The DJ is a myth in modern America...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
That's right...this whole site is crap.

It would've worked 5-10 years ago, but women have evolved. The woman your average DJ deals with today is a new breed, a sexually frustrated woman. A woman who denies her own sexuality to the bitter end, a woman who would die before accepting the fact that she longs to be penetrated by a powerful man.

Women these days are so apprehensive, so anxious to retain this simple, stupid concept known as "power," that they will refuse sex no matter HOW much they want it. Women do not want to have sex any more...they want to DOMINATE men, to tell their friends, and this has become more important to them than satisfying that tingle down below that they all experience.

Don't ask me how, it's the most unnatural thing in the world.

But they seriously do NOT want men any more.

I'm at a complete and total loss. Where are the women who wanted to be f*cked by men? What happened to them all?

Go after 30somethings and 40somethings if you want REAL women, who are comfortable with their sexuality. If you want to to deal with the sh*t of this world, if you want to frustrate yourself over an irrevocable sense of pride that women have now, then continue on this suicidal course.

Women today are all the same...they all think they're ENTITLED to have 10-15 men sweating them at any time...and ONLY them.

If you are a "player," that's a worse sin than murder to them. It's not like before, when women of this day and age would realize that men were in high demand and look to them to satisfy their they completely disregard and shun those feelings in favor of this feminist pride thing they feel in bending men to their whims.

I'm done with this...this is all so bullsh*t.



Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know what to say. :eek:

Umm, you are wrong. You are so way off it is not even funny. Quit hanging out with bimbos and find some real women. They are out there, don't be discouraged by all the hoochie mammas floppin' around.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
You're right -- the key word is America

I'm ready to bag it all in the states and take that Scandinavian trip I've been thinking about and get myself a real woman who enjoys a DJ. American women SUCK, IMO. Not all, but a good majority of them. Their attitudes are horrible.

A couple years ago my former roommate (recently divorced from a psycho bi-polar lying beyotch) and I went to a bar in Portland to meet some friends from out of town and to pound a few brews. He was mid-30's or so at the time. He asked this blonde twenty-something if he could use the chair at her table and she made some comment about him being old or something. The guy, already reeling from a brutal, painful divorce that was going through the courts, was kind of upset. The beyotch just had to get her knock in. And my friend is decent looking, well-groomed, a successful editor at a local magazine, and a total class guy. But this American beyotch -- who probably had more venereal diseases than you could classify -- couldn't wait to get her shot in.

Her friends all looked like wh-res, too, and they delighted in her b-tchy ways. Of course there was a group of AFCs to cater to her needs.

The American beyotch needs to be put in her place. Export them to some island where they have boot camp for a year to get humbled.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
complaining = insecure AFC who cant deal with life and has to make excuses as to why he cant succeed in whatever current situation he finds himself in.

"theres nothing to do in this town."

"all the women around here SUCK."

"women are such *****es."

...... really its all just an excuse to not keep your head and your game up at all times..... fvck the world and its problems... aint nothing ya can change but yourself and aint nothin good about complaining. just keep pressing on and never point out whats wrong with $hit cuz it aint making you happy. -J


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
I don't think that this site is crap necessarily; sure not all of the advice here would work in all situations or not at all in the case of misguided advice, but there are woman out there who do not thrive on manipulating men to their whims. I was once like you and thought the same thing, but I was also very inexperienced with woman and a total AFC for it as well.

Maybe you are just attracting or noticing all the wrong kinds of women. I would look more closely into that before passing any further judgements.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
LOL guys, it's funny how everyone jumps on this misguided guy just because he contradicts DJness. He actually made some good points, though they instead of invalidating this site, they demonstrate why learning pickup/seduction is necessary.

Women these days are so apprehensive, so anxious to retain this simple, stupid concept known as "power," that they will refuse sex no matter HOW much they want it. Women do not want to have sex any more...they want to DOMINATE men, to tell their friends, and this has become more important to them than satisfying that tingle down below that they all experience.
Very true, that is why it is so necessary to call them on bullsh1t.

But they seriously do NOT want men any more.
I wouldn't go that far. Really: they do not want AFC men.

