The dark-side of spinning more plates (casual dating multiple people) is that you increase your risk of contacting an STD. I won't scare you with your own research.
Going bareback is the preferred method for mutual, optimum enjoyment. It is possible to contact a virus through oral. Regardless of what people look like, their lifestyle, hygiene level or claim that they are STD free, they may be a carrier and not even be aware. At present, there is no cure for such viral infections like (herpes simplex, aids, genital warts, etc). There are some prescriptions available to treat the symptoms but they are costly. Lets take a closer look plausible scenarios at having un-protected sex.
1) YOU CONTACT AN STD-skin to skin contact does not take very long for symptoms to manifest themselves. You could begin to see breakouts around/on your vital genital area’s. Sores that resemble large acne spots or worse begin to spread, irritation, itching and pain begins. Even if they go away temporarily they often reappear.
2) SEX STOPS-very few people will find your open sores attractive. Kiss oral sex goodbye, and even with a condom sex is not like it once was.
3) SPREAD THE STD-a common misconception is just because there is no signs of an external breakout it’s okay to engage in unprotected sex. If your partner contacts the virus you will be reluctant to give them oral. It’s not only the law to inform your partner but an ethical issue.
4) PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS-if she finds out and got it from you……drama increases. If they do continue to date you, spontaneous sex has to be planned around breakouts. It could cause psychological impotency. If you part ways her life is changed forever. Withholding or hiding the truth from others may cause more stress.
5) REPUTATION-they may dump you instantly, they will wonder why you kept it a secret, are you sleeping with anyone else, they will inform everyone, they may even want to extract a little revenge onto you, etc.
So when can you have unprotected sex………….well until they find a cure it’s best to stick with the condom for now. Keep in mind, condoms are not full-proof, they do break, leak, slip off, etc. Recent new enhancements in the condom industry have increased the pleasure. One example is the vibrating condom others include a more natural look and feel.
If you are dating exclusively and choose to have mutual sex without a condom, ideal situation is for both of you to get a fully tested regularly.
REMEMBER NO GLOVE---NO LOVE. Keep em on hand and do use them!!
Going bareback is the preferred method for mutual, optimum enjoyment. It is possible to contact a virus through oral. Regardless of what people look like, their lifestyle, hygiene level or claim that they are STD free, they may be a carrier and not even be aware. At present, there is no cure for such viral infections like (herpes simplex, aids, genital warts, etc). There are some prescriptions available to treat the symptoms but they are costly. Lets take a closer look plausible scenarios at having un-protected sex.
1) YOU CONTACT AN STD-skin to skin contact does not take very long for symptoms to manifest themselves. You could begin to see breakouts around/on your vital genital area’s. Sores that resemble large acne spots or worse begin to spread, irritation, itching and pain begins. Even if they go away temporarily they often reappear.
2) SEX STOPS-very few people will find your open sores attractive. Kiss oral sex goodbye, and even with a condom sex is not like it once was.
3) SPREAD THE STD-a common misconception is just because there is no signs of an external breakout it’s okay to engage in unprotected sex. If your partner contacts the virus you will be reluctant to give them oral. It’s not only the law to inform your partner but an ethical issue.
4) PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS-if she finds out and got it from you……drama increases. If they do continue to date you, spontaneous sex has to be planned around breakouts. It could cause psychological impotency. If you part ways her life is changed forever. Withholding or hiding the truth from others may cause more stress.
5) REPUTATION-they may dump you instantly, they will wonder why you kept it a secret, are you sleeping with anyone else, they will inform everyone, they may even want to extract a little revenge onto you, etc.
So when can you have unprotected sex………….well until they find a cure it’s best to stick with the condom for now. Keep in mind, condoms are not full-proof, they do break, leak, slip off, etc. Recent new enhancements in the condom industry have increased the pleasure. One example is the vibrating condom others include a more natural look and feel.
If you are dating exclusively and choose to have mutual sex without a condom, ideal situation is for both of you to get a fully tested regularly.
REMEMBER NO GLOVE---NO LOVE. Keep em on hand and do use them!!