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The Ego Epidemic


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
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Found this article which i enjoyed reading.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...pidemic-more-inflated-sense-fabulousness.html

"The ego epidemic: How more and more of us women have an inflated sense of our own fabulousness

Us women are more egocentric and narcissistic than we ever used to be, according to extensive research by two leading psychologists. More of us have huge expectations of ourselves, our lives and everyone in them. We think the universe resolves around us, with a deluded sense of our own fabulousness, and believe we are cleverer, more talented and more attractive than we actually are.

We have trouble accepting criticism and extending empathy because we are so preoccupied with ourselves. Am I making you angry by telling you this? It figures. Narcissistic or egotistical women do have an overwhelming sense of entitlement and arrogance.

Of course, I joke, but researchers say there is growing evidence of an epidemic of ego-itis everywhere. Once a traditionally male syndrome, narcissism generally begins at home and in schools, where children are praised excessively, often spoiled rotten and given the relentless message that they are 'special'.

Psychology professors Jean Twenge and Keith Campbell analysed studies on 37,000 college students in 2006. In a survey, 30 per cent of them said they believed they should get good grades simply for turning up.

And it's not just about how intelligent they think they are. In the workplace, in friendships, even in motherhood, the pervading culture seems to have become one of competitiveness, superiority and one-upmanship.

But the sphere in which the signs of self-obsession are perhaps most obvious, and the consequences most immediately felt, is the dating one. In a recent magazine article, four women in their late 20s and 30s shared their thoughts about why they were still single. A 39-year-old beauty director claimed to be too independent for a relationship.

A 38-year-old music agent attributed her single status to the fact she was an alpha female - independent, feisty, strong-minded, high-achieving and intimidating. She pointed out that she owned a gorgeous flat with gorgeous things in it, had a nice car, was a member of a fancy gym and wore designer dresses. 'I do what I like, when I like,' she said.

She'd been told, and appears to believe, that she's too successful and too well-educated for most men. The third woman, a 30-year- old arts writer and curator, has been having too much fun to settle down.

Another, a 29-year-old, said she was too picky. She was looking for a guy who is (just) tall enough. And (just about) good-looking enough (but not too good-looking so that she'd play second fiddle). He needs to be successful, solvent and driven. He must also be long on genuinely good jokes, with a decent sideline in bad ones that only she finds funny.

He needs to 'speak good restaurant', to have no special dietary requirements and to always be discerning without ever being fussy. He needs to be clever without ever making her feel stupid. He needs to 'get' but not 'know' fashion...and so the list went on.

She concluded that she would rather eat wasps than share her Sunday with anyone who fails to measure up to her idea of Mr Perfect.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with having high expectations. But being delusional and having a totally unrealistic blueprint are an altogether different matter.

And they often go hand in hand with acute ego-itis. As Margot Medhurt knows only too well.

She is the founder of Yours Sincerely, an Edinburgh-based personal dating and introduction agency for professionals. She has almost 30 years' experience in the industry and has noticed a significant rise in this phenomenon in recent years.

'It used to be that most women who joined a dating agency had a pretty good idea of where they stood in the eligibility stakes,' she said. 'But in the past few years, I've noticed that there are a significant number of women who don't.

'They tend to be in their 30s, and there is a wide discrepancy between how they perceive themselves and how others see them.

'They are often very plain, but see themselves as being absolutely fabulous, exceptional people.

'They invariably reject every guy's profile I send them. But if a guy rejects their profile, there is all hell to pay. There is disbelief. They are really saying: "I'm so fabulous. How dare he turn me down?"

'In the past few years, I've noticed a real sense of entitlement among this small group of women. The idea that a guy might not find them as amazing as they find themselves doesn't enter their head.

'They often become indignant and angry towards me, demanding to know why a guy dared to turn them down. Most people simply accept the facts of the dating game: some people will find you attractive and others won't, in the same way that you'll be drawn to some but not others.

'These women, however, are unable to get their heads around the fact that the rest of the world might not share the distorted, inflated view they have of themselves.'

She said she had a eureka moment when she read a recent article about the rise in narcissism among women.

According to the American research, there has been a 67 per cent increase in it over the past two decades, mainly among women.

An estimated ten per cent of the population suffers from narcissism as a full-blown personality disorder.

The symptoms include: a grandiose sense of self-importance; the belief that he or she is special or unique and in some way better - either intellectually or physically - than others; a requirement for excessive admiration; a sense of entitlement, whether to fame, fortune, success and happiness or simply to special treatment; enviousness of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her; an inability to empathise; an inability to admit a mistake; and haughty behaviour or attitude.

