Master Don Juan
I've been posting here for a while. most posters, even the guys who dont particularly like me, have to agree that I do not use the color of my skin (black) as an excuse. It is what it is and i'm a firm believer that most of the time, it's you, not the color of your skin that is the problem.
Anyway, my mo will be 50 on Sunday. She's having this really big party she's rening out this hotel tomorrow and she's been planning this for a good 2 years so I flew in. i live in LA, right outside of LA, but my mom lives in Little Rock, Actually Sherwood, which is a nice little upper middle class suburb of little rock. once I got out of little rock, I liked it so much that I really do my best not to go back lol. I come back for random Arkansas razorback games, I came back for my grandmothers funeral, my aunts wedding, and one random Christmas. But I'm generally just there, and I leave. I don't really do stuff.
Anyway, bored as **** lol, after going to clubs in LA, the little rock club scene is a joke so i'm not interested in doing that. On top of that, my son is sleep and my wife really doesn't feel like getting out the house as we just got in today and she's tired. But I got to get out the house, especially my mom's house which we're staying at as i still have my room there lol all my mom wants to do is watch law and order and read the bible, and I need to do something.
So I'm like okay backbreaker what can you do lol. Okay, I say you know, There is a movie I've wanted to see for a while, the 100 foot joruney. I like the premise of the movie, rotten tomatoes gives it like a half decent rating, and i'm bored. So I'm going to go to the movie.
I moved from little rock to LA 8 years ago, to the point where I really do not remember how "bad" it was, I guess "bad" was "normal" for me but man.
lol so I'm sitting in line and this little white girl, about 15-16 is looking at me like i'm a unicorn or some **** lol. I mean, not " damn he's hot" look but "what the **** is that thing" look lol. It was kinda unnerving. so then I go get my seat in the movie theater, only back guy in the entire movie heather lol. There wasn't many people there, like 20. Nw granted, I understand that there is not a line long of black people outside to see the 100 foot journey lol, so this isn't the biggest of deals to me, i get it. It's a niche movie.
Anyway, so these 2 white girls, neither of them remotely attractive, come and sit smack dab next to me. one of them looks at me, whispers something ot her friend and they get up and go sit somewhere else.; I was like damn lol. I mean at least pretend to have a phone call or something lol.
8 years ago , a combination of being younger, and not knowing anything different I would have gotten into my feelings. Now living in LA I can recognize the ignorant **** for being racist, laugh it off and enjoy my movie. I had on some spuerrys, green polo shorts and a white polo shirt. not like i'm threatening looking or anything.
Anyway, my point is, living in little rock my entire life, then moving out of state.. I really did not understand.. it's kinda like, the poor african who doesn't know he's poor beucase that's all he has experienced. I didn't realize how much harder **** was for me and just thought that's the way it should be it's hard for everyone, but not like that.
There are minorities, i'm not just talking about black guys here, but all minorities, that are living in areas that are not racially diverse.
I cannot stress the benefits enough of living in a racially diverse city has done for me. Not just dating, but my self esteem.. I'm not just the color of mys kin anymore. I went from being the token black guy friend, the guy who was "safe" and "white approved" lol, ,when I lived in little rock to being a guy people actually wanted to hang around because he was an interesting person, who happened to be black.
There are some things, being confident, being built, being whatever, being "alpha" just isn't going to fix, and this is kinda one of them. No one is perfect, no where is perfect, but this is something that can be tangiablly fixed.
Say I was still single. Then you want to tell me after I just had a white girl(s), not even cute ones, look at me and get up and leave to go sit somewhere else, to go talk to girls in the club later that night and "not give a ****" that's impossible to do. I don't even have willpower that strong.;
I told my wife when I got home, this will be the last time I ever come back to little rock for any reason.
This goes beyond race. My mom and I , don't have the best relationship. I told her a few times her act is wearing thin. She keeps pushing along, so i said okay, i don't have to deal with the drama, i don't' care if you are my mom. We really dont' talk anymore. My dad and I DON'T' talk anymore i have not talked to him in about half a decade and have no desire to.
One of the most important lessons SI learned in my 2's is the effect your environment has on your self esteem/ Rather it be you getting looked at because you're the only black guy in a movie theater, or you have parents that treat you like ****, or you don't fit in at work, CHANGE IT. to the best of your ability.
