The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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Thanks for joining us, and I wish you all the best!


Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Don Juan FAQ

Preliminary version - To be amended

Before you begin…

If anyone would like to suggest a question, improve an answer or create a supplementary diagram, then please do contact me immedietly!

If it works well, this will be entered into the DJB soon on the top of the page.

I anticipate that you're going to use the acronym DJB in this FAQ. What the hell is a DJB? And a FAQ! In fact, describe to me a carefully selected list of acronyms!

FAQ: Frequently asked questions. I'm about to answer the common questions that suavers have.
DJB: The Don Juan Bible. It's the resource centre for newbies and established members alike.
DJ: Don Juan. A guy who is considered capable with the women.

You left out AFC.

Yes. I wanted to explain separately the fact that many people are confusing the meaning of AFC recently. Many think that the F forms a swear word. Almost all guys assume correctly that C stands for chump. Some incorrectly guess the A means simply "A" or "Absolute".

It stands for "Average Frustrated Chump" and as you can see, this acronym encompasses everything that a new age guy stands for.

What are the stages of Don Juan development?

WBAFC: Way below a AFC. BAFC is the next stage up.
AFC is obviously an average guy getting worldly average successes.
RAFC is a guy who is Recovering. He has found a source of real help.
DJ: Don Juan.
SDJ, MDJ: Senior and Master Don Juan - but this is just a board title.

How long should I wait to call someone?

I see this question every week! The ultimate answer is to call her whenever the hell you feel like.

No really, give me a number of days to wait until calling someone!

People like you look for a set of rules to abide by as strictly as possible, assuming that your successes with women are directly proportional to how closely you adhere to the standards.

I also get a little confused when people ask why there are so many conflicting views on the boards. It is true that you may get two or more distinctly different answers for the same question. Sometimes you will get good, but completely opposite answers!

The Don Juan lifestyle is not built on top of legalism. It is all about the mindset you have. The truth is this: That you, having learned everything you can, and having it embedded in your mind, should know the answers relative to your specific situation. You shouldn't consciously think about what a woman thinks if you call her in 12 hours or 12 days, but rather, you should have an instinct gut reaction.

There is another truth as well: That you shouldn't be this incredibly concerned about when you call a girl. This is a minor thing and there are hundreds of minor things to consider when dealing with women. Can you really handle them all, and look as though it is easy?

Church, God and the DJ lifestyle?

Jesus was a DJ – He kicked butt in the temple.

Ever come across a nice guy Christian who wanted to wait until marriage before he kissed a girl? That’s not how it’s supposed to be. Such an insecure guy probably turned to Christianity partly because of his insecurity and his misconceptions may have been transferred to you by common thinking.

The DJ lifestyle does not conflict with Christianity. In fact, it supplements Christianity by teaching you how to become a bold individual.

But what about sex?

There’s no question that sex is forbidden in Christianity because it is, but the mistake here is in assuming sex is part of the DJ lifestyle. It is not a co requisite at all. I do not want to get into the concept of virgin until marriage, but I did want to address the fact that sex is not the golden cup of becoming a DJ.

What is the quickest method to become a DJ? I'm looking for a shortcut.

The path to bliss is like a diet. You cannot survive on chicken alone.

What is Kino?

Kino is short for Kinesthetics, which means to touch. It concerns gently and boldly touching a woman on her arms, side, shoulders or other acceptable areas very subtly, so that she doesn’t think you’re groping her yet at the same time and so that she will notice that you’re a guy who is not only bold enough to “test” you but can also be touched back.

Study online:
“Most pathetic attempt at Kinesthetics”
“Kinesthetics”: A full study

How important are Kinesthetics?

I guess it is five times more difficult to get anywhere with a girl if you don’t touch her. Touching her can lead to a kiss, rather than just kissing her out of the blue. There are many steps in what I call the Kino Process (KP).

What are the acceptable areas to touch a new girl?

