The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Most people feel that education is only bad because of it's deficiencies. It's costs. Teachers are under paid. Under appreciated. Not enough students are in school. Programs are slashed. The arguements are never-ending. The fact that the defense budget dwarfs the education budget by 100x (400 billion versus 4 billion).

The vileness of this system is far deeper than meets the eye.

Educational systems as a whole, have a longer, more sordid history than we know. Or are even told of. For as long as human history can record, class wars, power struggle and slavery have been present. Some minority, some elite group, have long sought to command a few "animals." To control the masses. It is deemed, by some "right" that they are the gifted few, those who should control the other 95% destiny. In school, because most training is not for independent thought, you're taught to be DEPENDENT on someone. A teacher. The principal. Your parents. The answer key. Within you, the answer do not lie and wait. Oh no! It's OUTSIDE of you you must seek comfort and shelter. And this is just the beginning....

Millenia ago, education was nil. The bible was not even available for anyone other than clergy. People had to take the word of GOD from those of the clergy and priests, and that was where their powers began. But more than that, it was deemed that without structure, without control, everyone was a threat. If they didn't fall-in line, elimate them. Play by the rules or perish. This was the game.

The first emergence of America gives way to this. America was merely a colonial offshoot of England. We were to build the wealth of Europe. But we hated taxation without representation. We hated being told what to do so far away. We hated having so much opportunity and squandering it being subversive to a continent thousands of miles away. So we revolted. We overthrew their rule and risked life for freedom. And we won.

So we think...

Can you see where being outside the crowd? Being outside the CROWD WITH POWER and CLOUT is dangerous? Education came along to solve this. Any system will. System by and large serve to bring order and process. Input. Output. In goes the material, out goes the product. Our system in America is no different, it's only progressing further and further along a time line. Now College is included in this machine.

Independent thought IS NOT, I repeat NOT, what education is. You go to a set curriculum. Art is on the back burner. No such trades are taught, save a few technical schools. Everything is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Rankings are given to students, so that over their lifetime, it is believed that THIS is all they're capable of.

If you're a "D" student, you must ALWAYS be a D student. You can never be a D here, and an A there. You are this, and that's it. So your income, your tastes, your choices, your women, ALL should match the standards of a "D' student. See how vicious this is?

What's worse, the system spills into your home life. Teachers, angered at your lack of progress, call teacher-parent conferences to publicize your progress, or lack there of. Punishment ensues, and so does the horrific spiral toward mediocrity. The system succeeds.

Students learn set course loads, at a slugs pace, by a testing method that only embraces ONE FORM of learning and ONE form of testing. Parents have no say in the teachers who are hired. Teachers can bring their bad emotional background, their prejudices, their likes and dislikes to bear upon impressionable youths and teens. They are simply their as pawns of a curriculum. Here's the prospectus, we will follow this until the end of the year. End game.

Tell me...when you read a book or take a course, how long does it take to learn the courseload? A day? A week? A month? Learning is not and never is AT YOUR OWN pace.

Sidebar: I recall math when i was younger. I WAS AWFUL. Grounded at it. Punished. Teacher-parent conferences. The whole shiban. I feared math class. Nobody could help. It just never clicked, and were I not toucher to endure the mental slings of youth and the imminent punishment I might be a shell of a man. And then, one day, I GOT IT!!! It clicked. I could do it in my head. Screw the calculator. BANG. I owned math. And then science. And for what price did I pay the insult, the punishment, and the humiliation all for the sake of numbers??

You see, it is a system. It's a system created to keep the belief that knowledge is power. Oh it is POWER. But not public knowledge. For what taxpayers pay teachers to enslave their children emotionally, you could get at 1/100 the price from Barnes and Noble over their education careers.

And this, ladies and gentleman, is where everybody's lives becomes wound up or unwind. It's MEANT to keep people mentally enslaved. It's meant to dumb us down. To keep us looking for jobs. To NOT rise above where we are, except for a minor few who buck the trend.

The most valuable courses which would bring young wealth and riches are NEVER taught. Why is this? Some might say because "English is fundamental." Well after you can read and write, I say math is equally fundamental. And not just A, S, M, or D, but knowing checks and balance, investing, and so forth. Read old books like the Baron Son or Richest Man in Babylon and you'll see people were learning SKILLS THAT WOULD MAKE THEM INDENDEPENT THINKERS and PEOPLE WHO COULD INDEPENDENTLY SURVIVE.

