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The Enigma of Status


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Burger flippers make more than bus drivers where I live, but there are no city buses like in the city. Maybe it is a good job there.

One of the male nurses tonight was telling me that he met his wife at the home they worked at together. His "game" consisted of asking her if she wanted to go shoot guns. That was their first date. That line probably doesn't work so well in NYC.

If status is separating yourself from other men, then that is naturally going to overlap with supply and demand. Some of what we have been discussing reminds me of the PUA lingo "target-rich environment," and the advice to place yourself in one. Maybe the difference is having a good reason to be in that environment. I always meant to make it to a yoga class when I was training mma, but I could never get up that early. Going to something like that for a good reason and not just to hit on girls is the difference in whether you get any status out of it. If women ever sense that you are doing anything just to hit on girls, and they are quite good at detecting that, especially the hot ones, then you're dead in the water and the math isn't going to be any help.
Bus drivers usually make a living wage or close in most places. McDonald's burger flippers usually don't. I guess it depends on location.

I don't think status means separating yourself from other men. You can do that by dressing like a woman. Would you call wearing drag like a homo "status"? Lol no.

Status is having superior social influence or being higher level than others to the point where you have influence over others. Such as celebrities do. The more influence the higher your status.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I believe those 3 factors influence each other, let me elaborate.

You looks (beauty and size) get you attention in a place therefore you are paid attention when you talk, when you explain your point or demand something.

Your money allow you to be in places other couldnt, mostly places where high status people gather and it also make people pay attention to you and your needs.

Status is granted from where you are, if people see your value (u cant show value if nobody looks at you or listen what you have to say).

So you look and money help you to get status but status itself make people consider you more attractive and gets you credit to have a great job that will get you money.

Given two guys of the same charisma and wealth, the more goodlooking one already has more status is most places so its likely that he will be hired first.

An other example, you are allowed in the vip part of the club, the girls see you there and perceive you as more attractive than what you really are, on the other side a goodlooking guy enters the club and some rich girls in the vip room invite him...he also has more status than before by being there.

When I say that status make you more attractive I mean on a subconscious level through many psychological effects....the same guy is cute as a male nurse but becomes hot as a doctor as if his face changes.

Not sure if I make myself clear.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Status is having superior social influence or being higher level than others to the point where you have influence over others. Such as celebrities do. The more influence the higher your status.
Sure, that's one facet of status, but there's more to it than the obvious. One of the biggest problems with this web site is that we are stuck in the mindset of men, without realizing that women think differently. This web site is also one of the last places where one is allowed to say anything so controversial as 'women and men are different,' so we should enjoy that while it lasts. I've actually had women flat-out say to me before, "you know how to think like a woman." And that is one of the greatest compliments I have received. Looks, money, and status are all great, but they will only get you initial interest if you don't understand how women think.

When I had a more expensive, newer motorcycle, I thought girls were interested in me because I had the money to have an expensive toy. Remember, I live where almost everyone is poor, so hardly anyone can afford such a thing. A little wealth here goes a long way. But then a few years later, and many dollars poorer, I have a $500 motorcycle. The guys at the bike shop literally laughed at me. But women are just as interested, if not more. You still get sexy loner status. Girls literally hit on me, as least as directly as women will. SO....this begs the question, if we use your definition of status, what other men am I influencing with my $500 motorcycle?
Last edited:


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Sure, that's one facet of status, but there's more to it than the obvious. One of the biggest problems with this web site is that we are stuck in the mindset of men, without realizing that women think differently. This web site is also one of the last places where one is allowed to say anything so controversial as 'women and men are different,' so we should enjoy that while it lasts. I've actually had women flat-out say to me before, "you know how to think like a woman." And that is one of the greatest compliments I have received. Looks, money, and status are all great, but they will only get you initial interest if you don't understand how women think.

When I had a more expensive, newer motorcycle, I thought girls were interested in me because I had the money to have an expensive toy. Remember, I live where almost everyone is poor, so hardly anyone can afford such a thing. A little wealth here goes a long way. But then a few years later, and many dollars poorer, I have a $500 motorcycle. The guys at the bike shop literally laughed at me. But women are just as interested, if not more. You still get sexy loner status. Girls literally hit on me, as least as directly as women will. SO....this begs the question, if we use your definition of status, what other men am I influencing with my $500 motorcycle?

Status isn't just influence over men. It's your influence in general.

High status doesn't mean you have influence over everyone. Just more than the average person. Donald Trump is high status. There are a lot of people who have no respect for him at all. Doesn't change sh*t. He is still high status because the President has more influence and power in the world than a McDonald's burger flipper.

$500 bike isn't status.. its MONEY. The image related to being a "biker" is status. The bike itself is MONEY.