The best area is a brief stroke on the side of the upper arm.

Other good areas are the anywhere else on the arm, the hand (if not holding, and you still want to maintain subtle touching), the shoulders, the neck, the cheeks.

Places to avoid at the early stage: The bum, any part of the legs including the stairway to heaven, anywhere else on the face and anywhere on the woman’s front (belly, chest).

It’s easy to work out where touching is acceptable: Touch yourself and ask “If a girl were doing this to me right now, would I like it?” It’s probably best to assume the “girl” in question is at best average looking. We all know how horny we guys are when nice women touch us, don’t we? Women are slightly different, hence the suggestion to imagine an average girl.

If I could concentrate on only one aspect of my physical appearance, what would you tell me to do?

To work out your muscles, not just the chest and arms, and to have an interest in eating the food that supplements the bulking up of your muscles – those with high protein (specifically lots of fish, egg whites, whole milk etc).

I spend hours each day working out! I'm not getting results.

If you cause an earthquake to hit a building, and then the repair men come in and fix it, they will make improvements to the building to make sure it won’t be damaged as much if another earthquake were to hit. Bad analogy I know but bear with me. What you are doing when you work out is ripping apart muscle fibres, and this is exactly what you want to do.

Repeatedly subjecting buildings to earthquakes before the men have time to fix it between them will cause the building to collapse completely. Working out too much actually has a negative effect on your body and tonality.

I’m sick of not knowing the proper way to work out. There’s so much conflicting advice.

Here it is in its truth then:

Work out very hard for no more than 30 minutes. Don’t take any breaks longer than a minute in this session, but you may have more than one break (really, after each 10 or so). Do this session no more than three times a week.

The two big mistakes of working out: Assuming food has little to do with it, or working out too much in an attempt to speed up the process.

(I would like Diesel to provide me with some more info here!)

I'm working out and I'm working out the right way now. Its still taking ages to get results!

I’ve been at it for a year and I’m only half as “big” as I want to be. The reason I continue is because getting a good physique is the most consistent way of improving, and while it could take a long time, you will see the results and you will become “naturally better” at Djing around as you get a better body. Stick at it, and never give up.

I’ve changed my routine and only recently have discovered the problems with my old routine. I’m bulking up pretty quickly now, and I notice a few things that seemed to have changed overnight. Guys I haven’t met give me more respect, and girls seem to look at my body more and smile. Those two things alone make it all worth it – and this is why I totally encourage others to follow suit.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK

What’s the best voice to have?

Low tonality, slow speaking, and with a bit of enthusiasm. Don’t use a high pitch voice for longer than a few seconds otherwise you will be labelled as a wimpy guy who can’t, well, control his voice. Low tonality communicates the fact that you have control in the conversation. If you speak slowly, girls will be more attentive to you and will love to hear you speak.

I have acne. I don't like it.

It's great you realise you have a problem. A problem that needs to be fixed.

Please be more useful.

I’m speaking to you from years of actual experience.

See a doctor, or preferably a student doctor who has probably had a lot of these complaints or dermatologist. Reject the suggestion of antibiotics, which is probably the first thing that comes to his or her mind. They work for a very short
time, then they never work again and you become susceptible to many other diseases and guess what? Antibiotics won’t work for those either any more…

I’ve found a combination of Differin and Benzoyl Peroxide cream to be the most effective.

Never use treatments in huge amounts. Sweating does not normally cause a breakout. The sun does not cure acne – it just causes the rest of your face to become redder and to blend in with the colour of your spots that are also hopefully red. Green spots should be seen to by a NASA official.

Food really does cause acne, but working out a diet that exempts the possibility of acne is extremely tedious and difficult. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day will help your skin in other ways (by making it look more healthy). Squeezing spots should be avoided if they are not likely to “pop”. Its gruesome when they do but you really need the discipline to not pop spots that wont pop. Really. Scars left by attempted-pop-spots are not really treatable.

