you have advised.


Because the opposite of COURAGE is not cowardice-----it is CONFORMITY.

I'm finding that it takes a man of enhanced self-awareness, a man of unique appreciation for WHO he is, and a man who is inwardly inspired as opposed to just externally driven------TO REACH HIS GOALS and to complete his MISSION.

These men are indeed, the few, the proud, AND THE BRAVE. Because it's become increasingly evident to me that a man NEEDS to reach a certain level of comfortability with being alone (or I should say "SOLO"?) if he is to ever reach the top of whatever mountain he's climbing.

Why? Because on the path to personal glory, the road DOES get more treacherous the closer and closer we get to reaching that pinnacle----and the more harrowing the climb, unfortunately, the more likely it is there will be many perceptions, mindsets, habits, AND PEOPLE that we may be "forced" to have to leave behind.

That's ONE of the REAL reasons why the old cliche is true:

"It's LONELY at the TOP."'s so lonely at the top SOMETIMES because many men have not got what it takes to be An Army of ONE, or, they simply are not WILLING to be.

That's why those of us who do choose to make contributions into the lives of others must continue to take the lead and MARCH ON----because for those men who are valiantly struggling to find their mission----but still have "the will", , perhaps through the readings of the chronicles of our personal successes AND OUR PERSONAL FAILURES, they may hopefully, one day, find-----"the way".

So yeah, damn straight, soldier...

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It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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VU, I'm glad that something I wrote has inspired you.
and I want to thank the kind folks for their kind comments and graciousness.
Thank you for your support, everyone.
I'm just actually a modest guy. I actually DO appreciate it when something I write helps you in some way.

We're all essentially in the same boat.

There are definite reasons why I posted this now.

And it goes to show, that there are moments in time where you do have these very very deep and emotional issues you have to address.
We're both going through more or less the same exact thing, VU.

Sometimes, you have to be humble enough to realize that there is always 'something more ' left to learn, and always something 'between the lines'.
We need to give ourselves that opportunity, to be REAL and 'gut check' ourselves, and go out and accomplish that Mission.

There are times when Men, do NOT want to go out again and do another 'mission'.

Sometimes it hurts too much.

We sometimes beat ourselves up for not being prepared enough, for having been incautious, for not having had the clarity of mission when we need it, so many things as men like us want to be totally aware of and in control.

We like to be in control.

But I learned today, that taking that step to calm the inner mind, and find peace, and resolve those issues does not mean we are out of control, in fact, the mere recognition of it, being self aware, and actually taking steps to 'fix' them, or HEAL them IS the moment of bravery and courage.

It is brave to look at yourself, and even though you just realized "Hey, I have shrapnel in here! How'd that get in there?!" and you've just found an issue you had not dealt with previously IS EMPOWERMENT in ACTION..

march on, steady, rock solid, we march together.....

VU, you have point.;)

The Gamer

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you. I find it amazing that the action of another, or lack of, has the ability to completely change someones condition. If you hadn't of written this I wouldn't have found the understanding I just gained (at least not when I did).


Don Juan
May 27, 2008
Reaction score

Thanks for this.

I made an account just to show my appreciation for that post.

Here you go. :flowers: <-- I mean that in the manliest way possible.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
