I didn't even allude to genetics.
Nor did I allude or suggest that anything was a fixed condition.
That's purely projection on your part, perhaps to more easily defeat my argument.
Humans are hierarchical.
Top tier men get top tier women and many more women.
One CAN move up the hierarchy slightly.
But most men are not alpha. Nor will they be.
Most men are beta, and will remain beta their entire lives.
Your arguments are attractive from an abstract, philosophical level, but they have little bearing on one's day to day life, particularly that of a beta.
Perhaps your argument was meant more of an inspirational purpose?
That's quite a stretch. Sure, some genes are activated by certain environment conditions, but for most social behaviors, you can't manipulate your genes by thought, as you seem to allude.
Genetics play a strong role in ones potential social status.
To a degree, one has a bit of flexibility.
But to claim that all men would be kings if not for current feminist blue pill propaganda is incorrect.
Here's some research that indicates such:
However, I'm not interested arguing philosophy.
Why do you presuppose I am wasting my time?
According to whom? According to your projected ideas that I have not expressed or alluded to?
That we exist only proves that each one of our ancestors got laid at least once.
Not sure how much that helps the average guy trying to bang hotties out of his league.
I suspect this is more projection on your part.