I'm at a complete and total loss. Where are the women who wanted to be f*cked by men? What happened to them all?
They are waiting for you to learn some game so they can finally meet a guy who isn't an AFC!

Go after 30somethings and 40somethings if you want REAL women, who are comfortable with their sexuality. If you want to to deal with the sh*t of this world, if you want to frustrate yourself over an irrevocable sense of pride that women have now, then continue on this suicidal course.

Women today are all the same...they all think they're ENTITLED to have 10-15 men sweating them at any time...and ONLY them.
This is actually very true.

If you are a "player," that's a worse sin than murder to them. It's not like before, when women of this day and age would realize that men were in high demand and look to them to satisfy their they completely disregard and shun those feelings in favor of this feminist pride thing they feel in bending men to their whims.
Not necessarily. I agree that there are girls who behave like this, yet usually when you see a chick pulling an ice princess act, it means that you simply aren't pushing her hot buttons correctly.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by SourFox

Women these days are so apprehensive, so anxious to retain this simple, stupid concept known as "power," that they will refuse sex no matter HOW much they want it. Women do not want to have sex any more...they want to DOMINATE men, to tell their friends, and this has become more important to them than satisfying that tingle down below that they all experience.
Very true, that is why it is so necessary to call them on bullsh1t.
Why not just turn around a walk away? Calling them on it will only justify their actions further and make you look like an AFC in the process.

I personally just next those chicks that pull that crap off and never talk to them again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Girls and boys have always been stupid, immature and annoying. It's called being young. The difference is that nowadays we all seem to insist on not growing up until we're in our thirties. In our pampered Western enclaves life doesn't give us the knocks it used to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating global war as a a great way of getting everyone to grow up, but being overgrown adolescents all through our twenties is really f*cking things up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by bonjove
Very true, that is why it is so necessary to call them on bullsh1t.

Why not just turn around a walk away? Calling them on it will only justify their actions further and make you look like an AFC in the process.

I personally just next those chicks that pull that crap off and never talk to them again.

Indeed...that's what I often end up doing. I never "call them on it." I often just walk away or, if I happen to like where I am (good seat at the bar, whatever), I just turn and ignore them.

It just gets frustrating when you have to do it over and over and OVER again. :\

It seems like most of the women in today's world have adopted this sense of entitlement to dominance.

Even in the old days, when men were the lords and women the servants, the male-female relationship was ALWAYS about sex. Men wanted to see how many women they could sex and women wanted to see how many men they could be sexed by.

Today, I think many women have been changed by the media, etc, to be uncomfortable with being WOMEN. It's going far beyond the traditional "I don't want to seem like a slut"'s getting to the point where women seek to DOMINATE men, rather than actually SEX them.

There's this feminist idea that women get in their heads that "they're better than ANY man", and a lot of them take it to heart so far that they would rather DIE than admit to themselves in ANY situation that they're attracted to a man in a sexual way, because that would be giving up the DOMINANCE in favor of a peer or submissive relationship.

A lot of these women want to see how many men they can "bend" to their whims, how many lap-dogs they can acquire. Mainly because THIS is what society and media have taught them that the strong woman does. They do this to impress their friends.

In a DJ world, this would fail miserably, because REAL men wouldn't tolerate this crap, they'd (as you said) simply walk away and find a woman who's comfortable with her sexuality and doesn't HAVE a need to dominate everyone. But, unfortunately, this world IS NOT DJ. There are plenty of otherwise high-status males who will become sniveling b*tches when a woman talks to them and quickly pander to entertain and appease her.

So what about sex, then? How do these women satisfy their sexual desires, since they can only IGNORE and DENY them for so long before they have to be acknowledged? Easy...they just pick a lap-dog at random to f**k them, then the next morning tell him, "I don't know how I feel about what we did...let's just be friends OK?" to put him back in his subservient role. These power-hungry women have a swarm of eager (and often virile) males who don't appreciate or take pride in their sexual ability and they use them for gratification when necessary, similar to the way a queen bee uses drones to fertilize her when necessary, then eats them or sends them on their way, or whatever she does, I'm no entomologist. :D

And then they sit and whine about how they can't find any GOOD men to marry...because the GOOD men left a long time ago, with GOOD WOMEN.