What researchers have also identified, and are far more worried about, is what has been described as 'normal' narcissism - a cultural shift that has seen even non-narcissistic people seduced by the emphasis on material wealth, physical appearance and celebrity worship.

The researchers believe our culture brings out narcissistic behaviour in almost all of us.

They blame the internet (where 'fame' is a click away), reality television (where the lure of fame without talent is most prevalent), easy credit (which enables people to buy far beyond their ability to pay), celebrity worship, our highly consumerist, competitive and individualistic society, and a generation of indulgent parents who have raised their children to think they're special, amazing and perfect.

According to Twenge, this focus on self-admiration has caused a cultural flight from reality to the land of grandiose fantasy.

We have phony rich people (who actually have massive mortgages and piles of debt), phony beauty (via plastic surgery), phony celebrities (via reality TV and YouTube), phony genius students (with grade inflation) and phony friends (with the social networking explosion).

'I had noticed this trend, but wasn't really sure what it was all about,' says Margaret Medhurt.

'However, when I read that article and thought about the unrealistic expectations and sense of entitlement among some of the women, it really struck a chord.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
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Continued >>>.

'One of the cases that brought it home to me involved a 38-year-old businesswoman.

'I knew there were going to be problems right away. As soon as someone joins the agency, we get things moving very quickly - but this wasn't quick enough for this woman.

'She wanted a date immediately. The first man I sent her profile to declined an introduction and she was extremely cross. She couldn't accept it and she couldn't even be polite about it.

'In three weeks, three men turned her down. I explained that it takes time to meet someone but she just got angrier and angrier. She was demanding to know why these guys did this. I was trying to get the balance right - between being honest with her and being tactful.

'I think, ultimately, she had a very flawed perception of herself. And she almost couldn't bear that it was being challenged. It was as if she couldn't deal with the fact that some guys didn't think she was amazing - and she left.'

Men, traditionally regarded as the more self-centred of the species and the rogues of the mating game, are left scratching their heads and pondering Freud's famous question: what do women want?

David Baxter (not his real name) is a 40-year-old management consultant. Previously married for nine years, he joined a dating agency in the summer.

He says he's not perfect, but is told he's an eligible and pleasant guy with a lot to offer.

'I've had three successive dates recently with ladies in the late 30s to early 40s age bracket that have left me dumbfounded,' he said.

'I've never come across such massive egos, such arrogance and lack of basic courtesy.

'It was as if these particular dates were a forum for them to tell me how exceptional they were. One told me repeatedly how many young guys at the gym asked her out; another was very artificial.

'You sensed that they absolutely worshipped themselves, though none of them was drop-dead gorgeous or had amazing personalities, jobs or anything else to set them apart and elevate themselves into some superior position.

'I also thought it was quite telling that none of them had ever been married, engaged or had recently - or perhaps ever - been in a long-term relationship.

'I got the feeling that these women were living in a Sex And The City-inspired fantasy world. I also sensed that nobody would ever be good enough for them.

'They seem to be looking for something that doesn't exist: Mr Perfect, or perhaps some larger-than-life, dashingly handsome and unattainable character such as that portrayed by Mr Big. Nothing else will do.'

Despite his recent experience, David still considers himself lucky.

'I'm still positive about the whole thing, but I have friends who are not so optimistic and it's evident that encounters with these sort of women seriously erode their self-confidence, which is a real shame. There are a lot of genuine, decent guys out there who are getting a rough deal.'

Neil Hay is a 32-year-old former professional golfer-turned-financial consultant who lives on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

After taking some time out following the death of his mother, he joined a dating agency almost a year ago.

'It's made me terribly cynical, not just about the way women are, but also about what on earth it is that they are looking for in a guy,' he said.

'Of course, we all have standards and preferences. There's nothing wrong with that. But most of us are also realistic. We know that Cheryl Cole is out of our league.

'I had been hoping to meet someone who was quite nice-looking, with a good personality, someone to go for dinner and to the cinema and have a decent conversation with. But I'm left feeling that this isn't what women are looking for.

'It's as if they want to be swept off their feet right from the first date, as if they're waiting for someone like Brad Pitt or George Clooney. They're not interested in a regular, normal, decent guy. That's not good enough for them.

'I spent three hours on a date with one woman. I thought we got on brilliantly, but then she said she didn't want to meet again.

'This has happened a few times. It makes me think that if you don't live up to their perfect fantasy, then that's it. It's game over before you've even had any chance to begin to get to know each other.