Anyway, my mo will be 50 on Sunday. She's having this really big party she's rening out this hotel tomorrow and she's been planning this for a good 2 years so I flew in. i live in LA, right outside of LA, but my mom lives in Little Rock, Actually Sherwood, which is a nice little upper middle class suburb of little rock. once I got out of little rock, I liked it so much that I really do my best not to go back lol. I come back for random Arkansas razorback games, I came back for my grandmothers funeral, my aunts wedding, and one random Christmas. But I'm generally just there, and I leave. I don't really do stuff.
Anyway, bored as **** lol, after going to clubs in LA, the little rock club scene is a joke so i'm not interested in doing that. On top of that, my son is sleep and my wife really doesn't feel like getting out the house as we just got in today and she's tired. But I got to get out the house, especially my mom's house which we're staying at as i still have my room there lol all my mom wants to do is watch law and order and read the bible, and I need to do something.
So I'm like okay backbreaker what can you do lol. Okay, I say you know, There is a movie I've wanted to see for a while, the 100 foot joruney. I like the premise of the movie, rotten tomatoes gives it like a half decent rating, and i'm bored. So I'm going to go to the movie.
I moved from little rock to LA 8 years ago, to the point where I really do not remember how "bad" it was, I guess "bad" was "normal" for me but man.
lol so I'm sitting in line and this little white girl, about 15-16 is looking at me like i'm a unicorn or some **** lol. I mean, not " damn he's hot" look but "what the **** is that thing" look lol. It was kinda unnerving. so then I go get my seat in the movie theater, only back guy in the entire movie heather lol. There wasn't many people there, like 20. Nw granted, I understand that there is not a line long of black people outside to see the 100 foot journey lol, so this isn't the biggest of deals to me, i get it. It's a niche movie.
Anyway, so these 2 white girls, neither of them remotely attractive, come and sit smack dab next to me. one of them looks at me, whispers something ot her friend and they get up and go sit somewhere else.; I was like damn lol. I mean at least pretend to have a phone call or something lol.
8 years ago , a combination of being younger, and not knowing anything different I would have gotten into my feelings. Now living in LA I can recognize the ignorant **** for being racist, laugh it off and enjoy my movie. I had on some spuerrys, green polo shorts and a white polo shirt. not like i'm threatening looking or anything.
Anyway, my point is, living in little rock my entire life, then moving out of state.. I really did not understand.. it's kinda like, the poor african who doesn't know he's poor beucase that's all he has experienced. I didn't realize how much harder **** was for me and just thought that's the way it should be it's hard for everyone, but not like that.
There are minorities, i'm not just talking about black guys here, but all minorities, that are living in areas that are not racially diverse.
I cannot stress the benefits enough of living in a racially diverse city has done for me. Not just dating, but my self esteem.. I'm not just the color of mys kin anymore. I went from being the token black guy friend, the guy who was "safe" and "white approved" lol, ,when I lived in little rock to being a guy people actually wanted to hang around because he was an interesting person, who happened to be black.
There are some things, being confident, being built, being whatever, being "alpha" just isn't going to fix, and this is kinda one of them. No one is perfect, no where is perfect, but this is something that can be tangiablly fixed.
Say I was still single. Then you want to tell me after I just had a white girl(s), not even cute ones, look at me and get up and leave to go sit somewhere else, to go talk to girls in the club later that night and "not give a ****" that's impossible to do. I don't even have willpower that strong.;
I told my wife when I got home, this will be the last time I ever come back to little rock for any reason.
This goes beyond race. My mom and I , don't have the best relationship. I told her a few times her act is wearing thin. She keeps pushing along, so i said okay, i don't have to deal with the drama, i don't' care if you are my mom. We really dont' talk anymore. My dad and I DON'T' talk anymore i have not talked to him in about half a decade and have no desire to.
One of the most important lessons SI learned in my 2's is the effect your environment has on your self esteem/ Rather it be you getting looked at because you're the only black guy in a movie theater, or you have parents that treat you like ****, or you don't fit in at work, CHANGE IT. to the best of your ability.