This entire queen-bee mentality is the downfall of women, why so many otherwise good women are stuck in bars and clubs their whole lives playing the hoochie role and trying to pretend like they're not empty and unfulfilled inside, pretend like they don't need a good f*cking like every other girl does. They feel ENTITLED to have 20 men pandering to them and trying to win her favor...and ONLY her favor (he looked at someone DARE he treat me that way?!) ...when somehow she also feels ENTITLED to be seeing these 20 men and banging them or playing them along as she pleases (I'm a woman, I DESERVE to be able to play the field and pick and choose).

Like any blanket-statement, there ARE exceptions. The one's I've found:

-30somethings, who grew up in the generation before mine, when women could still be women. They don't try to play this "I own men" game, they understand that they have sexual needs that need to be gratified by sexual men, plus these women are at the height of their sexual peak and realize that their looks aren't going to last much longer, so they're willing to drop the whole power trip for a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it

-Exceptionally attractive women. These women have nothing to prove to anyone...they don't care about showing their friends or family how many lap-dogs they have calling, everyone KNOWS that they can get that if they want it. What they want is a higher level of gratification...SEXUAL gratification. They want to EXPRESS their femininity, rather than hiding it behind the guise of a power-trip. And they want a man who can step up and be MASCULINE and sex her good, not a bunch of lap-dogs to pander to her.

-TRULY self-confident women. Not the "independent woman" that today's culture touts, but the ones that are secure with themselves that, like the exceptionally attractive women, have nothing to prove. They're perfectly comfortable being themselves and, as such, are perfectly comfortable being women.

Unfortunately, these particular exceptions seem to be rare at bars and clubs around where I live. The women around here seem to only be interested in how many guys they can have pander to them. If a man comes along and actually TRIES to take a no-excuses approach to them, they conveniently escape with their friends before (God forbid) they actually have to DEAL with their repressed sexual feelings. ("Oh my God, he's touching me...why isn't he being submissive? I don't understand how to deal with this...")

Honestly, I think about the two or three women I'm currently interested in, who seem like they could be REAL prospects, and I didn't meet ANY of them in a club or bar. Maybe I just need to find a new set of hangouts for my "expeditions," places where women are more willing to be women. :eek:


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Like some other people said, it does sound whiny, but your 100% spot on mate

Think of MotU for example, his attitude and actions epitomise DJ but he went through all those trials and tribulations to finally get a root.

But i think knowing this fact will make us better DJs. Isn't that the point of DJism? To sift through the multitudes of hos until we find the one decent chick?

Leave the hoes to all the AFCs, there's plenty to go around


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not from th USA, but I have friends there and after a stay in Asia they told met that "Fred was right".

His other columns are a bit reactionary, but I like this one.

For what it's worth: There nothing as sweet IMO as breaking through the "Ice Queen" barrier, get her panties wet and then LEAVE :cool:

BTW, don't blame the women. It's not their fault. We, as men, have our responsibility too. Too many of us have been wussified and let women dominate them. That's probably how the cycle started.

So to get society back on track:
1. show all women you don't cater to their every need. Show them they need us more than we need them.
2. let your male friends do the same.


Golden Arms

Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DEKKA
complaining = insecure AFC who cant deal with life and has to make excuses as to why he cant succeed in whatever current situation he finds himself in.

"theres nothing to do in this town."

"all the women around here SUCK."

"women are such *****es."

...... really its all just an excuse to not keep your head and your game up at all times..... fvck the world and its problems... aint nothing ya can change but yourself and aint nothin good about complaining. just keep pressing on and never point out whats wrong with $hit cuz it aint making you happy. -J
this guy's got it right on the mark. What good does it do to complain ??? You can't waste your time worrying about the rest of the world - just live your life, be happy and have BALLS.

There's way too much b!tching going on lately on this site. No wonder you're upset about women - cause you're acting like one


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by DonCruez
I'm not from th USA, but I have friends there and after a stay in Asia they told met that "Fred was right".

His other columns are a bit reactionary, but I like this one.

For what it's worth: There nothing as sweet IMO as breaking through the "Ice Queen" barrier, get her panties wet and then LEAVE :cool:

BTW, don't blame the women. It's not their fault. We, as men, have our responsibility too. Too many of us have been wussified and let women dominate them. That's probably how the cycle started.