That WAS the nature of original schools. Teachers were rarely if ever paid. They mostly volunteered. Thought was more abstract, more open to debate. There was no rigidity of course load. Thinking was an open forum. It wasn't DANGEROUS to buck a trend, try a new style. IT WAS LEARNING, not EDUCATION. Education is the IMPLANTATION of thoughts, concepts, and so forth. LEARNING is understanding, acceptance, application.

How does this matter here? Now? Because, consider that education itself, while basic and fundamental, also creates different social results in all us. All us are the products of our environment filtered through our egos, perceptions, beliefs, and understanding. The same person from a broken home who loses heart, MAY also be the same person who seeks to rise ABOVE his surroundings. See any person who's made it out of the Ghetto, or ask any disadvantaged friend. I have a few.

And yet, most people are trying to ADD all this GREAT knowledge to such a weak foundation that no wonder if crumbles. I would submit that virtually 100% of what was done, learned, or felt in grade school, high school, and some colleges, is usless.

Students at 21, and 22, as recent graduates are worse off than our parents. They are in debt. They are non-committal. They are irresponsible. [Sorry for the generalities]. And they are far older than their parents and past generations when it comes to progress in life. Our time lines for success have been lengthened, not because of longer life spans, but because the system seeks to gain an even greater share of our lives.

Yet, it's bought. Hook line and sinker. Kids, from as young as 5 are given away to state mandated teachers, for almost 50% or more of their waking hours, during the most impressionable time of their lives. They're ranked with stars, and awards, and deans lists. Those who achieve such acclaim, are rewarded and revered. Those who don't, are outsiders, stupid, they will not succeed, and possibly punished. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The fact that Education is second only to God in this world proves this fact. Is knowledge valuable? Yes. BUT "the power of knowledge lies not in knowledge, but the possession of the RIGHT kind of knowledge." - Carlos Castaneda, Don Juan.

This is as true as any fact. For some 16 years of your life, you operate in THIS fish bowl. IT BECOMES your reality, as real or fake as it might be. From the beginning, your labeled, pegged and operate with THAT belief of yourself, and it plays out from the get-go. And if you're not keen enough to SEE it, and most never do, you're doomed. Your self-image is laid down and unchangeable unless you work to change it and know that all before that was fake.

Should this alarm people? I hope so.

I find it horrible that during a youths most impressionable years they are given away to the state or private schools. Strangers. Who implant their values when kids are most susceptible to their environment. That they are put in a system that does not seek to MAXIMIZE learning, but to RANK the learning.

"Yup get on the conveyor belt here, and let's see what this beast can do. Hmmm, nice grades. Attractive. Athletic. Good family. Ok, you can go to the middle income range."

Sad as it might be, this is the reality. Teachers, by and large are not fully to blame, they are only pawns in the game. They are acting out of their own hypnotized positions.

Research education. Research the grand design of what it is. Of what it seeks to do. It's not pretty. And it's largely the reason most people are in the position they are in.

When you consider from age 5 to age 21, you're in some meat factory, for more than 50% of your AWAKE time, with the other % in front of the TV or doing school work or working, what is to be expected?

It's a severe threat to the control of the world if a few people were to awaken and unplug the rest. But yet, it remains this way. Can a few buck the trends set forth? Sure, some always will. The battle cry of "Gates didn't go to College" is only substantiated by the fact that his creativity and vision weren't killed by public schooling. And most entrepreneurs you will find RETAIN this pizzazz. They never lost their creativity. Their vision. Their life. They're not so enslaved by the system, by thinking, that they can't make something of themselves.

There will be more to come....



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I've met several millionaires, and 100% of what made them rich was never earned or learned in school. We MUST learn basics...


BUT...what about the rest?


Instead of being courses and education seen to ADVANCE life, it's merely, HERE's WHAT IT IS, LEARN IT.

Those that enter university do it over the courses of 4 years. They seek to come out labeled, and when they do, with a marketing degree, or finance degree, or a doctor, they are a cog. A unit. A position. A product, input into a system. Uniqueness, is often ridiculed.

[Think of how many times you made fun of the "dork" in your school or classes. Or if that was you, wonder if you weren't also unique and special?]