Shave slowly with Mach 3 Turbo, ensuring it isn’t blunt. Use shaving cream.

Never give up. Always go back to a doctor and change the doctor if he or she is not good enough. Really.

How does the 1-10 rating system work?

Average girls are rated as being 5. They’re OK. Anything below 5 is generally considered to be not very good looking, and anything above a 5 is definitely worthwhile.

People who rate girls as being 10 have a very distorted view of beauty – no one is perfect. I go from about 3 to 9.5. I use this system only to say to my friends how hot a girl is, not to decide whether or not to approach!

What are high numbered girls looking for?

Someone who isn’t nervous when talking to her. Take her off that pedestal you’ve put her on, but it may be too late for that particular girl. Never say to yourself “This girl is the hottest ever!” until you have made significant progress.

I have a library of books concerning chat up lines. Rumour has it that you know the best one ever. How much will it cost me to find out?

The chat up line I use is “Hi” and now that you know I will have to kill you.

You should never learn chat up lines. I never used them but almost vomited when I saw a guy try one on a girl in a pub. I’m sure the girl was about to erupt as well.

I generally notice something about the girl or the atmosphere, and when the girl looks at me or when I have her attention, I make the statement. I was in a packed club waiting to get served a drink and I had been in the queue with a girl for about two minutes and gotten nowhere. I said to the girl “Well, we may get served in a few hours!” and the way things went I ended up dancing with her and kissed her quickly afterwards! This, by the way, was only two weeks ago.

Its not complicated. Chat up lines are invented by insecure guys who think that planning things before an interaction will help the interaction when the opposite is true. Don’t become anxious by learning stuff that can’t effectively be applied to an extremely dynamic environment.

What are the three types of close?

The basic close is to get the girl’s phone number so that you can call her later. This isn’t really the best way, but it’s the easiest and does have success associated with it.

The next step up is to leave the girl after having kissed her. This is called the kiss close. You’d need to be a bit more skilled, but it isn’t too difficult.

Then you can have a sex close. No prizes for guessing. You’d only be able to do this if you met the girl in a club or pub. It is not likely you will be able to have sex the same day you meet a girl in a park, for example.

David DeAngelo has written a book and I want to get it. Can you tell me how to get it?

I could and many people have. David D lives on the profits and takes care of his customers extremely well. Many people believe that you should pay David D for his books if you want them. You get what you pay for.

Doc Love doesn't approve of kino, and you do. Why is Doc Love concerned about people using Kinesthetics on girls?

Doc Love may be concerned about guys who haven’t mastered the techniques involved in kino and therefore would come across as nervous when touching girls apparently subtly. They may, for example, look at their hand as they rub a girls shoulder. The girl would notice that the guy is new to this thing, and then get very turned off, quickly. The guy goes away and blames the System for not getting the girl, when in fact it was the guy’s fault.

Doc Love just makes it a little easier for the men to understand when studying the System, but it is a vital tool and should never ever be underestimated. Every touch to a girl is sexual and you are guaranteed to have a harder time in your interactions if you refuse to touch a girl. I highly encourage trial and error, and believe me, you’ll experience a lot of error early on.

What do women choose to be more important and in what order? Looks, money, charisma.

Charisma / Personality definitely comes out on top. I had some difficulty deciding between the other two, but they are nice qualities to have.

Why do you believe anyone can become a DJ? Are there circumstances in which you believe someone cannot become a DJ?

People drastically underestimate the effect their charisma has on their interactions. Many guys think that it is 90% looks, 10% personality. The opposite is far more likely to be true, I’m afraid.

Can you instantly tell when a man is afraid, petrified, happy, sad, nervous? Pay attention to the last one. Girls are even better than guys at detecting nervousness in other people, and it just happens to be one of the biggest turnoffs.

This is why so many guys think that they are unlucky and can’t become a DJ, because they think its all about looks, and because there is a limited range of things they could do about their looks, it means that they cannot ascend. Lies!

