Women are in their essence cowards, they don't expose themselves, are indirect, hiding behind infinite excuses and lying is her second nature, they react. Men act, roar as they go into battle, and are expected, in order to be regarded as a suitable mate, to be responsible, bold, and to provide sense of security. A man that doesn't stand up for himself, will unlikely stand up for others, a man that doesn't make a step will likely stand still in his bubble of security and grind the same worthless job and live in the same mediocre apartment. Making the first step is masculine behavior, and women expect it and find it attractive. A woman making the first step is seen as sexually aggressive and a man wonders if she's doing this all the time, having ****ed half the town and also feels less of a man, because she assumed his role and he's empty handed and can just say yes, of course I'll have sex with you. But this won't really work and it happens very seldom.