We have hopes. Aspirations. And Dreams. But the means to these ends are not through such a system. A system is COUNTER to humanity. Which is why it works. Humans are creative. Spontaneous. Random. A system seeks to smudge out those qualities. A system seeks control, continuety, and expectation.

When the masses of America were rebels, and wealthy land-owners, and cowboys, and unbridled, uncontrolled outlaws, this worried other countries. They couldn't possibly have a bunch of nuts running a whole country with so much wealth and spirit, and the possibility of smudging them out. In comes the system. Over centuries it is slowly implemented. Thought and action must be controlled. This is why money is so freely given to foundations and schools. It hides taxes and furthers the agenda of those seeking ultimate control.

While we would believe in the ultimate goodness of humanity and probably find it amongst the masses, it is not a trait held by the ulter elite who fear uprisings and lack of control.

Initially, government was at the mercy of the people. IT served US. What now? People take their marching orders from the gov. Education hails from the gov. They control business. Marriage. Social values. Smoking laws. Speed limits. Even limits as to where you travel on state parks and forests. What you can and can't do to your home. Who and what you can have sex with.

Isn't the question of VALUES are own choices? Not the choice of government?

Take the concept of a car. We are not allowed to wield dynamite. YET, you can go the gas station and purchase something JUST as dangerous BY THE GALLON (for perhaps $3 per gallon). This can be put in a container and used as you choose. Most people have containers LYING around their garages. So if dynamite is so dangerous, then why allows US CHIMPS to use Gas so freely and easily ANYWHERE WE WANT.

Taking that one step further...a tank is fully out of our grasp. We are FAR too dangerous. YET everyday people get on roadways and highways on machines weighing 1-20+ tons. FILLED with GALLONS of this flammable stuff. Driving at speeds that make this machines TERRORIST traps. YET, MOST accidents are completely random and unintentional. Deaths unfortunately occur, but are mostly the result of neligence.

So where's the evidence that people are idiots? Or untrustworthy? Or evil? Or inherently stupid? I would submit it requires QUITE a bit of talent to maneuver a car, yet nobody is recognized for this feat.

It's the fact that we are told we are incapable of handling our own selfs, that we must submit MOST if not ALL of our freedom to a greater cause. Society. Corporate America. The government.

It sickens me.



Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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Reading this post made me think back to all the teachers that shaped my education. The subjects I was terrible in like math + science usually had teachers who were stern, strict, uncompassionate, and unwavering. I was afraid of talking to them and certainly terrified to raise my hand and ask for help so needless to say those were subjects I learned to dread and recieved terrible grades.......But when it came to classes like english and social studies that had teachers who encouraged creativity, learning life lessons based on historical events, and would actually SMILE once in awhile I found myself shining and craving more. They respected me and I them......they thought that I was an outstanding student and couldn't fathom my doing poorly in any subject.

Whatever.....Great Post:)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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How can i read all that and not comment.

Well i agree. You don't have to be smart to be good at school all you have to do is study certain things, NO THINKING INVOLVE. This girl dumb as a rock, gets High honer role.!!

The comment you said about going to college longer then our parents, that's because there is more compitition where everyone wants to be successful.Well what is success. Studing hard all your live and getting good grades is not gareenteed success has we were taught.

On some of the stuff you said, i don't really know what to believe (agree/disagree).

Maybe we are being corrupted by going through all this, BUT thats the way life is AND IM GOING TO ENJOY MYSELF.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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NOT TRYING TO CAUSE FIGHTS HERE, but you must be a democrat!

ANYWAYS, 1.whats your goal in writing this post. The "system" is not going to change.
2. What does this have anything to do with sosuave.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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completely agree. The big three institutions of repression and mind control have always been the church, state, and educational system. From an early age, we are taught this blind respect for authority. First personified by our parents, and then honed by our teachers. Our job is to unlearn the teachings of this monstrous system. From the beginning we are taught to 'listen!', 'sit down!', 'pay attention!' without ever questioning the source that this person claims to draw their authority from. We become so impressed by authority that we bend to anyone claiming to possess it.

As rational human beings, we must learn to be suspicious and challenge anyone who claims an authority over us. This includes the police, the state, the church, and the military.

In the words of Charles Bukowski:

"For those of us who believe in a god, the answers are there. But for those of us who do not so readily accept the god formula, the answers are less concrete. Love need not be a command, nor faith a dictum. We are pliable. We are here to unlearn the teachings of our church, state and educational systems. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death itself will tremble to take us!"