So to get society back on track:
1. show all women you don't cater to their every need. Show them they need us more than we need them.
2. let your male friends do the same.

Spend a year overseas, however you have to do it. For smart, classy, just plain glorious women who often speak English, try Singapore. Argentina is splendid. Many places are. You would be amazed. See what's out there before you marry a gringa with her Inner Susan, who will one day burst from her chest like one of those beaked space-aliens in the movies, dripping venom. They're death.

Thanks, man...I read that and I couldn't help busting out laughing. That was just what I needed to cheer me up from a god-awful mood. :D

I don't know how to break through that "Ice-Queen" barrier. It's extremely hard to do when, like you said, so many men have been wussified and willing to be dominated that when she can't get ME, she can go to one of three other drooling ass-clowns and get the attention she feels she deserves.

Of course, she'll go home alone and bitter (or she'll take one of these AFCs home and consent to f--k him to alleviate her desire for sex, which can be an even worse fate). But she got what she's convinced herself she wants. :rolleyes:

You know, I've seen plenty of "hotties" in my life, but very few of them actually turned me on. Sure, I'd go and make some pathetic DJ attempt at them, but only because as a man, I'm "supposed to go after hot women."

But those few...the ones who REALLY light me up, I never understood what it was about them that turned me on. Fred pretty much nailed it: resilient, sane, psychically strong

That's why I find myself attracted to these women, while at the same time the women I'm chasing in these sh*tty little college bars repulse me to the very core, despite their warm girl-flesh. This is why these single 30something women are so fun to be around, why this one 21-year-old blonde I've been drooling over is so attractive to me...the list goes on and on.

What makes them different is STRENGTH. The strength to stand on their own two feet in the face of society and all their social conditioning. Being strong-willed enough to dare to be HUMAN in a world where women are quickly becoming the queen-bees of a boringly regular hive-mind and men are becoming mere worker drones, slaving away in the fields and flowers to bring nectar for her young, then dying.

REAL men have no place in the lives of weak women. They want weak men to slave for them. When a strong man comes into her hive, he is immediately turned away.

By the same virtue, REAL women have no place for the "drones" which a weak woman desires. They have no need to keep a hive of men for their own gratification.

It all kind of makes sense, the more I think about it.

Now I just need to figure out how to rise above it. :) I think that while part of me has grown stronger, part of me is still weak, or wants to be weak, to be satisfied. I'm still not an alpha-male. LOL I still live within the confines of the system...I've realized that there is strength within me, but I'm still hanging around in the hive complaining about how much it sucks instead of going out into the sun and enjoying life.



Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Squirrels, you're ahead of the game

I've often enjoyed your posts and understand where you're coming from on your initial post here. It's easy to get frustrated with the American beyotch.

That said, you're WAY ahead of the game. You're a 23-year old DJ. I'm older than you by quite a few years and can say at 23 I was a full-fledged AFC puss-face.

It's OK to be frustrated, just don't lose your DJism -- ever. Possessing a DJ philosophy is more important than any woman, ever.

* When in doubt, go foreign with the women. I'm gonna try and find a foreign GF if possible. I'm also about at the end of my rope with American women.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Squirrels, you're ahead of the game

Originally posted by WestCoaster
I've often enjoyed your posts and understand where you're coming from on your initial post here. It's easy to get frustrated with the American beyotch.

That said, you're WAY ahead of the game. You're a 23-year old DJ. I'm older than you by quite a few years and can say at 23 I was a full-fledged AFC puss-face.

It's OK to be frustrated, just don't lose your DJism -- ever. Possessing a DJ philosophy is more important than any woman, ever.

* When in doubt, go foreign with the women. I'm gonna try and find a foreign GF if possible. I'm also about at the end of my rope with American women.
NOTE...this got a lot more philosophical than I expected. I apologize for any keyboard-naps I may cause. :D

There are good American women...they're few and far between.

And it's not a black-and-white thing, there's a spectrum. What it comes down to, though, is that just like there are a few DJs among a sea of AFCs, there are a few "Donna Juanas" in a sea of AFC women out there.

