1 "I have run out of ways to fail; now I can only succeed!!!"
2 "Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly,your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision!"
"You can't change the past; work with what you've got and make the best of it."
1. Exercise and give yourself goals to meet every week.
2. Approach girls more often (even try Crash & Burn).
3. Write down 3 impressive things you do every day to remind yourself that you're the sh!t and any girl should be so fortunate to even have her presence known around you.
4. Make changes in your appearance that will attract (positive) attention. New haircut or new clothes works.
5. Smile more often.
6. Go on a diet.
7. Classical conditioning.
8. Limit masturbating.
9. Limit fantasizing about girls.
10. Stop watching pornography.
11. Never, ever boast about your sexual conquests.
12. Take dancing/martial arts lessons.
13. Never, ever allow envy to corrupt your perception of things.
14. Stop thinking about women all the time.
15. Stop reading what others brag about with women or learn to genuinely praise them without feelings of self-pity.
16. Eat more fruits.
17. Eat more vegetables.
18. Stop being selfish.
19. Become optimistic.
20. Stop touching your face (ACNE!).
21. Sing to music instead of listening to it.
22. Take a shower and sing.
23. Dance to music.
24. Learn to laugh at yourself.
25. Take insults with a grain of salt.
26. Instead of thinking "What If" all the time, DO IT instead sometmes.
27. Surround yourself with allies (friends, family) more often.
You'll be surprised to find all of these things will make you feel better. I didn't elaborate on any of these points because I felt it was unnecessary. If you don't understand the scientific background behind it, just do it anyways. All of the points are known ways to improve your confidence on a spiritual, emotional, physical and mental level. Do most of these and try to deny the power of improvement...
If anyone has any points to add to the list, please do so.
Here are a few tips you can use to make your life easier when it comes to confronting girls:
1. When you first meet a girl, try to make eye contact with her. When she looks at you, give her a nice, casual smile. Her reaction to this is what can determine whether she is approachable or not.
smiles back
looks down then away
subtely opens up (brushes hair from face, unbuttons jacket, uncrosses arms, leans forward, etc.)
tilts head
increases blinking rate
immediately looks away
turns her head at all
subtely closes up (usually happens with girls who already have boyfriends)
keeps staring
looks away (but not down first or immediately)
If you can weed out some girls that will shut you down, you can avoid the blow to self-esteem and time wasted when threy give you the shaft.
2. Now that you know which girls to approach, what do you say to them? What kind of opening line can you use without looking silly or stupid?
Answer: "Hi" with a nice, casual smile.
In a research project, 71% of women acknowledged and responded to men who opened up with that line. Needless to say, 100% of men did the same for women who approached and said, "Hi."
Conclusion? The odds are totally in your favor, especially after you've separated some of the 29% from the playing field.
3. OK, now I've really got her attention, but now what do I talk about?
This is usually where most men have the biggest problem: flirting. Here are some basic tips:
Keep the focus of the conversation about her. People love to talk about themselves, especially about their ambitions and dreams.
Try to make cute jokes, but never about her or yourself (example: I'm gay...just kidding!). This is a sign of weakness, especially during a first impression.
Always keep good eye contact, but never stare.
Never talk about guy stuff (cars, sports, sex, etc.) unless she brings it up.
If you need to initiate the conversation, find something unique on her body and ask her about it. My favorite is the design on the T-shirts, especially the part covering the t'its. This is an advertisement, so act like a client.
Only ask open-ended questions.
Avoid topics about politics or relationships.
Always keep the conversation upbeat.
We all know what a good conversation goes like, but we often make the mistake of letting it carry on for too long until the conversation gets boring. Learn to cut it off by telling her you have to take care of something. Ask for her number. If everything went fluidly, you've got yourself a winner.
4. Confidence, confidence, confidence, and, alas, confidence....I can never stress this point enough. You're preceived as you act.
5. Extra tidbits:
Once you feel that vibe between you and a girl, chances are she's feeling the exact same way. Take advantage of this opportunity to touch her arm or hand every now and then when you mention her.
If she initiates the conversation, you're in great luck.
If she's with friends, talk to the group and slowly narrow the conversation down to her, exclusively. It'll make her feel really special to be exclusive.
Never complain about anything unless you mean to joke (don't even try talking about the difference between sexes).
Stand still when you talk to her, and try not to make too many movements with your hands.
As we all should know by now, wait at least 3-4 days before calling her back.
Anytime you feel your insecurities holding you back, tell yourself, "I only live life once!" under your breath. Put your head down, full-steam ahead, and don't even look back!
If you've read this far, you have the ambition to succeed with girls. Go get 'em, Tiger!
I'm sure most of you are saying "duh, moron" at the moment, but let me finish here. I just figured out what "advice" is used for. The mere point here is that confidence comes with experience. BOMBSHELL WARNING: Any techniques you learn or read about are nothing more than a placebo. A placebo is like a sugar pill. It psychologically makes you believe you are doing better, hence the increase in confidence. Confidence is comfort. Comfort comes with experience. Using techniques to approach girls (experience) will make you more comfortable. You follow?
It's that annoying thing in your head that deters you from doing what you want. You must get rid of it! Throw your inhibitions to the floor! Do something that you would normally believe takes a lot of guts to do. Keep telling yourself you're going to do it. F*ck the pessimism going through your head! DO IT! Feel the adrenaline rush through your body as you begin to experience a euphoric high. Realize doing things like this will always make you feel this good! Become addicted to the high. It's good for you! Do it to the point where you channel out your shame.
Now it's time to approach girls with NO REGRETS!
Also, realize that each stage of the courtship requires experience and comfort before success can be attained.
Go get 'em, Tiger!
This is a tip that few people know about, but works very effectively:
When you smile, you physiologically raise the number of endorphines in your body, making you happier. Surprisingly, forcing yourself to smile has the same effect. The same goes for frowning and serotonin. Try it if you don't believe me.
Now go look in the mirror and give yourself the c0ckiest, most confident, bad-boyish kind of sneer. Use your eyes and other features to accentuate that c0cky look. When you feel like getting in the mood, put this face on anytime and start approaching girls. Surprisingly, you'll find your confidence at a high level, a combination of your body's natural reaction to the sneer and sometime's that "jerk" look girls respond to better than the "nice guy." Use few, small words, and lots of slang (like 'K instead of OK).
You don't necessarily need to use the bad boy image at the end, but remember that the sneer does physiologically raise your confidence.