Concerning people who can’t become DJs: I simply believe that unless you have a major, and I mean big physical appearance problem, or extremely problematic personality disorder, you can become a very successful DJ.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK

How do I avoid rejection?

You can’t. This is the main excuse for not trying and I get ticked off every time someone uses it. See the question about motivation for more details.

You can reduce rejection by having a better personality but there is no way of eliminating it.

Let me, however, share with you a special secret.

The secret to interactions is to become hardened to rejection. When you get yourself out into the field, that is basically what you are doing. Never aim to get a phone number. Rather, aim to get a hundred rejections. You may shock yourself – you may speak to more but not be able to get the 100 rejections.

Is it good to think about approaches before approaching?

Definitely not. Some swear by a rule called the "Three second rule", which means that you are not allowed to count past the number three when you are considering approaching a girl.

If you count to four or higher, then you may as well move on to the next girl because you have turned what could have been a relatively easy going situation into something much harder, as you have had the time to consider about a hundred ways this girl can reject you.

Let me give you some useful information. I worked in a call centre in Summer 2002, and I did the same in Summer 2003 (in fact, at the time of writing, I am in the call centre now). I concentrate on outbound calls - Those calls in which I chase up customers for their new cards, as their old cards have expired. On my first day, I would check an account and think up hundreds of scenarios before I called the customer. I would spend about five minutes before I dialled a number thinking of possible responses to questions. When I called the first customer, I got through to a girl and expected to get through to a man at the very least. Suffice to say, I messed up that call - I asked if the girl is Mr Anderson!

There's a well known quote on sosuave: "Hesitation leads to masturbation". It's true. I take things a step further and I would say that it is better to believe in a no second rule where you don't even count to three. Just go on your instincts.

When I stopped planning calls, my calls instantly became better. While I still had some learning to do, I talked in a more professional manner to all customers.

How do I build up my confidence level, and why does it always go back down again?

Several techniques – Not masturbating, getting up early (having 6 or 7 hours sleep only), eating the right food, drinking a lot of water etc.

The best technique so far for me seems to be very strenuous exercise with bars (dumbbells, bench press) for about 30 minutes not more than 3 times a week.

Your confidence level may go down because you’re reminded of the past. It can go down for a lot of reasons, to be honest. You should always, always assume that everything thinks you’re hot. As Pook says: “As you think, you shall become”.

I've read the DJB three times! I'm still unsuccessful with women.

Reading the entire Bible is useful and I have provided a five week reading guide for that purpose. Perhaps you are reading it so much you have no time to try the stuff you have learned?

There is absolutely, totally, honestly and completely no way to become better with women than to actually get yourself out there. Not once, not a hundred times, but forever! You will get better only by trying.

Study online:
The DJ Bible and readers’ guide

Can you motivate me to get out there and become better with women?

You will die one day. You may make it to be seventy years old. You want encouragement to live nicely for the next few years? Fine. Get a calculator. Enter the number 75 – for that is the age you are likely to live to be. Take away your current age and then take away 40. That is how many years you have to make the most of your youth, and then its old age pensions and relaxing in a house – you will get to decide over the next few minutes whether or not you spend that time alone or with a sexy wife.

The number is small, isn’t it? Are you going to spend that time, from this point on, just sitting around waiting for a girl? A girl, with a rose in her mouth, knocking at your door and kneeling. A girl with perfect breasts and a tan, asking you to be her husband? You put your beer down and get off the couch, walk up to the girl and embrace her. Cuckoo, Cuckoo.

Ask any older person who is single whether or not they would change their past in any way in regards to women. Their response should be enough bloody encouragement. If you can’t get off your fat backside to even ask an older person that question, then there is absolutely no way I can encourage you.

There is nothing in life more depressing than missing an opportunity. A long time ago, I didn’t even try with certain women that I liked a lot. Thank God you’re still young. I do.