Society creates the AFC. Now society isnt' a bad thing...I don't want to fall into teh trap of saying that because society gives us a lot of the modern comforts and conveniences we have today, but after you put your 8 or 12 hours in, a lot of people are dragging that society into their PRIVATE lives, into things like relationships.

AFC men deny their masculinity because they've been taught that it's bad, that women should be cherished and cared for and handled delicately, that they're somehow super-human. And AFC women deny their femininity because they've been taught that it's bad, that men are a bunch of sub-human pigs and that they, as women, are entitled to special treatment and goddess-like status.

All in all, the system works. Millions of AFC men hover around the AFC women waiting their turn to approach, mate, and get their head bitten marry, have kids, divorce, and pay child support. The cycle continues, the species is propagated, and a new generation is born complete with their boring white-collar jobs, expensive yet boring cars, etc etc...

The thing is, just because it works doesn't make it GOOD.

The queen bee is socially content with her swarm of male drones catering to her whims...she is in control, in power. Yet her femininity, the very core of her being, deep down in her DNA itself, is still repressed and longing to be set free. She wonders, "Where have all the cowboys gone?" She longs for a man to TAKE her, to dominate her and at the same time care for her...she wants a DJ. And she wants to live for something other than managing a colony of men, to explore her own world and find something OTHER than men to add spice to her life.

But she can't dare act on that desire, because that would undermine society, a fate that has become so horrible in this day and age that it's unthinkable!

Likewise, the male drones are content to serve the queen and occasionally get the opportunity to fertilize her eggs, only to work the rest of their lives bringing nectar to her larvae and cleaning her antechamber. But it was worth it, right?

Wrong. The man yearns to be free, to dominate the have his CHOICE of women to dominate. And to live for something OTHER than explore the outside world and enjoy life. To find his OWN passions outside of the hive.

But again, society pressures men into unnatural commitments as much as women.

Society continues to push us into this hive-mentality, this idea of "common good," but it denies the essential thing that makes us human, our desire to choose and explore and be whole without others. THAT is the longing that we all face in this world. We all want to define our own existences...society wants to take that right away from us and do it for us, to put us in its OWN role.

The funny thing is that we CREATED society. We ARE society. And now society is trying to create US.

The DJ lives outside the system...he creates his OWN society, his OWN definition of how life should be. Both the male AND female DJ. And they experience a natural bond, a loose coupling of two whole entities, each able to stand on its own but together becoming more than the sum of their parts. Whereas the AFC men and women see union as a tight coupling, with each "filling in" the "holes" left by the other.

Efficient, isn't it? You only have to become HALF a person and let your S/O fill the other half. A complete entity with minimal work. But SO unfulfilling.

It's the same difference between someone working in a cubicle doing one piece of one report as part of a huge whole, feeling like a worker drone and never really being able to control what the end result looks like; and a person owning their own business, doing a lot more work to make it all work, but enjoying the fulfilling feeling of being able to set his OWN rules and make things happen the way HE wants them to happen.

The loss of individuality in America, the loss of the alpha male and the alpha female, is brought about by general laziness...a desire for the most comfort possible with the least amount of effort.

And we're all raised with it now, so we all have that little bit of AFC that wants to go back...that psionic connection that keeps calling us back to the hive to re-take our position as mindless worker drones and lazy, unsatisfied queen-bees.

We're afraid to eliminate that, because that connection has become so familiar to us that we don't know who we are without it.

But we can't go back...we've awoken that primal instinct at the very core of our that we've seen it, we can't look away and go back to the hive.

We need to be free. We need to live life, and find women who want to live life with us, instead of above or below us. Not the tight-coupling, but the loose-coupling, is what we as DJs desire.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
All I have to say is, "boo-****ing-hoo."


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonCruez
I'm not from th USA, but I have friends there and after a stay in Asia they told met that "Fred was right".

His other columns are a bit reactionary, but I like this one.
although i dont advocate complaining about whatever situation you find yourself in, and im talking about the deplorable mainstream attitudes among american women, this article does hit on truth, and if you guys want to get married and be happy you should start doing some traveling. there are better, nicer, classier women in other countries...

but remember...

it takes a real man to handle an american woman!