'It does dent your confidence. I'm left thinking either that there's something wrong with me or that I'll just never be whatever it is that these women are looking for.

'I know there are a lot of single women who say things like they're too independent, too feisty, too confident or too successful for men. Or they claim that men are intimidated by strong, intelligent and independent women.

'But this is simply not the case. I think they just tell themselves this. It's a way of rationalising things. It's as if it's easier for them to believe their own myths than to face reality - that they are completely ordinary.'"

Interesting stuff, written by women. :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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This will lead to the doom of society, as it's happening to both men and women.

Whenever a large enough percentage of the population expects something as a right rather than something to be earned (either wealth or attraction or respect or whatever) then the capital structure (both human capital and real capital) will start to disintegrate, until there's nothing left.

Society as a whole needs to hit rock bottom in order to overcome this. Ain't gonna be pleasant.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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I was talking to a 52 year old female friend of mine (who is the total antithesis of the women described here, has a PhD in biology yet stayed home to raise the kids and is now enjoying being a part-time teacher) some months ago and she mentioned something which I feel is at the core of the problem described in the article:

There is too much focus on kids nowadays.

Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with kids being loved and cherished by their parents. But society's expectations in that respect, and the behavior subsequently adopted by parents, has gone way overboard. In her own words:

"Back when I was a kid, we lived our parents' lives. They loved us, cared for us, but we weren't 'important' in the sense that everything was about us - everything was about our parents until we were old enough to make some things about us. That's how we 'built' a life. Today's parents make their lives revolve around their kids, which both gives kids an inaccurate sense of self-worth and delusional expectations as to what they deserve out of their future life."

And this is just for Germany. It's not a huge-scale problem yet. When I hear about what's going on in the states I get the urge to puke.

On the plus side, one could say those sense-of-entitlement-women are weeding out their own genes. Or at least we could hope so.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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I've talked about this frequently

We live in the azzhole generation.....men and women....expectations are through the roof...teachers, parents, coaches no longer criticize kids for fear of 'damaging' them creating a generation of entitled, sexually confused hermaphrodidic, arrogant, forever kids who will remain immature sh!theads their entire lives.

I see it all around me, my friends, my friends younger siblings are all like this...arrogant pieces of sh!t who expects the world to bend over backward for them while doing nothing in return.

It will result in the crumbling of society...society can take only so much arrogance before it starts to break down....in the past the rich and talented were arrogant

...today even the losers who work at starbucks and the local hairdresser are arrogant....the poor must be humble in order to cope with the misery of their lives or else chaos will result.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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i gotta admit, i do have a relatively large ego i believe. that only hurts you with women though.. your mind fights to protect your ego at all cost. so in turn you have a stronger fear of rejection because thats the biggest threat of all to the egoic mind. fear on the approach and fear that she'll leave after you've hooked up. yeah, its all pretty silly.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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taiyuu_otoko said:
This will lead to the doom of society, as it's happening to both men and women.

Whenever a large enough percentage of the population expects something as a right rather than something to be earned (either wealth or attraction or respect or whatever) then the capital structure (both human capital and real capital) will start to disintegrate, until there's nothing left.

Society as a whole needs to hit rock bottom in order to overcome this. Ain't gonna be pleasant.
I totally agree, I also agree with burroughs, the middle class and poor have to be humble, it has to have balance or everything will crash and crumble

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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HBK said:
They blame the internet (where 'fame' is a click away), reality television (where the lure of fame without talent is most prevalent), easy credit (which enables people to buy far beyond their ability to pay), celebrity worship, our highly consumerist, competitive and individualistic society, and a generation of indulgent parents who have raised their children to think they're special, amazing and perfect.

We have phony rich people (who actually have massive mortgages and piles of debt), phony beauty (via plastic surgery), phony celebrities (via reality TV and YouTube), phony genius students (with grade inflation) and phony friends (with the social networking explosion).
Those two paragraphs are so true!

I've got a married friend with two kids. He has allowed his kids to be in so many activities(baseball, gymnastics, soccer) that there is no time for him or his marriage. The parents life revolves around their children. The children are more important than the parents. This is a breeding ground that will produce children with ego and and entitlement issues.

When little Suzy is used to having everyone focus on her and has parents that rearrange their lives to accomodate her it builds a false sense of value. Its does nothing to teach respect. All they are doing is creating a monster that will grow up and expect the same things her parents provided her from some guy.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I used to date a girl who had the largest ego I've ever seen in a female.