Oh, if you have a negative number…

Are you saying old people can’t DJ?

Not at all, but I’m too young to comment really. If someone provides me with a response for this type of question I’ll have no problem slipping it in. Perhaps from one of our older DJs?

Who is Nicholas Hill?

Me. At the time of writing I am a 19 year old man from the UK, but you may want to consider the fact I turn 20 on the 26th June 2003, which is extremely close! I have been on the DJ site for two years and have learned lots. I administer the DJB and I constantly put myself on the line to get rejected. I am ascending.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK

Can I be Nicholas Hill's new best friend?

If you're a sexy girl, then find me in a pub here in Wales (UK) and buy me a drink. The more you spend, the more you get...

If you're not a sexy girl, then just buy me the drink anyway.

If you're in the UK, by all means contact me at That, of course, is not my main email address. You may have more luck PMing me on the boards.

My post didn't get into the Bible. It's had over a thousand views and a hundred replies! Somethings obviously wrong with your Bible software.

What Bible software? I don't use software to update the DJB. It's all manually administered.

I only ever spoke about this once on the boards, so here is my response:

"Just to clarify on DJB admissions: I normally add five star rating posts (with about 20 people voting) to the Bible that also contain several "This is Bible material!" responses from people I consider very enlightened. They either must be in the tips forum or the archive - Good posts from Discussion are normally moved.

"I don't add many any more and this is because the Bible is full of much useful information already now - good posts are just a way of restating something already said. But I do add posts from time to time. It isn't based on views or replies!"


Pook is a pure form of energy that materialises every two months. It grows hands and mysteriously writes a very long article. It posts this article onto sosuave then returns to its natural state. Many believe he is a God, and that he was once like us. He may have had problems with girls in much the same way you do.

Pook requires that you completely incinerate the offerings bought to him and that no meat is left overnight.

What is social proof?

The answer is best encompassed with examples: When people see you with friends that are possibly good looking, or when a girl enters a room with you holding your arm, or when you a make a circle of new people while others watch – These all equate to social proof. People will think of you exactly what others outwardly think of you.

Can I succeed alone in a club or other social situation?

It is possible but it involves some techniques that can be hard to learn because you’re already nervous before you enter the club. You should be aware that clubs are literally meat markets – those with tender breast and tasty rump normally get most of the attention and are eaten for supper. The only other way you can work the club is through anything you do visually, such as dancing (which is the most important thing you can learn to do well).

Girls will evaluate you purely on how you look, and of course, if you are able to speak to her afterwards, then she may or may not already have a high opinion of you and we all know how much first impressions count.

Without social proof, you will be forced to make some by yourself in the same night. Girls are guaranteed to notice if you’ve come alone, and it won’t be because you’re dancing alone at that moment. Girls can almost read our minds. They know we’re nervous, and that we’re trying to fit in, and surely you haven’t already forgotten how much of a turn off that is?

Why is a woman’s advice so terrible in this arena?

Girls only ever describe what they want, not what they have gone for in the past. They are not as logical as us, but they do have strengths. Remember, we really do love girls, so you can’t pick on them about their so called “advice” and hate them, and then go for them because you like them. Just keep in mind the fact that their advice is minimally helpful.

We do the same in a limited sense, or rather, we do this less so. We, for example, want girls with big breasts and small tummies. Even if it were biologically possible, I don’t think you’d really want that type of girl if she existed. She wouldn’t look ordinary, yet you equate large breasts with sexiness, and small tummies with sexiness, and think the two can go together.

What do you say to those who criticise the fact that we spend so much time on discussing techniques for interactions with women?

Were you called a w****r in school? Chances are, the man who called you that probably masturbated as well. He was insecure and thought he could remove his own guilt by picking on others.

If it is a girl criticising the method, then listen to them but don’t believe a word. They may have had very abusive boyfriends and they think that blaming all guys is a way of getting back.

