The Dragon and the Damsel: it's more than you think!


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
After reading up on Don Juan topics, Speed Seduction, Alpha Man Behavior, etc...., and looking back over my life experiences thus far, I've come to some conclusions.

Remember ye olde fairy tale about the knight who rescues the damsel in distress from the dragon? It's just an old bedtime story element, right? Think again. It's a whole lot more than that. In fact, the "damsel and dragon" allegory now makes perfect sense to me in ways that I would have never thought about until recently. It also applies as much today as it did in medieval times.

You know the plot: a brave and handsome knight rescues the damsel in distress from a horrid dragon that is holding her captive, then they ride off into the sunset upon his noble steed to live happily ever after.

So what? Well, I'll tell you "so what." The part you've always missed is that the dragon is owned and controlled by the maiden!


Yes, the real substance of the story is that the maiden is held captive by her own female nature; her fears, guilt, timidness (the dragon), which craves a real man who will come along and get past it! Now let me ask you; does the damsel want Alan Alda to show up and explain to the dragon what a warm, sensitive, caring man he is and try to reason with the dragon? Maybe persuade the dragon that it's wrong to hold damsels captive? No, she wants an ass-kicker who will step in, take control, and hang the dragon up by his tail and then "take her away." This is similar to her being "swept off her feet." This is why YOU need to be this ass-kicker!

Don't take this literally, of course, but it demonstrates that the desire of a woman to be "swept away" goes waaayyyy back about as far as recorded history. They want to be swept away, seduced, and "taken." But the cunning dragon (her personality) requires that you get past it before you can get to her.

Anyway, something to think about.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
DAMN!!!!! Admins, please delete the other TWO copies of this! The board just sat there and wouldn't respond!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
haha nice one mate =) isnt it awesome to see new things in old stories with a new outlook on life?!