hey player,
interesting post.
while i am not a big fan of labels i find myself thinking that a man and a player are two very different things.
i find that many of the qualities defined in a player are also those of a man.
but in the long run it seems as if the "player" has only sex to live for in his life.
so i feel like giving my thoughts on these
* keeps his emotions to himself.
yes, but he has to share them with someone. the point of this is not to open your feelings up to every unworthy person that you can find but if you keep your feelings totally inside, you can lose a greatness about you. i just spent the past year til today, and am continuing to learn how to share my feelings and acknowledge that i actually have them (don't worry i am fine
but it is unhealthy to keep everything inside)
is his own best company. http://www.sosuave.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45120
So true. I love hanging with DrIx, not a better person in the world to chill with.
* always have the right thing to say to your females.
in an ideal world yes, but in reality its almost impossible. I think more important to always have the right actions then to say the right things.
this is where i get curious about this site. I'll be the first to admit that i screw up from time to time. I'll say something stupid, or do something rediculous, but thats what keeps it fun.
if i had my game down "so tight" it would get boring. though when i let go, so to speak, and stopped caring about saying the 'right' thing, or the 'suave' thing, it actually became more fun and more interesting.
* is really a B*tch who has reversed the game.
Hell NO.
* should be prince charming to the females. They should think you're GOD!!!
i liked the superman story! but why worry about stuff like this?
* should always have one thought in his head, Play Or Die!!!
i like "have fun, or DIE trying!!!"
this is what bothers me about all these "big time" players. All they do is worry about getting laid. They go out with friends to get laid. Instead, of just kicking back and wanting to have fun and enjoy the company of friends they are worried about "social proof" and other things of that nature.
I have always done generally well with the girls, but when i read about guys that are so worried about getting laid day in, day out i can't help but think that they are trying to make up for lost time.
make any sense?
* should control the whole female, be the boss of her life, even her thoughts.
i only want to worry about my life and those that i care about. i wouldnt want to be the boss of anyone except me
maybe I am alone on this one but when I used to concern myself with having as many girls as possible i still exspected that the girls be more than a pretty face and a bangin body. Even if just a hookup i still wanted a chill girl with some depth.
So i definatley have no interest in a girl that wants me or allows me to control her. You can feed her to the AFC's as far as i am concerned!!
also, if you had such control of this female wouldn't you get bored after a short period of time, or is that the point?
* should always be determined in any and everything.
still working on that chief, but great none the less
* should always recognize and respect other Players.
Assuming i replace the word 'players' with 'men' ill accept it.
* should never accept anything but his money. Don't take any shyt!
i think its important to keep your eyes open but being paranoid is no way to live.
* must be serious!!!
why is this? if he doesn't focus he might just have fun?
* is the lonliest person in the world.
remind me why you enjoy being a player again? I think that being lonely is one of the worst things that you can be. I am not saying that you NEED to have a woman always around but encoraging such a feeling is rediculous.
* wants any female who can make him feel good! +/B]
+on more than just a physical playing field
* cannot feel like a Player with one female, raise a stable.
* loves it when his women love him.
* knows how to use his mind to create and manipulate.
maybe part II tommrow...