Guys who say this are very closed minded. Let them hit rock bottom then flash the torchlight into their face.

What’s your biggest co-up with women?

Saying that a girl I was about to kiss was like my dog, meaning that purely in a “my dog’s so small and cute, faithful, true and lovely” sense. I remember the expression on her face and it was priceless.

Why isn’t there a section on the forum for field reports?

A lot of new people simply refuse to find out whether or not this question has been asked before. It was a good idea, and it was implemented last year as well. It wasn’t used very much, so the section was eventually deleted.

How can I become a good kisser?

The technique is to kiss slowly and gently. Think about only those two words when you are kissing. There are too many guys these days who seem to think that hard kissing is the way. A girl does not often tell you if you are kissing badly!

Study online:
The kissing thread

We’re all grown up, surely we don’t need a swear filter?

You probably aren’t grown up if you feel the need to use explicit words. A lack of English skill is no excuse for the desire to use swear words. There are, of course, some good reasons for the swear filter, such as the fact that sites may be automatically blocked for explicit content from the workplace etc.

- - - - -

To be continued...
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Great post


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score

Nice idea, but I think you went off on too big a tangent along the way. It started well, but it didn't really address all the mainly repeated questions such as "Where to go on first date", "How to tell if she likes me", "How to ask her out", etc.

You could also compact the fitness questions by just giving a link to the H&F Forum, and telling them to use the search engine as most questions have been answered in greater detail there.

The bit about Pook as well...I would do it like this :

Pook? Anti-Dump?

Two of the *many* people who have contributed to the wealth of information available on this board. It can be accessed by using the Search function or browsing through the Archive and the Bible.

Also, please refrain from having virtual orgasms by posting "OOOHHH YESSS GREAT!!!" and "YARR WHEE POOK!" and "OMG BRILLIANT THX!!" whenever you happen to see a post by Pook or by anyone else for that matter who happened to post something you liked reading. It is really not good for your personal development if you get a stiffy just from reading this forum.

And if you do want to contact a specific poster, use the Private Message system. Do not create a new thread just to attract their attention.

Some other things :


I've learned a lot and want to post a tip!

Good for you. However before you post a "new" tip, ask yourself these questions :
  • Is this really a tip or a question?
  • Will this be helpful to the community?
  • Can I summarise this tip in one sentence?
  • Has it or something similar to it been posted before?

If you want to discuss something, post it in the Don Juan Discussion forum. If you cannot summarise it in one sentence, is it because of your writing or because it's a really extensive tip? If it's the former, kindly summarise it. It makes it easier to digest and your wisdom can therefore help many more people. And if it or something similar has been posted, is there really a need to post it again?

I posted a tip and it didn't make it into the Bible!

Either Nicholas hasn't gotten around to adding it or it's just not a good enough post. Either way, DO NOT pester him to add it just because you think it's the best.

Is there any way to guarantee my post makes it into the DJB?

No. And don't post just to get in anyway. That only results in substandard tips and broken egos. You post tips because they will benefit the others. And ask yourself the above questions before you post a tip.

Stuff like that.

Anyway, good idea, but of course can be added to and edited. Thanks!

- Raoul


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
I say lay off the sarcastic stuff and be more to the point. You wouldn't want AFCs to think you're fooling around with them. They are fragile at their stage y'know :D


Senior Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Nice post, Nicholas Hill! I appreicate your taking the time.

I would like to find out if you could give me a sample weekly diet that is designed to build up your body (let alone muscles, I don't even have much meat!) I think I have a fairly attractive face, but I'm too skinny...Just working out wouldn't make me bigger though, since I'm so thin, would it?

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
For working out and bulking up, just eat MORE, and keep off the crappy foods.

Also, more than 30 minutes is okay. I generally workout for 50 minutes and get great results from that.

Great FAQ overall!

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
davelmn2003 - I wouldnt know what type of diet to put you on because I dont know your current state. I'm not the expert on diets, but I did notice a [quicker] difference with the addition of lots of eggs, meat, full milk etc.