She was constantly telling herself how great she was. Her name was Cari and was constantly saying "Cari Rocks".

One day her 7yo son says........"mom, if you really thought you "rocked" you wouldn't be telling yourself that all the time." When I heard that I so wanted to tell that kid how impressed I was with his insight.

She had it all on the surface. She would come across as confident until you truly got to know her. She had me fooled for quite some time. Her faKebook friends were always telling her how beautiful she was. She's one of those girls who can have any guy she wants. The hair extensions, and fake boobs were all a cover up for what was missing beneath it all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Yeah I concur with just about every observation in that article.

I actually think my two last LTRs were borderline narcissists. The last girl at the very least had some pathological denial issues.

I don't know, I just find arrogance to be one of the most deplorable of human flaws. We all have our moments, but this pervasive sense of grandiosity and lack of personal accountability is disgusting. It has really caused me a lot of cynicism towards women. I think the more you date, the more cynical you become. You just get exposed to the same attitudes and behaviors so much that it sours your perspective.

I think what Taiyuu alluded to is correct----society as a whole will have to come to some cataclysmic turning point; as in an epidemic, war, or financial fallout before we see any paradigm shifts in attitude.

Until that time, gents, just keep up the positive selection process. It's the best any one man can do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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My gf's son had a karate tournament...he walked away with 3medals just for.competing. I ran when I was young. First time I.ever ever ever got a medal was as a junior in high school when I placed in a huge invitational.....a big field. That came.after 4 YEARS of hard work training my butt off. And I only got a few more after that, I appreciated them for those reasons. They represent all the hard work I put in. If there is.no struggle or sacrifices.made, how can these kids who will be adults have appreciation for anything?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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This isn't really about a big ego, but I've never felt that confidence in women is attractive. I hear that all the time though.

I feel really that lack of confidence is unattractive, not that confidence is attractive so much. What I really want out of a woman is neutrality where she's at like -2 to +2 on a -10 to +10 scale.

I know women are attracted to a bunch of confidence, but i don't know where this men are attracted to confidence stuff comes from. Maybe it's just semantics and other men really just think the same as me.

Displays of confidence from women is actually more annoying than anything unless it's something like sexually with me. Hell, i think a small lack of confidence is cute or endearing more than I think confidence is a turn on.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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st_99 said:
i gotta admit, i do have a relatively large ego i believe. that only hurts you with women though.. your mind fights to protect your ego at all cost.
If it's so fragile, I don't think it's really that much self confidence to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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mrRuckus said:
If it's so fragile, I don't think it's really that much self confidence to begin with.
by definition all big egos are fragile because they are all based on delusion. The delusion is that you are somehow so much more special than anyone else.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
st_99 said:
i gotta admit, i do have a relatively large ego i believe. that only hurts you with women though.. your mind fights to protect your ego at all cost. so in turn you have a stronger fear of rejection because thats the biggest threat of all to the egoic mind. fear on the approach and fear that she'll leave after you've hooked up. yeah, its all pretty silly.
oh i have zero doubt, my ego is bigger than me lol. I know this for a fact. I'm arrogant, ****y and I generally think I'm the smartest and best looking guy in the room.

However, I don't pull that conception of me out of my ass, I work my ass off to look as good as I do and I work my ass off to hit everything I've accomplished business wise. I've successfully started 2 comapines from complete scratch, with zero outside capital, and managed to do all of it without having one penny of debt to my name to this day. I'm pretty bad ass.

I got this in AA alot from people who had more time than me and my sponsor and from some people in general who are always trying to achieve this "balance" you can't be so arrogant and ****y, you have to be humble.. there is nothing humble about me. I don't boast/brag but i'm not what you would call humble. But.. while this is robably my greatest weakness/character flaw, it's my greatest asset without question.. I KNOW i can do anything I put my mind to. I trust myself and honestly believe there isn't anything I can't do if i want it bad enough. that's not a trade off iM" willing to make; you can't have one without the other. I can't be teh guy who thinks he can do anything he puts his mind to while at the same time be the guy who thinks that everyone around me is my equal while everyone around me is failing at everything they try to do. You can't be the guy who thinks that his hot HB 8.5 GF is lucky to be with him and keep the frame of a relationship while thinking that every toher guy in the room looks just as good as I do and has just to much to offer as I do, when every other guy in the room is dating my leftovers and lucky to have them.