Looks, MONEY and status are all separate things. You need at least one of these for any woman to have sexual interest in you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
When I had a more expensive, newer motorcycle, I thought girls were interested in me because I had the money to have an expensive toy. Remember, I live where almost everyone is poor, so hardly anyone can afford such a thing. A little wealth here goes a long way. But then a few years later, and many dollars poorer, I have a $500 motorcycle. The guys at the bike shop literally laughed at me. But women are just as interested, if not more. You still get sexy loner status. Girls literally hit on me, as least as directly as women will. SO....this begs the question, if we use your definition of status, what other men am I influencing with my $500 motorcycle?
I don't think girls like motorcycles because of money or status. They like them because they are loud and dangerous, plus the have a certain tough, rugged, bad boy image attached to them. They fall under the risk taking/adventurous category, so they appeal to the part of women who are attracted to that aspect.


Looks, Money, and Status - that's an easy prescription for getting women.

Defining status, though, is a little more difficult. The status that comes from money is easy to see. The two can go hand in hand. But status means a lot more than that, because it is defined by womens' perspectives, which are all over the place.

Status is separating yourself from the crowd. Performers get it. I learned that from mma. If you can do anything under a spotlight in front of a thousand people, women will be fascinated with you.

So money and fame, yes those make status. But I have had a few recent epiphanies about status that do not involve either, largely from the time spent visiting my grandmother in various hospitals and nursing homes. For the most part, no one visits anyone in these places. The only visitors are old people. If you are under 60, and you go to a nursing home voluntarily, I have not met you yet, wherever you may be. It's really rare. It's separating yourself from the crowd. I have a gf and have no interest in hitting on nurses, but it would be damn easy if I wanted to. If anyone here has elderly relatives in a home somewhere - go visit them regularly, and then look at how the nurses look at you. It's instant status. I don't flirt, but I am nice to all of them, don't complain, and even help them whenever I can. Old women at the home keep asking me if I am single and trying to give me their granddaughter's phone number. Just by being a regular visitor at a place no one wants to go to, you get status - you separate yourself from others.

The nursing home experience reminds me of spending an afternoon volunteering for an animal shelter, trying to adopt out their dogs. I walked by a sorority blonde in the parking lot who gave me a death look, but then later she saw me with a puppy as a shelter volunteer, and it was like Jekyll and Hyde. She became the opposite of the b!tch she was in the parking lot. As soon as I walked inside and picked up a puppy, I achieved status. That's all it took.

And that's my point with this thread. Status can be something you achieve in a woman's mind immediately. It does not have to be a complex, calculated, difficult endeavor, and it certainly does not require money. You just need to separate yourself from the crowd and find the woman who values that behavior.
Nailed it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I had been keeping a can of lysol and a box of chlorox wipes in grandma's room. Her name is written on them in big block letters. I clean her room a little every night. Two days ago, they were missing, and the head nurse told me that they had been confiscated as prohibited items. They said there was a rule that said all cleaning supplies must be locked up, which there is, but I don't think that applies to the resident's personal property. I am going to seek clarification with the state regulators tomorrow.

I lost my sh!t on that male nurse. I didn't curse, and I didn't raise my voice. I whisper-screamed an ass-chewing about his place having sewage flowing through the hallway and bursting pipes spewing water through the light fixtures in the ceiling, and I'm pretty sure those are code violations, too, but you are talking to me about lysol!!!!

And my next point goes against the theme of this thread, but this is real life and I tell sh!t like it is. The male nurse told me that it was "the law" that he gets to take away my chlorox wipes. I replied that I have a law degree, so I would go look it up and get back to him. And then I walked off. I think I scared the sh!t out of all of them. I have gotten the royal treatment since then, and so has the rest of my family. They keep coming up to me and asking me if I want anything. The charge nurse I chewed out was offering me food and drink tonight. I hit grandma's call button by accident when I was cleaning it and the cna literally came running...the cute blonde cna. Like I said before, I have a girlfriend who makes me very happy, but if I didn't, blonde cna girl would be mine.....because I have status.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I had been keeping a can of lysol and a box of chlorox wipes in grandma's room. Her name is written on them in big block letters. I clean her room a little every night. Two days ago, they were missing, and the head nurse told me that they had been confiscated as prohibited items. They said there was a rule that said all cleaning supplies must be locked up, which there is, but I don't think that applies to the resident's personal property. I am going to seek clarification with the state regulators tomorrow.

I lost my sh!t on that male nurse. I didn't curse, and I didn't raise my voice. I whisper-screamed an ass-chewing about his place having sewage flowing through the hallway and bursting pipes spewing water through the light fixtures in the ceiling, and I'm pretty sure those are code violations, too, but you are talking to me about lysol!!!!

And my next point goes against the theme of this thread, but this is real life and I tell sh!t like it is. The male nurse told me that it was "the law" that he gets to take away my chlorox wipes. I replied that I have a law degree, so I would go look it up and get back to him. And then I walked off. I think I scared the sh!t out of all of them. I have gotten the royal treatment since then, and so has the rest of my family. They keep coming up to me and asking me if I want anything. The charge nurse I chewed out was offering me food and drink tonight. I hit grandma's call button by accident when I was cleaning it off and the cna literally came running...the cute blonde cna. Like I said before, I have a girlfriend who makes me very happy, but if I didn't, blonde cna girl would be mine.....because I have status.
Angry guy at nursing home = status?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Angry guy at nursing home = status?
Angry guy with law degree = status. That's not someone you want to piss off if you are running a state facility on the verge of being condemned.