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
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Every Womans Heart
Too true! There really is little wonder why homeschooling is on the rise these days.

What it boils down to is.. the government wants a society of CONSUMERS, not entrepreneurs. I mean, why raise millionaires who will eventually compete with you when you can make them all slaves to your agenda? It's simple business, which is what America is all about. Politicans are frontmen for corporations, and democracy is just a farce they use to keep us passive. If we are truly democratic, then why have we not had a single middle-class president who would be a true representative of the people's voice? Oh that's right, because he might actually start taxing the rich instead of giving them breaks like all the rest.

This country is a sad portrait of deepest hypocracy. I plan on leaving very soon!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I claim no allegiance to any party. In the words of Chris Rock...

"If you claim a side before you hear the arguement, your'e a fvcking idiot."

And that's why I don't like politics, or anything else that precludes debate, discussion or open thought. How can life progress if we continue to operate from a fixed position of thinking???

Can the system be changed?


Can you reject the system?


And only then can it be changed. You see, it's a monstrous feat to change an entire system.

But it's a small and triumphant feat to change a system by changing the COMPONENTS of the system, namely us.

"It's easier to wear slippers than carpet the world."


Another cousin attends a H.S. in a well-to-do town here in MA. The school finally requires parents who's children engage in sports to pay for their extra sports activities. Due to taxes and such, parents also must pay for buses, per child.

Some rebuke this onus. I for one, am all for it. Here's why.

1. They cut most of the arts, crafts and trades programs. These courses are the backbone of society, unlike manufacturing jobs, tradesman jobs CANNOT be shipped overseas. Plumbing, housing construction, electrical and such, cannot and will not move. Moreover, children who might excel in those fields and create future ventures do not get the chance to learn in courses that interest them. Instead, they are educated in courses that are mandated by the state as deemed necessary and told to swallow it.

2. Why should students who enjoy arts, computers, and video games, suffer at the expense of students who are into athletics? Let the parents pay individually, RATHER than hamper the school's budget with choices over which places to invest money in programs.

This sort of thinking happens all across the country. I know many school systems that resemble Varsity Blues. Early on, school systems begin the rankings of students, to which most will inevitable never leave said ranks. Ask any cheerleader [ most believe in such class and rankings systems, not by grades, but by popularity, status, and wealth. I dated enough cheerleaders to learn this mentality to be true. ]

College was able to be sold so expensively because education has been to be the pinnacle of all life. And it is, but the possession of knowledge is not power. THE USE OF KNOWLEDGE is POWER. AND THE KIND OF KNOWLEDGE is POWER. If it makes you happy, great. But it's utility is of the highest priority. Not it's possession.

In my field, many guys have several designations. Some because they have to. Others SO THEY FEEL GOOD. But it doesn't make them the kind of money it should. And so those with tons of letters after their names are ridiculed since they invest thousands of dollars and see no real advancement or return on dollars.


Many guys who are trying to get ahead with women will see much of their stumbling blocks began in school. School itself is meant to dumb us "animals" down. Then we are intended to be ranked. We'll fall in line. This is random. And from that, our self-image is created. Re-read my section the student who's seen to be a D student but could be an A student, or could be an A in some categories.

I know people who are magnificent public speakers and give presentations incredibly well, but since it's not a preferred method of testing in most schools (excluding college) it's rarely used.

The product of schools is turn out the most efficient workers possible. It's a very tight system, to which each gets in line to make their selection. Elite high schools choose from elite candidates of a certain pedigree. Elite colleges choose from elite high schools. Employers choose from highly ranked schools and so forth. Occasionally, someone will rise through the ranks in an extraordinary way, but by and large, people don't skip or move through steps.

And because it's this way, expensive education is perceived to be better than less expensive education and it fleeces the poorer population. Even middle class families 2nd mortgage their homes to provide the glimmer of hope that their kid "could make it" in the real college world. And when money becomes an object, "well just sign up for the military, they pay for your education." [That was my friend's attitude].

Is thier opportunity in the world?


It's just that, schools syphon it out of us. Creative thought is gone. Even in art classes, you're not allowed to be creative. As you progress toward a degree, your blinders are on. It's more introspective thought, people become reclusive, but they don't see it. Don't realize it.

