The epiphany of Evil--literally.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
I went out today, and I suddenly began to question everything. What's the point of going out to fuvk random women? It just seems so stupid all of a sudden.

And with this state of mind, I was totally out of my game. I was bummed out. I even began to stutter; an act I overcame a while ago. It was actually a funny situation that I would like to share, to humor you guys.

I was going downstairs to meet up with a few friends. Upon reaching the lobby, two Hot girls were walking toward the same exit as I was leading out to the parking lot.

(The Hot girls only come out at night, at least in my building...but back on subject-)

I looked at them with a confident smile, and planned out a common opener: "Hey, where are you two heading out so late?" But that's besides the point. What actually came out of mouth was: "H-h-e w- yo-...", as they walked right by me, without even a flinch.

I was completed humiliated. God damn, what the **** is going on. It's hard to catch the big fish.

But, as I was saying... this example serves to illustrate a new question that has been protruding my thoughts: What's the point?

It just seems so stupid. Not just this, but everything.

I went to the movies, and after I a lot of hot girls were up and about. I caught plenty of hot girls staring me down... as their boyfriend's arm was about their waist, talking to his friends. Everyone was taken. I guess I'm just bummed out.

But, on a positive note: I met an old friend at school, whom I did not see for a while. She was very impressed with my physique. I changed a lot since the last time we met. She was musing over how skinny and frail I used to be. Did I mention she also has a boyfriend?

We all have our bad days... even those who know what they are doing. So guys, don't let it faze you. Just push through it. I will get over my problem, and come back into the field tenfold!

Hopefully my bad day serves as an example to not be discouraged. It was even harder in the beginning, but, hey, it's a process. We can't nail this thing overnight--don't kid yourselves.

What does not kill you DOES make you stronger.

P.S. I am going to cut back on my PC use, and go back out there. You should too; it's the only way to really improve.

I'm going out again tomorrow, so wish me the best!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

What are you saying? If you want to know what life is about? It's about being a man. Life is about learning and trying new things. It is about challenging yourself. You do things because it is hard.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you for the inspiration Fitch, and I feel I understand.

"It was even harder in the beginning"

"We can't nail this thing overnight--don't kid yourselves"

So True


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
hey man i was in your situation a while ago, but i found its much easier if you just pause your inner DJ for a while when you are in down mode, when your life is in a up again then practice, i have also noticed that unless you are very experienced dealing with HB, there is no point trying to chat them up straight away, i actually find it easier when i was a biginner to practice on 7-8s instead of 9s, but its up to you.
Keep up the hard work