Not everyone who looks emo fits the stereotype so well.
Just today I met a guy who has been called emo many times (as he told me in response to being emo) but by talking to him I could tell he was actually a very well balanced and confident guy, as well as a very interesting dude. He was well travelled, played many instruments, had a diverse taste in music, he was an accomplished artist, a good writer, and he was funny to boot. It came as no surprise that he had many attractive women in his life.
And, I know from the many girls I've talked to about the subject that a lot of quality girls would find his tattos, facial piercings and even black eyeliner (a la green day lead singer BJ Armstrong), on top of the above qualities very attractive.
There was nothing wimpy about the guy. He fit the artistic, intelligent, and absorbed in his hobbies stereotypes, but he was no wimp.
I hate crying over girls as much as the next guy, but I don't think that's what the girls are finding attractive about these guys.
Just today I met a guy who has been called emo many times (as he told me in response to being emo) but by talking to him I could tell he was actually a very well balanced and confident guy, as well as a very interesting dude. He was well travelled, played many instruments, had a diverse taste in music, he was an accomplished artist, a good writer, and he was funny to boot. It came as no surprise that he had many attractive women in his life.
And, I know from the many girls I've talked to about the subject that a lot of quality girls would find his tattos, facial piercings and even black eyeliner (a la green day lead singer BJ Armstrong), on top of the above qualities very attractive.
There was nothing wimpy about the guy. He fit the artistic, intelligent, and absorbed in his hobbies stereotypes, but he was no wimp.
I hate crying over girls as much as the next guy, but I don't think that's what the girls are finding attractive about these guys.