And if you don't realize how damaging it is, consider how "lowly" we view people who have no education, or at least college education. My parents don't have one and never went back to get one, but they've done well. I know people WITH degrees who are WORSE OFF, than better off. And obviously more income is the result, it's the way the system was designed. A more valuable chip in the processor of commericialism. BUT...

That's it. If you're trained with a certain degree or occupation, that job or occupation has its limits. A ceiling. Until you become INDEPENDENT. Self taught. Self thought. Self thinking. Self actualizing. A self starter. A self motivator. Until your brain and mind become the all and one consuming source of knowledge and life and guidance. That, and God. Yes, God.


What's all this have to do with DJism? AND ss? And women? Everything. Most people's success or lack thereof began at an early age. And most times on this site the cry is that guys TRY to buck a trend only to fail before reaching it. Or they gain momentum only to sling back to the way they were.

Why is that?

Who are we?

What are we?

It's natural for our self images to WANT to sling back to equilibrium. To want to reject certain pieces of life. To reject change. But the question is, what's your base? Who are you? What if everything you learned for 16 years was a lie? Just WHAT IF. What if you were meant to be rich? Wealthy? Successful? Laid everyday? And through 16 years of programming, you were slid into a slot. Fall in line.

Self progress. Self improvement is a daily exercise. It's 1% per day. It's a new habit. KNOWING that much of what happened before is fake. False. And not real, should give you the confidence to begin anew. To start fresh. To forget the past, good or bad, because if you're body isn't there, nor should your mind. YOUR LIFE IS HERE. NOW. TODAY. It's not a plan. Your plan is in action. Put it together and live it. Breathe it. Do it. It's going to have ups. Downs. But course-correct. And get on track.


Alot of the progress we seek to make in any venture, particularly with women is based on the PERCEPTION we have of our shortcomings. So if a guy feels he is "unworthy", then it's likely he'll set out to fix something about that piece of him. If it's wrong, and it doesn't need to be fixed it's wasted time. And as I see it, we're all perfect "in nature." What's that mean...that it's unlikely by creation we were made IMPERFECT. I believe we are PERFECTLY imperfect. And to be loved respected and valued based on that.

It's wouldn't see a sunset and criticize it. You don't see animals and wish they were different. Or birds. Or anything. It is at is. You don't find a girl, or *****, and mold her.


Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
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A unit has always been one of my favorate posters here

Excellen post

This is why I constanstly state stop listening to this culture's advice on women it's not natural. I say all the time the USA is not a state its one big shopping center and it's citizens are nothing more then consumers.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
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Your words are powerful A-Unit.

But it's like you said, the large majority of people are just not going to understand what you meant. They want to wallow in their comfortable lives without making much effort to pursue what they really want. They will not accept it.

Ever since I've been coming here I've been changing my life piece by piece. First it was the way I thought and then the way I acted. Now it's how I live my life and what direction I'm going in. It's all about change. If I didn't change my outlook on life, none of the things that have happened would have occured because I'd stillbe the old me, with no aspirations, no ambition, no nothing. I'd still be just another brick in the wall. You know what I say to that: fvck it. That's right, fvck it. It's too dark a place to exist in.

The truth is, if a person isn't open to new possibilities and outright rejects everything you wrote down, then that's a damn shame.

But the successful know better. It's a mindset. The mindset of successful people is beyond limit. That's why it's so scary at times and hard to understand. And it's even scarier once it's inside you.



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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The problem with school isn't the system. Its the people. American students are lazy and unappreciative of the education they get. I mean for gods sake, being smart in American schools is considered "nerdy"! To be cool you have to be illiterate and smoke drugs and play basketball.

In Asian countries like China or Singapore, schools are even tougher, discipline-based, and they rank students even more harshly. Yet their students still do very well.

Eager students will learn in any environment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I don't believe students are totally lazy, that's our culture. Culture itself is a system of belief.

America is a consumer's nation. Our savings rate is roughly the worst in the world, under 5%. Our consumption is what makes us so wealthy and our economy growing.

Students USED to be much more motivated, BUT, if parents do not take the time teach proper principles how will kids know? Where do we youngin's learn ANYTHING from when we are 3, 4, 5 or 7?


Point blank.

Though I hated it, my father FORCED me to accompany him to our rental property where we did yard work. We'd get paid at the end of the day, mayb $20 bucks and McDonalds, but the work was hard. The grass was easily over our heads most times and the yard was filled with snacks, dog sh!t, and other disgusting things because tenants didn't care. It would take a whole sunday. And yet, we did it. Now, I don't care about hard work, or yard work, or getting dirty. But there are kids who never did those things because their parents hired someone to do it, or because only the dad did it, or because there was no dad around.

If the homes are pulled apart....
Because the parents need 2 incomes...
And if divorce commences because...
All parents do is work...
Then who is left for the kids?

The kids never made a choice to come into this world, and their skills are limited in their youth to what their parents teach them.

Are american teens and 20's lazy? Absolutely. At a point when they CAN choose, they don't. They only want comfy, non humiliating jobs. They want wealth and riches before they pay their time. College is the biggest waste of wealth I know of. THE largest single annual investment is paid on behalf of millions of college teens and 20's who dump it into boozing heavily...that right there is poor investment.

"Gee I have $100,000 who can I trust to manage this money wisely for me? OH I know, an 18 year old student who has mediocre grades, played track, and has a penchant for boozing!"

That's like putting a chimp in charge of Microsoft and hoping all goes well. Such things are so "matter of fact" that nobody questions it. I hear some girls who say...

"I only drank twice this week."

I made the gesture of pinning a medal on her chest for being such a great trooper. I mean, only 2 days? Binge drinking? YAY for her! Most college kids can't say they've read to OUTSIDE books not assigned by their college in a YEAR!

But you're right, eager students WILL learn in any environment, the question is, what are they learning? If school was truly learning, the emotional hazing the "dorks" face wouldn't be justified or allowed. I never got, though I was "captain of the golf" team, acclaim for such an honor wouldn't follow until I graduated and went to college. However, I see it and hear it and witness(ed) it. And still do. Which is what makes IT evil. We justify it like IT IS OK. Who's to say what's ok?

A bunch of emotional degenerates, including teachers, are allowed to oversee our kids?

My cousins, ages 8-16, witnessed a gun in their middle school. Kids, 12 years old selling pot. 15 year old impregnating 13 year olds. THIS is what kids are sent to? THIS IS ok?

You wouldn't send your kid to play at another kid's house until you know the parents, set some parameters with what they can and can't do, until you're comfortable with the kids, etc.

SO....we send our kids off for 16 years amongst kids we ASSUME are ok to associating with our own children?


I realize foreign nations put more money, pride, and value into education. Their whole philosophy is stronger. But you see, if we modeled other nations, then it's likely we wouldn't have the mind-slavery system we have now. We wouldn't have a problem. The population would be educated and an educated population is one that is DANGEROUS.

OH NO, they can THINK!


And that's true.

Yet sad.

They don't want thinkers, they want voters, and consumers, and debtors. Those who sit back and observe, not those who sit back and DO. Doing requires work. It means not being liked. It means sweating. And working. And sometimes, pain.


This all has to date back to preschool, and kindergarten, and grade school and middle school, when your first impressions of social interactions began. When your self concepts were forming. Your self confidence was rising or falling. Where you learned what to do and not to do. Where you learned self reliance or dependence.

When you have that mental machine, it's always an allegiance to the instituation of a higher power. You seek authority outside yourself, as if your own mind is incomplete. As if God and your mind are somehow INFERIOR.

Try this.....

Sometime, shut off the TV, the radio, and go somewhere, completely alone. Just your thoughts. Wonder. Feel. Think. Go inside. Shut down thoughts about bills. And work. And women. And everything else not RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. It's a form of meditation. Realize you're alone, and what do you do? Feel the spirit essence in you, as if you're just lugging around a heavy body. As if you could float through your skin.

Think in silence, not in stereo. Not in terms of TV. Just feel. SO few people have to be connected to society and the constant barrage of senses, that they never give heed to their inner selves.



Best friends? NAY

Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2003
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Where ever I am
I must be going to a differn't high school then the rest of you. Most the teachers here are very relzxed, always aviable to help, etc. art classes and cdc (career devlopment classes) are very well funded compared with the everything else. And to help classify it, it is a the lowest scoring school in the district, has the most ESL kids, etc. Which might be the reason....


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2005
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Los Angeles
Here's my take on "the Government". "The Government" is us. "The Government" is only a separate entity to the degree that the people of the United States have allowed it to become such. It is all to easy to sit back and say "Just let someone else do it". Which is why police are employed to enfore law and firemen employed to put out fires. There was a time when people fought for their dignity, they don't anymore. They have given up what they believed in and passed responsibility on to someone else. The people are the government. It has always been that way. We just don't treat it that way anymore. "By the people, for the people" does anyone remember that? The idea that there is a "The Government" that is running our lives is proposterous seeing that we are supposed to be "The Government". I do agree to a certain degree about the fact that people are shaped by schooling and that parents don't spend enough time with their kids. But if that is to be changed, then the people need to change it. This is their home, their country, and to sit and complain about cops and teachers and "The Government" is pointless. Who is paying the cops and the teachers and "The Government"? If you want to be on the way to a "Big Brother" civilization, then talk about "The Government" and let "The Government" run your life. Otherwise, realize that the goverment is you, and you are the goverment. If you don't like something, it is in your power to change it.

As far as religion is concerned: I think that anyone who believes that they can somehow move to a higher state of being than they are now is better off than someone who doesn't believe that.

I agree about bucking the trend. That is why science never invented anything.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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These kinds of things happen when both mommy and daddy have to ship baby to day care while they compete against each other in thier jobs to buy those SUVs.

I think it is the breakdown of the family structure forcing schools to treat students like animals that has lead to such a time.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
Yeah, education has taken a turn for the worse, but I don't think it's some kind of conspiricy by the rich to keep the lower classes down or not totally at least. I think if anything they're just taking advantage of a bad situation like any business person would.
The the truth is the American people did it. Around the time of the Vietnam War, some college would actually give students grades because of the agreement with whoever was over the draft. The agreement was that a male could choose to go to school instead of the military provied he could maintain at least a C average; anything below would mean a quick trip to boot camp. It saved some men from from having to go, but they also didn't really earn the grade.
Next thing that happened was how things have gotten easier over the past 50 years as far as lifestyles are concerned. My dad would tell me about how people didn't own cars, T.V.'s, or phones the way we do now; of cousre he was also born in rural Mississippi. Thing is, kids didn't have parents that drove them everywhere, cellphones, and had to go outside to have fun. The last generation had things harder, less money, and for the most part had to make it on their own or not at all. Teachers inspired kids to learn more than now and made them do more challeging things that most high school students won't do till college or grad school; the parents also weren't complaining the work should be easier.
So to sum it up, kids don't want to learn since parents and teachers aren't totally holding them to it. Also, some of the teachers don't care since teaching someone else's rotten kid wasn't their goal in life; so it's only natural they can't teach a student to dream and come up if they couldn't live their own dream for whatever reason.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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Off Topic

A-unit, I heard you say you live on the border of Dracut and Lowell....did you go to UML?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Who are these "elite" you're talking about, that wants to keep us oppressed? Bill Gates? George Bush? Adolf Hitler's evil clone?

The irony is, it's the people who've done it. We've done it to ourselves. Nobody forces us to buy a new car, we do. Nobody forces us to have sex with 13-year-old kids, we do. Yes there is advertising and social pressure, but nobody is forcing us. We can still shrug it off.

Fact of the matter is, people simply have weak will. I'm one of the few college guys who don't own a car; everyone else does, even if they don't use it.

I can we bring back corporal punishment! :cheer:


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Exactly Diplomatic, exactly. It is us who have done it to ourselves, no one else. That is what i was trying to say in so many words. No one forces you to do anything. You do it yourself.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Very wise words A Unit.
Knowledge is power. It’s tragic that we have created such an imperfect world for ourselves. But it’s our own fault. We are responsible.

It’s not a conspiracy of the rich to enslave the world. It’s just human nature. You can’t blame government, corporate America et al. If you were President of course you would want to brainwash the entire world into agreeing with your own morals and values.

Humans are selfish because we think we need to be in order to survive. Who cares if we hurt others? All that matters is ourselves.

The meaning of life is to live. To live means to be free. Free to be who we are. And in order to protect that freedom, we have to control everyone else. That’s why the education system exists. The people with the power want to use it to control everyone else. But like I said, that’s human nature. C’est la vie.

We are all striving to reach our own version of utopia. But we are doing so at the expense of others. Ultimately peace in the world will come when we are all happy. And we will all be happy when we are truly free.

It is the responsibility of those who understand this to teach it to others. Show them that we can all be free. That we can all be happy. That we don’t have to walk the ‘Path to Slavery’ like you say.

And that only comes through education.