Thanks for those extra questions + answers Raoul, I'll surely add those.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
Good job, Nick!

Re the workout questions

What is the best way to workout

As a beginner your priority is to learn good technique with free-weight (dumbells and barbells) exercises. A good beginning program would be 3 sets of 10 3 times a week on the following exercises:
Squats, Deadlifts, Shoulder Press, Pulldowns, Bench Press, Crunches

After 6-8 weeks, you should be seeing some results, but the priority here is more to create a foundation to big gains. If you skip this process, while u may accelerate your progress in the short term, you are more likely to injure yourself, or mess up the technique when the weights get heavy, thus failing to stimulate the target muscles. Focus on cleaning up your diet and eating more protein, but there is no need for weight-gainers and excessive food at this stage.

After this time, you can start to get big gains in muscle mass.
Cut down your work in the gym, to 30 minute sessions 3x weekly.
Popular routines are splitting it into three sessions:
Mon: Legs/Back Wed: Chest/Shoulders Fri: Arms

A slightly different routine which I had a lot of success on is:
Mon: Chin 3x6 Shoulder Press 3x6-8 Deadlift 3x10 Crunch 3x10
Wed: Dips 3x6-8 (or bench press) Barbell Row 3x8-12 Squat 2x15 Barbell Curls 2x6-8
Fri as for monday

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
The key factors behind a successful routine are:

1) Always using perfect exercise technique
2) Progression: each week you should be doing more reps or using more weight on the bar
3) Food: When past foundation stage, if you want to gain, you need a lot of food. This amount depends on your build and age.
The only way to accurately gauge how much you need is to estimate what you are already eating (3 days of a food diary and calculate average daily intake) and add 300 calories. Give this a week or two and if your weight remains unchanged, add another 300 calories, continue this process until you are gaining around 1lb a week.

If you are very skinny and tall, then you will need to get up to 4000+ calories a day, when you are working hard, in order to put on muscle. If you are on the more rounded side, then I would suggest you aim to lose fat by using a similar program, and adding weight whenever possible, but by using cardio, and decreased food intake (2000-2500 calories) aim to lose a lb a week. Once you are relatively lean, focus on building muscle.

Hope this helps.

StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
Nice post.

My only beef with you is the 30 minute workouts 3 times a week. No way, that's the stuff they advertise on TV. 20 minutes a day 3 times per week. F*** that. You gotta bust your ass for a good hour on 1-2 body parts, each part 3 days apart. That's what I do and my results are great. I also work on my abs 3-4 times a week, sometimes after every workout which could be up to 5 times per week.

My arms take an hour

Chest takes about an hour

Back and Shoulders is 45 to an hour

Legs (Vertical jumping program) 15 minutes

Abs 20 minutes (doesn't hurt if abs are worked out 5 times a week)



Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
For the workout section, you could just post the links to both of DIESEL's threads: Bulking up and Cutting up.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
Guys, remember, it's the DJ FAQ, not the Fitness FAQ.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
Point taken, Raoul. Still, weightlifting and building your body is a fine pursuit for a Don Juan. Through these endeauvours you develop self-confidence, increase testosterone, develop courage and self-discipline, learn to harness aggression, and improve your looks dramatically.

Sheldon hypothesised that their was a clear link between bodytype and character traits. I do not have the time to dig up all the research, but from what I have seen in the real world, there seems to be some basis to this.

And yes, a link to Diesel's threads would be useful, for those too lazy to click a few buttons to get to the sticky on the H&F forum.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
Grande Prairie
Good post, sadly I stopped reading half way through the first portion. Im sure the rest was really good too :)

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2002
Reaction score
Can i sugest that you add to the "acronyms" section.

Things like LJBF, ONS, HB, & others i can't remember right now. It took me ages to find out what they meant when i 1st read the bible & i'm sure others had that problem too.