I don't have a problem wtih egotistical women; my ego can go toe to toe with anyone's. i have a problem with egotistical woman who dont' have anything to be egotistical about. LIke i have an ex.. good girl. not great. not super hot, but cute. not super smart, but not dumb either.. I mean.. she's a pretty avg white girl basically lol. but she has a decent personality that i liked. and she thinks she is just a freaking superstar. makes 15 dollars an hour at her job, no kids, no husband, never been engaged or anything. she thinks everyone gives a **** about her opinion on everything and is always writing blogs about why certain peopel suck and how she is so kick ass when in reality she's about the most mundane person I know.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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imo ego's are all the same in their fragility whether or not you are actually accomplished or just joe sixpack that thinks he's all that. The reason being is because they are bottomless pits and that can never be fullfilled and so they are all a house of cards no matter what. Thats how i look at it anyway.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
st_99 said:
imo ego's are all the same in their fragility whether or not you are actually accomplished or just joe sixpack that thinks he's all that. The reason being is because they are bottomless pits and that can never be fullfilled and so they are all a house of cards no matter what. Thats how i look at it anyway.
I don't see it like that.

The way I have come to see ego is like a spelling test you take in elementry school. you know when they pass out the tests or what not and you have 20 words that you have to spell.

Your ego = the difference between your test scores -/+ the teachers actual spelling list. The closer the 2 are to being alike, the better you are going to feel about yourself. In other words, if you have a huge ego, but the ego is not based on you actually doing anything (you missing a lot of wrong answers on the tests) you are going to have pretty low self esteem

Ego IMHO is only a bad thing, when it's not compounded by actual tangible results to fill it up with. When your ego is built up becuase you look hot, but you look hot beucase you go tot eh gym 5 days a week for years, the only thing this can do is to help you have the confidence to tackle other long/tedisous tasks in life.

when your ego is built up beucase you look hot, simply beucase you have 3-4 guys who are avg looking who jock the **** out of you but you dont' do anything on your end to help the cause, the only solution is for you to keep searching out the same ego building appraials that give you the good feeling in the first place, thus making your ego larger and in the end, really lowering your self esteem

i have never seen ego as a bad thing. it's only a bad thing when it's artificially inflated.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
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In my experience older women (35+ past the wall) tend to veer in one of two directions: the smarter ones become lower maintenance and easier to be around because they can see the handwriting on the wall, that their looks are fading, their biological clock is ticking, and they are competing for the same pool of men with women that are prettier and younger than them, and they adjust their attitudes because they recognize the reality that their purchasing power in the dating market is on decline. What they can potentially offer over younger women with tighter, hotter bodies is increased loyalty and devotion to a man, along with being more mature and grounded than a woman in her twenties still figuring out who she is and what she wants out of life and drowning in endless options...or they become even more b*tchier, entitled and unpleasant to be around. Their hangups become even more pronounced. It's like they figure they hung out for so long waiting for Mr. Big to show up that nothing less will do. There's nothing worse than a woman with all of the downsides of younger women and none of the benefits.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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backbreaker said:
I don't see it like that.

The way I have come to see ego is like a spelling test you take in elementry school. you know when they pass out the tests or what not and you have 20 words that you have to spell.

Your ego = the difference between your test scores -/+ the teachers actual spelling list. The closer the 2 are to being alike, the better you are going to feel about yourself. In other words, if you have a huge ego, but the ego is not based on you actually doing anything (you missing a lot of wrong answers on the tests) you are going to have pretty low self esteem

Ego IMHO is only a bad thing, when it's not compounded by actual tangible results to fill it up with. When your ego is built up becuase you look hot, but you look hot beucase you go tot eh gym 5 days a week for years, the only thing this can do is to help you have the confidence to tackle other long/tedisous tasks in life.

when your ego is built up beucase you look hot, simply beucase you have 3-4 guys who are avg looking who jock the **** out of you but you dont' do anything on your end to help the cause, the only solution is for you to keep searching out the same ego building appraials that give you the good feeling in the first place, thus making your ego larger and in the end, really lowering your self esteem

i have never seen ego as a bad thing. it's only a bad thing when it's artificially inflated.
yeah, i hear ya. I'm coming at it from more a philosophical perspective in that i think that we are all atoms part of the same universe and that ego is just a story you feed to yourself (mainly your minds inability to stop) that is pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme of things because we'll all be in the same place sooner rather than later.

but having said all that, yeah, i still go on with my story.. lol. Sometimes i'll be thinking about something and ill say to myself, dude, you're such a fvcking egomaniac. haha. but its all fine. Its the people that get so wrapped up in it they literally destroy themeselves because they can never seperate themeselves from their ego.

its all pretty deep i think. :crazy: