You're in a very "the world is the way it is" mindset, and you purely do it to troll people.
It's extreme acceptance which leads you to be passive, smug and boring. Like some all-knowing yogi sitting on a dirty mat in India.
Pan, why do you care so much about another man's opinion online? And even more so, why do you care about what women are doing with their bodies to make a buck? Unless it's your mother or sister etc.. I don't see any reason why you should care or get involved.
No amount of preaching online or getting into debate wars is gonna change the fact that feminism is taking over, and it's going to be here for a long time. You don't have to like it, but eventually you're gonna have to accept it.
Law 38: Think as you like, but behave like others
Try spitting your woman-hating ideologies publicly on your personal Facebook and social media. You will be eaten alive, by both men AND women. There's no point in arguing with people who can only comprehend things from a place of emotion and not logic.
Most of you guys are only pissed because you can't take pics of your tits and make money from it the same way a female can.
Accept the things you can't change and adapt with them. That's what I did, and that's why I make money from OF and love sex workers. No point in trying to fight it. It's not going anywhere.
Any kind of public slvt shaming is going to make you lose points with females regardless. Women love the fact that I am pro-sex work. They can be comfortable and explore their sexual side around me and not be made to feel bad about it. It's just another tool in my arsenal that helps me get laid.
No girl is gonna wanna sleep with you if you keep calling them slvt and wh0re.
Like I said, Law 38: Think as you like, but behave like others.