I'm not a snitch, though. No one likes a tattletale. I will let them be scared that I am going to report them to the state or sue them, but I am not going to do that. They are, however, going to let me leave my lysol and chlorox wipes in grandma's room, even if I have to get a letter from the state of Illinois and hang it over her bed saying it is ok. That's a large part of why I value my law degree. Even though I don't practice, no one is ever going to use "the law" to threaten or bully me or my family.

Sneaky Pete

Don Juan
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
I had been keeping a can of lysol and a box of chlorox wipes in grandma's room. Her name is written on them in big block letters. I clean her room a little every night. Two days ago, they were missing, and the head nurse told me that they had been confiscated as prohibited items. They said there was a rule that said all cleaning supplies must be locked up, which there is, but I don't think that applies to the resident's personal property. I am going to seek clarification with the state regulators tomorrow.

I lost my sh!t on that male nurse. I didn't curse, and I didn't raise my voice. I whisper-screamed an ass-chewing about his place having sewage flowing through the hallway and bursting pipes spewing water through the light fixtures in the ceiling, and I'm pretty sure those are code violations, too, but you are talking to me about lysol!!!!

And my next point goes against the theme of this thread, but this is real life and I tell sh!t like it is. The male nurse told me that it was "the law" that he gets to take away my chlorox wipes. I replied that I have a law degree, so I would go look it up and get back to him. And then I walked off. I think I scared the sh!t out of all of them. I have gotten the royal treatment since then, and so has the rest of my family. They keep coming up to me and asking me if I want anything. The charge nurse I chewed out was offering me food and drink tonight. I hit grandma's call button by accident when I was cleaning it and the cna literally came running...the cute blonde cna. Like I said before, I have a girlfriend who makes me very happy, but if I didn't, blonde cna girl would be mine.....because I have status.
Wouldn’t a master DJ Keep the Lysol, and the gf, and take the blonde cna girl to the supply closet for some inventory?
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Angry guy with law degree = status. That's not someone you want to piss off if you are running a state facility on the verge of being condemned.

I'm not a snitch, though. No one likes a tattletale. I will let them be scared that I am going to report them to the state or sue them, but I am not going to do that. They are, however, going to let me leave my lysol and chlorox wipes in grandma's room, even if I have to get a letter from the state of Illinois and hang it over her bed saying it is ok. That's a large part of why I value my law degree. Even though I don't practice, no one is ever going to use "the law" to threaten or bully me or my family.
Why would you get a law degree and not practice law? I think the schooling is harder than the actual job.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Nah, the job is misery. The only people who understand why I don't practice are lawyers; most of them are miserable. I paid cash for the degree, so I am happy to stick it in my pocket and go on about my life. It's the same as training mma for several years. I don't want to get into conflicts, but when they happen, I'm not going to get bullied by anyone.

And at one point in my life, yes, I would have been all over the nurse, gf or not, but I am very happy with my current gf. I am also possibly getting a little older....possibly....and thus happy with one girl instead of a cast of characters like I used to have.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Blonde cna girl obviously has a crush on me. It's cute. She follows me around. Tonight, she told me that she had tomorrow off, and then looked at me with a hopeful puppy dog look. She is not my type, but a very nice girl. I think she takes better care of my grandma because she likes me, and that is what I am really after. "Game" is the art of persuading women to do what you want. Usually, that involves sex, but not always. If I can game grandma's nurses for her benefit, that is more important to me than getting new pvssy.

Sneaky Pete

Don Juan
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
Why not fvck blondie? Maybe then she’d take even better, extra special care of your grandmother? I’d sure give it a go!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I think it is like a workplace environment rule - dont sh!t where you eat. Things can quickly turn sour if you let them get out of hand. I am happy where we are right now. Blondie likes me because she thinks I am Captain Save-a-Ho who might adopt her and her kids. That isn't going to happen, and I am not going to trick her into thinking otherwise, because then she would hate me and might take it out on grandma.

Sneaky Pete

Don Juan
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
I think it is like a workplace environment rule - dont sh!t where you eat. Things can quickly turn sour if you let them get out of hand. I am happy where we are right now. Blondie likes me because she thinks I am Captain Save-a-Ho who might adopt her and her kids. That isn't going to happen, and I am not going to trick her into thinking otherwise, because then she would hate me and might take it out on grandma.
You can’t keep things from getting out of hand? Im still learning, but I thought that was game, by keeping sh!t from happening. Save-a-Ho and her kids, should be good for at least 6 mos. of good regular sEEx. Why not take advantage?


You can’t keep things from getting out of hand? Im still learning, but I thought that was game, by keeping sh!t from happening. Save-a-Ho and her kids, should be good for at least 6 mos. of good regular sEEx. Why not take advantage?
Do most of your flings last 6 months? Mine don't. And they don't always end well, which is always on the chick's end, because even when I get hurt I'm amicable. Women can be ruthless. I'm sure you've been through it before.

Now put that ruthless women in control of your dear old grandmother's well being. Not a pretty thought.