The Dating Dialectic


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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I take it that many men come here after learning the harsh and painful truths of a history of pandering to women. We put women at the center, and spent our lives revolving around them like a planet around the sun. We put women on a pedestal, and suffered the consequences.

Yet, it is our propensity to be overly logical and analytical, and we then fall susceptible to binary opposites. The pendulum swings, and we react; where once woman controlled everything, now the 'frame' is to be set completely by us. In this Copernican Revolution, the woman is to revolve around us. If she fails to comply and submit to that frame, we dismiss her to outer regions.

Perhaps this a necessary corrective for the bewildered [and perhaps traumatized] man first emerging to light after a long captivity, but it can hardly be a set of doctrines on which he is to base his future dating life on.

I think there is a third way, a more mature, balanced and flexible one, where the man does indeed set the frame and lead, but also adapts his manner and policy to the particular woman he happens to be dating at the time. In Game this is called 'calibration', but I think this has only very lightly been touched on. I also think when the emphasis is put on LEADING then Game becomes more like a Dance, a dialectic between two people. Just as ten different men will have ten different ways, or styles, of courting a woman, so too then different woman will have ten different ways of responding to that courtship.

The problem with taking an overly rigid frame from the outset is you will have to approach a lot of woman before you find a few willing to submit outright to it. They may just be the so-called low-hanging fruit. The more quality women, who may have been intrigued yet required a little patience and effort [flexibility], could have been rejected way too soon simply on some dogmatic preconception of how things should proceed.

So courting a woman becomes a more dialectic process. We do not denigrate ourselves to her whims, nor do we dogmatically state from the start how the interaction will play out. We will let it play. The great thing about a dance is both parties get swept up in it. Any romantics still out there?

No doubt this approach will appeal to some, and not to others. The approach you develop will no doubt depends your stances and circumstances. The main point here is there is no one cookie-cutter approach for all.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
Opposites are just two sides of the same coin.

Our ego likes to think that if we dominate and lead, we are somehow better or more valuable than the people we lead and dominate.

In all honesty, we are as depended on the people we think we lead as we think they are depended on us. This is because without them we wouldnt be feeling that we are dominating someone, leading someone. So if there was nobody to lead, our ego wouldnt feel the satisfying feeling of leading someone. We are as depended on women as we think they are on us!

Also, we can only hate people that we deep down love. Deep down we care about them. You never hate a stranger. So all the hatred towards women on this forum just shows how important women are to us.

Understanding this will lead to a more mature way of living: life becomes a dance rather than a game! Dance is more beautiful and game is just a way to hypnotize people into thinking that something important is not as important as it is. Women are important to me as much as food and sleep is. Sex and sexuality is absolutely natural and a dance.