st_99 said:
by definition all big egos are fragile because they are all based on delusion. The delusion is that you are somehow so much more special than anyone else.
From what I understand, and kind of believe, ALL egos are delusional. The ego is the idea that any aspect of self is equal to behavior.
The belief is that you have a big ego because you've accomplished a lot, or because you've accomplished a lot, you can justify your big ego.
Since you're always feeling the need to "prove" yourself, your "ego" is ALWAYS on the defensive. Or rather, you believe you need to "defend" your ego from others.
Because EVERYBODY, according to their ego, has the same "fear" deep deep in their subconscious:
I'm Not Good Enough.
It could be argued that ALL of our accomplishments, rationalizations, lightening quick shell-games of the mind are ALL designed to keep US and everybody ELSE from finding out the alleged, or deeply feared "truth" from ourselves:
I'm Not Good Enough.
Confidence is a belief, based on experience, that you can handle the experience you happen to be in. If you've approached hundreds of chicks, and are still alive, then you are "confident" when it comes to talking to women, and you WON'T radiate the fear that drives ego protection, and girls will naturally enjoy talking to you.
A world class pianist might be scared witless talking to a 5.5 in a club, but he'd have ZERO problems playing to a packed hall of Hollywood movie stars simply because he has situational confidence.
On the other hand, a guy that was just learning to play the piano, and found himself at a party where some slightly better piano player was hitting on his girl (who happened to love piano players) he might feel the need to protect his EGO for fear of being FOUND OUT to be a crappy piano player.
If you want to watch a REALLY good movie that deals with dealing with and dismantling the ego, check out
Guy Ritchie's Revolver.
Absolutely fantastic. Or at the very least, see the crux of the movie, the elevator scene, here:
Elevator scene.